look at the shadow
look how loyal it is
follow u anywhere
always be there for you
but why you keep chasing other's?
think twice
your shadow never fade away
eventhough there's no light around you
trust !
you can never be alone
but you never notice
your heart is blinded by your stupid hope
*tadak ayat nk prabih. aku nk ckp aku nk jd bayang org tu. tp tadak ayat yg cantik nk boh. so, biaq tergendala dh la nooo hahaha
Monday, January 30, 2012
pagi tadi saya mimpi saya call awak. wtf! tk penah2 mimpi cmtu. tp sblum call awak tu saya tersalah call orglen. suara lembut gilaaaaaaaa. hahaha. tu ja yg saya ingat.
-the end
-the end
Sunday, January 29, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
kami suka melawak kasaq, anda bagaimana?

ada bnyk lg yg aku takdan nk print screen. ni gmbaq dari wall post. yg dok cendoi kot IM pn ada. bnyk dh yg aku print screen. tp dok dlm album myspace aku. nnt aku upload. haha
Saturday, January 21, 2012
Saturday, January 7, 2012

pukimak, time aku tgh "fast hand" ni la nk maintenance pn. fuck! aku tk puaih hati lg wlupn aku dh rank 96. lg tk dpt rank "god of tetris", smpai lebam la aku main. haha
Friday, January 6, 2012
Wednesday, January 4, 2012
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
my idol ♥
Little Johnny said to his Aunt Tess, "My God, you're ugly, aren't you!"
His mother overheard this and pulled Johnny into the kitchen.
"You naughty boy!" she screamed, "How can you say to your aunt that she's ugly! You go right in and apologize to her! Tell her you're sorry!"
Little Johnny entered the living room, walked over to his aunt and said, "Aunt Tess, I am sorry you're so ugly."
His mother overheard this and pulled Johnny into the kitchen.
"You naughty boy!" she screamed, "How can you say to your aunt that she's ugly! You go right in and apologize to her! Tell her you're sorry!"
Little Johnny entered the living room, walked over to his aunt and said, "Aunt Tess, I am sorry you're so ugly."
Lil Lee
baik hati
sweet talker
smua tu bkn aku. klu nk cari org yg mcm tu, p tgk movie genre romentik.
noob !
baik hati
sweet talker
smua tu bkn aku. klu nk cari org yg mcm tu, p tgk movie genre romentik.
Monday, January 2, 2012
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