Sunday, October 28, 2012


i choose this way
even i have to endure the pain
and take some pieces of your problem
i'm happy

thank you for loving me
i'm glad that we're together
our love become stronger

*erghh tk abeh. tadak idea

Saturday, October 27, 2012


maaf, skarang agak sibuk. tadak masa nk post entry baru. sori to say. haha

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Top Eleven Be a Football Manager tips

hello guys,

i want to share some tips for you guys. maybe this tips is very helpful for newbie(Level 1) who don't have much money to buy player, but at the same time they have alot of token.

ok, follow this shit below

1. sell player that you don't want to use (etc; low quality)
2. sell player that have high Market Value so you can buy a better player at lower price in the transfer market.
3. buy Free Agent player at transfer market and sell it. all i want to say is, DO NOT WASTE YOUR FUCKING TOKEN TO MAKE BANK LOAN.
4. DON'T BECOME TOO GREEDY. don't aim for the expensive free agent player. you'll waste your token bcos you're not the only one who knows this easy-money guide.

i give you an example. i bought this free agent player at transfer market. this player value is 810k(F). its not just me who bid this player at that time so i waste about 4 token to fucking win the bid.

after that, i sell it to my 2nd account.

see, easy money. 4 token for 736k$. if you use BANK LOAN, you'll waste 25 token for 800k$. LOL! what a waste.

thats all for today. if you got anything else to ask, just comment me :)

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


kadang2 aku fikir yg hidup kita ni hanyalah satu mimpi n skarang ni kita tgh koma. hahaha. banyak tgk dvd jd cmni la :p banyak sangat dugaan yg datang smpai aku boleh terfikir cmtu. haha. semua org ada masalah. aku pun ada masalah. tapi kadang2 aku jeles tgk kawan2 yg lain. wlupn ada masalah, bleh la gelak2 mcm biasa. dulu aku cmtu. tp skarang tak lagi. hampir tiap2 kali aku mintak doa time lpas sembahyang, msti aku nangeh. kalau aku crita kt kawan2, msti depa gelak. tau dh. haha. ssh dpt kawan yg prihatin ni. hahaha

mls nk tulis pnjg2. bkn ada org nk baca pn :p


banyak benda yg dh berubah sekarang. yes, people change. klu perubahan kearah kebaikkan tu, alhamdulillah la kan. klu kearah kejahatan tu, hmm tktau nk ckp cmna.

aku rindukn zaman dulu. bila birthday kwn2, sambut dengan tepung n telur. skarang tak lagi. skarang dh mula "berparty". dunia akhir zaman, cmni la kot. aku tak ckp yg aku ni baik. aku pn penah terjebak dlu. tp alhamdulillah, dh berubah sikit demi sedikit. thank you awak. thanks for changing my life. jujur ckp, dlu aku tk sembahyang n dlu aku tak pernah nk fikir ttg masa depan. dlm kepala otak aku ni pikir nk enjoy ja. 

skarang aku dh tk mcm tu. alhamdulillah. semoga tuhan kuatkan iman aku. aku takmau jadi mcm dlu dh. aku dh mula sedar n dh mula berfikir ttg masa depan. semua sebab dia. lepas jumpa dia aritu, aku dh janji dgn diri aku yg aku akan sembahyang n berubah. aku pecaya yg dia lah jodoh aku sebab bila aku dgn dia, aku mampu berubah tanpa disuruh oleh dia. tapi banyak pula dugaan yg datang. semoga tuhan kuatkan semangatku. org ckp, semakin dekat kita dgn Allah, semakin banyak dugaan yg datang sebab Allah nk uji kita. aku percaya semua ni hanyalah dugaan. org ckp, klu niat kita baik, insyaallah tuhan akan tolong kn? sebab tu la wlupn skarang ni banyak ja dugaan yg datang, aku tk give up. yes, pernah rasa utk give up. tp aku sayangkn dia, aku sayangkn hubungan kami. i have to be strong. lgpun aku dh janji dgn dia yg aku tkkan give up. cmna pn dugaan yg datang, aku akan kuatkan semangat aku. 

"kadang-kadang ALLAH menjarakkan hubungan kita , kemudian DIA datangkan dugaan , puas kita menangis , mencari dan merindui orang yang kita sayang. rupanya ALLAH nak menghadiahkan kita RINDU yang berpanjangan agar kita tahu erti KESABARAN"

Saturday, September 22, 2012


when you say "i love you too", then you're automatically become the main source of my joy and my pain.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

True story !

Ciri - ciri Online Gamers :
1. Jarang keluar rumah
2. Jarang punya awek
3. Jarang sms
4. Walaupun ada awek , pasti jarang berduaan (sibuk gan game)

Tapi lelaki Gamers itu :

• Agak manja
• Banyak kawan
• Jarang sedih
• Walaupun ada awek , pasti tidak akan curang , dan setianya seperti setia sama game nya, kerana jarang berjumpe, sekali jumpe mesti rindu

Jangan asal menilai bahawa Gamers itu buruk.

copy paste -.-"


"if you're Jessie, then i'll be James. together we will form a team. Team Rocket! don't surrender, we'll fight together" - Little Lee

Sunday, September 9, 2012

a song

sedang menghabiskan sisa-sisa lagu yg belum siap. mesti siapkannya jgk. apa pn yg bakal terjadi, wa terima. hahaha. tp sebelum semua tu jadi, at least wa nak bg ada sesuatu utk menjadi bekalan di masa depan. kali ni tkmau jadi mcm dulu dh, this is not just talk. cewah :p

Saturday, September 8, 2012

when i'm gone

one day
when you call my name
i can't answer it
when you need me
i'm not there
when you're so down
i can't cheer you up
when you sick
i can't tell you to eat medicine anymore
when you sad
i can't make you laugh
when you bored
i can't sing you song till you fell asleep
no more guitar lesson..

the day will come
and i hope you'll understand that i'm no longer yours
i swear that i love you
but that time, i'm no longer breathing
our forever is over
i'm sorry

when i'm gone
promise me that you won't cry
you have to be strong
stand on your feet
i know you can

now i'm still here
don't cry
from now on
i want you to appreciate every little things that i do
while i'm here
i swear that i'll do anything for you
i swear that i'll do anything to make you smile
every little things that i do, it's all because of you
appreciate me while i'm here, while we're together..

Friday, September 7, 2012

Top Eleven be a Football Manager

utk pengetahuan anda semua, saya dah pencen dari arena "online games". main game pn jarang dah. skarang bnyk komitmen. haha. tapi skarang ni saya gila main Top Eleven be a Football Manager kt facebook. ini bertujuan utk mengisi masa lapang. tidak seperti "online games" yg lain, Top Eleven be a Football Manager ini tidak membuatkan saya menjadi useless bastard seperti dulu. tidak perlu melangut depan pc berjam-jam. haha. malas nk mereben panjang2 hahaha.

syok bak ang men game tu. dlm team aku ada player nama V Parsie -.-" kembar Van Persie agaknya. hahaha. kawan2 bnyk dh masuk blajaq, tinggai la aku kt sini dgn beberapa lagi rakan. Top Eleven be a Football Manager ni la yg dok teman aku dikala kesunyian. cewah. haha. tapi mental koyak jgk la men game ni. kdg2 kalah bid player, abeh token abang. dhla token dpt 1 ari 1 ja -______-"

tu ja kot, mls nk crita pnjg. bkn ada org nk baca pn hahaha

how much

how much that i love you?
how much that i need you?
ask me, ask me
you never asked
but you asked me to trust
yes i did
i don't know what to do

take my hand
hold me

*tk abeh hahaha

between you and me

do you feel what i feel?
do you know what i think?
can you read through my mind?
i can't read yours
i don't know how you feel
i don't know what you think
i don't know what to do
just hoping that you still care

you don't have to bury the hate inside me
coz i'll deny it
you want, say
you don't, say
fill the empty spaces
don't leave it blank

Sunday, August 26, 2012

no toy

a heart is not a toy
so don't play with it
treat it well
one little scar can change everything
if trust is lost
relationships fracture and all may not be forgiven
maybe you don't see it now
because you don't know how
you kill what you hate
you take what you want
you know nothing
and now..
open. your. eyes.
it's time..

Saturday, August 25, 2012

IU ♥

im tired im busy
i wasn't there when you need me
im alone im not strong
but i always sing you our song
before you sleep when you sick
i always want to be with you
i didn't call coz im afraid
im afraid that im "annoying"
but when i sit here all alone
waiting for your text
waiting for your call
did you know what im thinking?
no you don't
it's okay
i used to be alone
in this room

im tired of pretending
like i don't care
like im not scared
i want to tell you how i feel
i want to ask you how you feel
but im afraid of losing
but i loved you from the start

- IU ♥

Friday, August 24, 2012


Lagi dekat kita dengan Allah, lagi banyak dugaan yg kita dapat. Ya Allah, kuatkanlah semangat aku untuk menempuhi segala dugaan yg kau berikan. Tunjukkanlah aku jalan yg benar. Permudahkanlah segala urusan harianku. Lindungilah aku dari kecelakaan. Amin

Thursday, August 23, 2012



malam, gelap
bulan meneranginya
tiada bulan, pasti sepi
dalam kegelapan

kegelapan, bukan selalu
matahari pasti datang
tapi kegelapan itu pasti
datang setiap hari

ada baik ada buruk
kita kena terima
walaupun terpaksa
kita kena percaya
kerana semua ini ketentuanNya

*paksaan ; penderitaan


hari raya yg tak meriah. tapi boleh la nk enjoy2 wlupn sebentar bersama rakan2. malam2 pn aku tak lepak sangat dh. yala, pagi keja. btw, raya kali ni wlupn tak meriah, tapi sangat bermakna dlm hidup aku. semoga raya tahun depan pn sama jgk. insyaallah :)

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Selamat Hari Raya

mungkin raya kali ni tak semeriah raya tahun lepas. tapi raya kali ni tersangatlah bermakna bagi aku. kenapa? mna bleh abaq. suma nk abaq kt ampa, tadak rahsia jgk la aku cmni. haha. raya kali ni aku ada jasa sket la dlm family. aku dah tak jd useless bastard. yay :)

raya kali ni aku amek cuti 1 ari ja. raya pertama sahaja. raya kedua dan seterusnya aku keja. tak sempat rehat sgt pn. tp tkpa la, bln puasa dh bnyk abeskan duit. lpas puasa cari duit balik aa. this is what we called business.

btw, selamat hari raya kepada rakan2 dan juga kepada sesiapa saja yg dok "kelebek" blog ni. mohon seribu sembilan ratus empat puluh lima kali kemaafan. semoga kalian semua dimurahkan rezeki :)

Monday, August 20, 2012

Shopping raya.

agak lambat update. sibuk mengerjakan kerja. haha. gelak tawa sebelum raya. terpaksa :)

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Torres pantang kalah

tahniah Chelsea. tahniah juga buat Torres. wakakaka. wlupn Torres agak useless dlm team, tp dia berjasa kotttttt. tanpa dia, Chelsea belum tentu layak p final uefa. mls nk crita pnjg2 sb aku bkn sokong Chelsea. aku sokong Torres ja. haha

Sunday, May 6, 2012


lama gila tak bukak blogspot. mcm2 dh berubah. haha. saya agak bz skarang. tkleh nk pikiaq idea. sori to say. tu ja, tata :)

Sunday, April 22, 2012


i'll give up soon
i'm tired of waiting
i can pretend to smile
but pain doesn't lie

Sunday, April 15, 2012

thanks mates ♥

igtkn ampa dah lupa birthday aku sb sekoq pn tk wish. agak sedih la. rupanya ampa dh plan nk prank aku. anyway, thanks. sayang ampa weh :)

ni plak hadiah besday yg aku dapat. thanks cacat. sedap kot coklat ni haha :P

terima kasih kawan2. walaupun tiap2 ari dok brtengkaq, dok lawan kutuk, tp ampa tk lupa kt aku. terharu weh haha. because of you guys, i know that i'm not alone. thanks ♥

Saturday, April 14, 2012


A : pc penuh
B : pc 17?
A : ada org
B : pc 18?
A: ada org. pc penuh
B : ooo penuh(dengan nada kecewa)
A : -.-"

Saturday, April 7, 2012

gila !

kerja kerja kerja. 3 syif aku sapu. 8pagi - 5ptg, 1pagi - 8pagi, 8pagi - 5ptg. gap time 5ptg - 1pagi tu kononnya aku nk balik tidoq sat sb pkui 1pagi tu nk masuk keja plak. tp tkleh tidoq. shit gilaaaa. terpaksa bertarung sehingga 5ptg laa jwbnya.

esok besday aku. tp tktau la sapa yg ingat. harap2 dapat hadiah. aku berharap bleh dapat number phone :-B time besday aku tu. mati akai dh nk mintak cmna. dari malu, sampai skarang dh tkda rasa malu nk mintak. tapi direject jgk. hahahahaha. tp tkpa, aku rambo kotttttt :P

"my hope is high as tree. once i fall down, it takes few months/years to recover" - Little Lee
(bila sebut dengaq mcm sedap, tapi aku rasa mcm ada kesalahan ja ni haha -.-")

Sunday, April 1, 2012


selamat datang April. semoga berada dlm keadaan sihat belaka. tiada yg istimewa di bulan April ni kecuali hari jadi saya dan songkran(pesta air).

mungkin saya dapat 1 hadiah istimewa pada hari jadi saya nanti. lama mana dh tk dpt hadiah ni. bagi p la 1 kt aku. pls? haha. mungkin bulan April ni aku bakal dapat bnyk duit dan bnyk habiskan duit. ya la, kawan2 dah cuti sem. mesti kerap melepak, karaoke, tengok wayang dan juga berjalan-jalan.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

"i'm not in rush. i'm just afraid of losing you"

- Little Lee

Thursday, March 29, 2012


sejarah mungkin berulang. adakah aku mampu bertahan? mungkin ya mungkin tidak. jika aku tak mampu untuk bertahan, mungkin aku akan menjadi seperti dulu. who knows? -.-"

Sunday, March 25, 2012

i hate cold, but Rylai is in different case ♥

secara jujurnya, aku tak tahan sejuk. mungkin sebab badan aku kurang isi. haha. secara jujurnya, aku juga seorang yang pemalas. tapi aku perlu bekerja untuk mencari duit. nak enjoy kena ada duit. haha. tapi kerja yang aku buat ni kena duduk dlm tempat yg ada aircond. agak shit juga lah nasib aku ni.

dah lama aku tak demam. tapi hari ni aku demam. mungkin "aura" aircond yg telah menyebabkan aku demam. aku dari pukul 12tgh hari, sampai sekarang (7:21a.m) masih belum pulang dan masih bertarung dengan kesejukkan. haha. tekak kering, hidung berdarah, mata sudah kuyu, badan lenguh. memang pakej 4 in 1 la. lagi power dari nescafe!

bila tak sihat ni, macam2 yg bermain di fikiran. teringin juga utk aku menjerit. tapi apa yang penting, aku perlukan seseorang. nak message sapa pun taktau. haha. time2 macam ni, bagus kalau ada awek(bukan awek contract). ada jugak tempat mengadu. time2 mcm ni lah baru ada perasaan cemburu kat kawan2. tambah2 Lan, 24jam henset tk lekang dari tangan. dah la awek segak. haha :P


if i could..
talk to you again
meet you again
hold your hand when you're cold
look into your eyes when you're crying
laugh together with you
i wish i could

i don't want to see you fucking lie to me anymore
it's fucking hurt

*tk abeh


ok, hari khamis aritu kami buat keja pembersihan. dari pkui 6ptg smpai pkui 3.30pagi. letih gilaaaaaaa. lenguh 1 badan. 3 ari dh ni susah nk jalan. paha sakit. shit btoi. td time aku kt gg, paed suh aku amek dia. moto aku parking kt atas. time aku nk p amek paed tu, ada sorang awek dok tggu kt dpn moto aku. comeyyyyyyyyy. hahaha

dhla paha sakit, nk tolak moto tu agak susah plak sb lantai tk sama tinggi. aku dok prosah dok tolak moto p blakang, tp tk larat. last2 aku suh baun tlg tarik. tiba2 ja awek tu gelak kt aku. mybe dia gelak kt aku sb aku tk larat nk tolak moto kot. shit btoi, malu selapih. hahaha

Friday, March 16, 2012


people change. aku tau tu. tp, hg mampu ka? aku rasa hg tk mampu. ok? sekian.

it's like you went to hell and build a snowman, girl :)

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

fact !

Tuesday, March 6, 2012


it's funny how hello always ends with a goodbye
it's funny how good memories can start to make you cry
it's funny how forever never really seems to last
it's funny how much you`d lose if you forgot about your past
it's funny how friends can just leave you when you`re down
it's funny how when you need someone they`re never around
it's funny how people change and think they`re so much better
it's funny how many lies can be packed in one "love letter"
it's funny how people forgive even though they can't forget
it's funny how one night can contain so much regret
it's funny how ironic life turns out to be

Sunday, March 4, 2012


begitu sukar utk membaca fikiran orang
mungkin kau tak faham aku
mungkin juga aku tak faham kau
tapi 1 benda yg aku faham
aku diperlukan bila kau "sakit"
ya, aku mampu buat kau ketawa
tapi sampai bila? sampai bila?

aku tidak meminta balasan
tapi kau harus ingat
aku juga ada perasaan
susah senangku, ada kau ambil peduli?

*tk abeh

Saturday, March 3, 2012


what's the point of being friends
when i need your help
and you not there
where the fuck are you?
i'm dying
i'm bleeding
all you do is laughing

what's the point of being friends
you never grab my hand when i'm falling
don't you remember how i treated you when you're so down?

*err tk abeh, tadak idea. heh

Monday, February 27, 2012

congratulation dear friend
i never thought you made this far
congratulation again
you create this scar

*ala, tadak idea hahaha

Saturday, February 25, 2012


did you realize that i never use "goodbye" words before?
for me, goodbye is a mean words
i never use it bcos i don't want to see you hurt
but now everything change
i'll say goodbye instead of hello
when goodbye means forever
i'll never talk to you anymore
goodbye darling, farewell

i don't want to waste another tears
i'll sleep
let the dream ends tonight
there's nothing left to fight

i won't walk away crying
but it's time to say goodbye
promises are dead
like the fallen angel

*tk abeh n mls sambung

Friday, February 24, 2012


tak perlu nk jadi anjing kt sini. aku malas nk tulis panjang. nnt hg kecik ati. ckup la stakat ni. bleh paham kot nooo? :)

Thursday, February 23, 2012


life is like a kite
flying in the wind
with the strings
oh its so mean

i want to be free
i want to see the world
i want to have some fun
like my friends do

but then after i think twice
i dont want to cut the strings
im afraid i will landed on the ocean
drowning in the sea

*tk abeh


you know i don't want to be clever
to be brilliant or superior
true like ice, true like fire
now i know that a breeze can blow me away
now i know there's much more dignity
in defeat than in the brightest victory
i'm losing my balance on the tight rope
tell me please, tell me please, tell me please..

Sunday, February 19, 2012

catchy songs list part 5

this is the list of the catchy song that i know. before this i just share all of these songs to the person that i like only. so today i decide to share with all of you guys. if u guys know other catchy song, care to share with me?

1. He Is We - All About Us ft. Owl City

2. Brisco ft. Lil Wayne & Jade - By Your Side

3. Relient K - 12 Days of Christmas

4. Avril Lavigne - I Love You

5. Marie Digby - I Do

6. Marie Digby - Your Love

7. Extreme - More Than Words

8. Marie Digby - Say It Again

9. Marie Digby - Feel(Acoustic)

10. Marie Digby - stupid For You

catchy songs list part 4

this is the list of the catchy song that i know. before this i just share all of these songs to the person that i like only. so today i decide to share with all of you guys. if u guys know other catchy song, care to share with me?

1. Kate Voegele - Forever And Almost Always

2. We Are The In Crowd - Never Be What You Want

3. From First To Last - Emily

4. A Rocket To The Moon - Like We Used To

5. Train - For Me It's You

6. Beulah - Popular Mechanics For Lovers

7. The Academy Is - About a Girl

8. A Rocket To The Moon - Fear of Flying

9. Disco Curtis - Surprise Me

10. Plug In Stereo ft. Cady Groves - Oh Darling

catchy songs list part 3

this is the list of the catchy song that i know. before this i just share all of these songs to the person that i like only. so today i decide to share with all of you guys. if u guys know other catchy song, care to share with me?

1. Elliot Minor - Parallel Worlds

2. There For Tomorrow - No More Room To Breathe

3. Bob Pepek - Open Your Heart

4. Cauterize - Shooting Stars

5. Airplanes - I Love You

6. Lenka - Maybe I Love You

7. Among This All - Last Kiss Last Goodbye

8. Sail By the Stars - I Wish I May, I Wish I Might

9. The Honey Trees - Love & Loss

10. The Real You - The Truth About Liars

catchy songs list part 2

this is the list of the catchy song that i know. before this i just share all of these songs to the person that i like only. so today i decide to share with all of you guys. if u guys know other catchy song, care to share with me?

1. Ten and 2 - A Bird A Sparrow

2. You, Me and Everyone We Know - Sometimes We Have Too Much Fun

3. Phone Calls From Home - Light The Fuse

4. A Cursive Memory - The Piano Song

5. Avion Roe - Hollow Hearts

6. The Early November - Sunday Drive

7. The View - I Love You

8. Icarus the Owl - The Extortionist

9. OK Go - Needing/Getting (must watch)

10. Joshua Radin - Only You

catchy songs list part 1

this is the list of the catchy song that i know. before this i just share all of these songs to the person that i like only. so today i decide to share with all of you guys. if u guys know other catchy song, care to share with me?

1. The Hush Sound - Wine Red

2. Hot Hot Heat - Goodnight Goodnight

3. The Bourjuis - Warm Liking Song

4. Sky Sailing - Brielle

5. Mindy Gledhill - I Do Adore

6. D.H.T - Listen to Your Heart

7. This Condition - I Think I Like You

8. The Fastest Kid Alive - Leavin' This Town

9. Push Play - Midnight Romeo

10. Tonight Alive - Invincible

Saturday, February 18, 2012

tadak idea haha

it's time to let you go
but it's not the time to say goodbye
i'll miss you more and more
and i believe that you'll come back again

i won't regret if you don't
i bet you'll regret if you won't
my heart is like a stone
but softer than a sponge


"stupid - sometimes it doesn't mean that you're not smart. but it mean that you're over-smart" - Little Lee ♥

Friday, February 17, 2012

missing you

sometimes i do miss you
because im all alone
our sweet memories never fade away
i don't regret that i didn't keep any picture of us
because i never forget your face, our memories

i feel like i want to cry
every time i listen to a song that related to us
nobody understand how i feel
there's a secret i hide deep inside
there's scars that bleeding in me

i miss you
i miss the pretty little girl that always make me smile
eventhough im in pain
i wish you were still alive

p/s ; it's not easy to accept because it's not easy to let it go.

mental koyak

it's funny when i did the same mistake
i don't know why
i create another scars
im not the "chosen one" yet i still hoping much
fuck it !
why i ain't giving up?
mentally broken
shit happen

should i cry?
well i don't think so
tears won't bring out the rainbow
i should't catch the butterfly
when it's fly-pretty in the air
i should raise my hand and wave for goodbye

*mood tk elok, mls nk smbung dh

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Arsenal di "doggie" AC Milan

abang dah agak smua ni nk jadi. 4-0 kena tibai. tak kisah sgt pn Arsenal kalah. tp yg tk puaih ati, Arsenal lgsung tk score. shit btoi. nnt 2nd leg mmg belemoih la nk cari gol. tu pn kalau mampu score.

aku tkmau crita ttg game Arsenal vs AC Milan tu. tapi aku nk crita ttg "keyboard warrior". dh abeh game, masing2 nk tunjuk power. Menyu tunjuk belang, ungkit sejarah yg "mungkin" berulang. mungkinkah? Liverpool diam saja. Chelsea pun diam jgk sb tk main lg.

aku sebagai penyokong Arsenal agak panas jgk la tgk team kesayangan kalah. lagi bertambah panas bila org dok menganjing. aku terima dengan seadanya. yg nk menganjing pn team depa main Europa League ja. lpas tu asyik guna modai "8-2", "tengok sejarah lama". mau team org kalah, menganjing tak ingat dunia. bila team sendiri kalah n org dok menganjing, pandai plak bt ayat "team lain jangan nk menyalak". suma nk menang kt depa, payah la cmni. haha.

*klu brtengkaq gan "keyboard warrior" ni, bg p la depa mng. dok brtengkaq lama2 bkn dpt piala -.-"

pif !

i'll wait for you to knock the door
whenever it is
i'm still fine
i'll be happy-waiting for you
the moment will come

will you be my girl?
bcos to me you're my world
i can't think any of other girls except you
please accept my offer
you'll be my treasure

*tadak idea, penulisan pn jd merapu haha

Wednesday, February 15, 2012


siang panas, malam sejuk. aku kt padang pasir ka apa ni? waktu tidur tk menentu, pagi tidur bangun malam, malam tidur bangun petang. kerja overtime. kalau boleh nak sapu 3 syif 1 ari. biaq 24jam dok melangut depan pc. haha.

panas sejuk panas sejuk, badan pun tak berapa nk ok dh. dok berasa mcm aku demam. tp aku pn dah lupa mcm mana rasa bila demam sb dh lama aku tak demam. mungkin antibodi aku ni kuat. bkn nk cendoi, dh btoi. tp skali demam, 4 minggu. srupa mcm kena demam H1N1. haha.

dh nk dekat seminggu tak chatting dgn "rainbow". smalam boleh jgk chatting wlupn terpaksa pinjam phone kawan. aku jenis rambo pnya, guna phone org buat srupa phone aku sendiri hahaha. tk puaih la chatting guna phone yg touch screen ni. kdg2 salah tekan huruf. nk kata jari besaq, dak pn. heran jgk. haha. dh chatting guna phone, tkleh nk bagi "rainbow" lagu la. becambah dh video2 youtube kt profile fb aku. tp aku set "only me" la. orglen tgk profile aku nmpk mcm tersusun ja. status pn sopan santun, tadak cacat cela. klu org tua2 tgk mmg komfom mau amek aku bt menantu. haha

minggu lepas mungkin minggu malang buat aku. main HoN kalah straight. mental koyak gila babi. gagah nk bwk naik psr sorang2. haa, ni makan die. turun smpai 17xx. haha. tp minggu ni prestasi agak memberansangkan. psr semakin menaik. mental abang dan tak koyak :) hahaha.

*ok, dh panjang sgt aku tulis ni. gagah boh 1 perenggan lg komfom dh jd mcm crita barbie and 12 dancing princess. dongeng 100% haha. okla, gdnite ;)

Thursday, February 9, 2012


kemarin aku bangun tidoq pkui 4 lebih. kalut p cc nk online sb aku igt kemarin ari khamis. lpas tu dh online sejam lebih, aku heran psaipa botak tk mai. lpas tu aku tnya am awat botak tk mai. then dia ckp "arini dia cuti". bru aku sedaq yg kemarin ari rabu. wtf man! igtkn ari khamis. yalah, ari khamis ialah "hari chatting". kecewa gilaaaaaaaa. brapa ari dh tk chatting. dem. haha.

lg 1, aku main HoN 3 ari, bru menang 3 game. macibai. dari 1811 turun 174x. panaih gila. mental koyak rabak dh ni. gamak ada org dok kacau pala, kira jadi la. hahaha

Sunday, February 5, 2012


im trying my best
to get you
i tried my best
to make you smile
even with harsh words
thats my style
is that okay with you?
well i'm afraid to ask
but if i ask you
would you answer "yes i do"?
nothing else in mind except you
im not lying, it's true

*tk abeh jgk haha


i never felt this way before
my heart beating fast
so i take a deep breath
and i believe it's love

i wonder if you feel the same
until then i saw you with another guy
words can't describe my feelings
i think i've lost the fight

2 years of hope
gone in less than a minute

*tk abeh haha

Monday, January 30, 2012

shadows of hope

look at the shadow
look how loyal it is
follow u anywhere
always be there for you
but why you keep chasing other's?
think twice
your shadow never fade away
eventhough there's no light around you
trust !
you can never be alone
but you never notice
your heart is blinded by your stupid hope

*tadak ayat nk prabih. aku nk ckp aku nk jd bayang org tu. tp tadak ayat yg cantik nk boh. so, biaq tergendala dh la nooo hahaha


pagi tadi saya mimpi saya call awak. wtf! tk penah2 mimpi cmtu. tp sblum call awak tu saya tersalah call orglen. suara lembut gilaaaaaaaa. hahaha. tu ja yg saya ingat.

-the end

Sunday, January 29, 2012

happy birthday

hepi besday long, hepi besday awak. brapa taun dh kn? haha. tu ja. tata

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Tetris Battle

u mad bro? 2p wa dh rank 100. lu bila lagi? hahaha

kami suka melawak kasaq, anda bagaimana?

ada bnyk lg yg aku takdan nk print screen. ni gmbaq dari wall post. yg dok cendoi kot IM pn ada. bnyk dh yg aku print screen. tp dok dlm album myspace aku. nnt aku upload. haha

Saturday, January 21, 2012


you act like you know
nothing else in mind except for fun
you want to live free
for me, you're just a kid
for me, you're just a stupid little brat
no responsibility?
think twice
you know nothing

*tk abeh =\

Saturday, January 7, 2012


pukimak, time aku tgh "fast hand" ni la nk maintenance pn. fuck! aku tk puaih hati lg wlupn aku dh rank 96. lg tk dpt rank "god of tetris", smpai lebam la aku main. haha

Friday, January 6, 2012


if he or she is a liar,
then this words must also be a lie

also, if he or she can not lie,
then these words will become a lie

thus, whether it's the truth or a lie remain unknown

Wednesday, January 4, 2012


give me a sign
give me a sign
i can't read your fucking mind
are you blind?

if things aren't going smoothly
i'll give up on you
i don't have to tell you why

*tadak idea dh

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

my idol ♥

Little Johnny said to his Aunt Tess, "My God, you're ugly, aren't you!"

His mother overheard this and pulled Johnny into the kitchen.

"You naughty boy!" she screamed, "How can you say to your aunt that she's ugly! You go right in and apologize to her! Tell her you're sorry!"

Little Johnny entered the living room, walked over to his aunt and said, "Aunt Tess, I am sorry you're so ugly."
she's back with new name
she's back with new game
she play the same song again
guess who's gonna be the victim

Lil Lee

baik hati
sweet talker

smua tu bkn aku. klu nk cari org yg mcm tu, p tgk movie genre romentik.

noob !

Monday, January 2, 2012

Tetris Battle.

ni record terbaik aku stakat ni. video ni aku bru rank 81. la ni dh rank 83.