month by month, day by day passed
there's nothing left
only me, alone in this room
i lock myself
i close my eyes
think about love that's fades away
i still remember when you told me that we can't be together
i don't understand, why?
blade-like words that cuts through my heart
i'm speechless, no emotion
my mind flying in the air
from now on, i'm no longer human
souls beaten, heart broken, pride falling, love... nothing
i'm alone in this room
days and night
i close my eyes
cover my ears
cry with tears
i don't know what to do
i'm lost
*klu ada salah eja, harap maaf. saya tk educated :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
when you don't know the value of life
don't be so cocky
life is not a joke
it spin, like earth
top seat belong to anyone
someday, you would be at the bottom
it could be this monday
are you ready?
*salah eja, harap maaf. saya tk educated :)
don't be so cocky
life is not a joke
it spin, like earth
top seat belong to anyone
someday, you would be at the bottom
it could be this monday
are you ready?
*salah eja, harap maaf. saya tk educated :)
i don't know what to do
i'm afraid of being alone
i'm afraid of love
i'm afraid of bieng forgotten
it's like breathing underwater
i'm suffering alone
this wound is getting worst
it's not easy to forgive
it's not easy to forget
i'm afraid of love
the pain of hope
this throat will choke
i'm a loner
this heart is burning
in flames
burn to ashes
this heart will never melt
*tk abeh haha
i'm afraid of being alone
i'm afraid of love
i'm afraid of bieng forgotten
it's like breathing underwater
i'm suffering alone
this wound is getting worst
it's not easy to forgive
it's not easy to forget
i'm afraid of love
the pain of hope
this throat will choke
i'm a loner
this heart is burning
in flames
burn to ashes
this heart will never melt
*tk abeh haha
do you hear me?
i'm screaming here, calling you
distance rising
this voice will never reach you
this ground will collapse
just like romans fall
thats how the story ends
story become history
i feel no pain
my souls are dead
i start to realize when this mirror won't show the image
shadows are gone
i am history
i'm screaming here, calling you
distance rising
this voice will never reach you
this ground will collapse
just like romans fall
thats how the story ends
story become history
i feel no pain
my souls are dead
i start to realize when this mirror won't show the image
shadows are gone
i am history
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
beautiful ;)
best gila movie ni. tk sia2 masa aku tgk movie ni ow. haha. seingat aku, movie 1st ada 2 kali ja kot part sedih yg bleh mengalirkn air mata. cewah. movie 2nd, ada bnyk smpai tk terkira ow. movie lama? mmg pn. tp nk bt cmna, dh aku tk tgk lg. haha. syok wei movie ni. it's all about friendship :)
Monday, April 11, 2011
Outsider ♥
anda kenal dgn mamat ini? tobat tk knai. dia tk femes. haha. lirik lagu dia mmg A+ lah. teringin utk menulis mcm dia n lagi 1, aku teringin nk hafal lagu rap si Outsider ni. klu dh bleh hafal, aku bt cover. haha :)
Sunday, April 10, 2011
HoN tournament at OMG! ♥

terima kasih bnyk2 diucapkan kpada Ah Mun. haha. kami masuk tournament tu cemey, dpt 600 utk tempat kedua. tk sangka plak kami bleh masuk final kn? hebat jgk la kami ni :P
aku, botak, wong, madet dan ah bee form 1 team nama N1. ah bee pnya pukulan la ni. haha. team kami cincai ja tu. aku, botak gan wong ja yg tetap. madet gan ah bee tu kami amek sb terpaksa, tadak org. yala, captain kami sedang asyik bercinta. taik btoi. haha. hg becinta tk dpt duit wei. kami men game dpt duit. hahaha
600 tu dibahagi 5 dan kami dapat tali apa tatau yg garena pnya. kira ok la. dapat jgk penghargaan. haha. la ni tgh bersemangat untuk praktis HoN lagi. klu tk salah aku, nnt garena nk sponsor tournament HoN kt cc OMG! tu lagi skali. woah, tobat bnyk team yg masuk. harap2 bnyk team cap ayam masuk. bru bleh kemaih cendoi, tapau trok2. bru rmai penyokong dok blakang tgk kami main. hahaha
*gmbaq buruk, saya tadak kamera mahai. haha
Oh! My School
smlm aku tgk Oh! My School episod 12. tajuk episod tu "Family day". pergh, part Lee Hong Ki pnya mak crita pasai dia time skolah dlu, sedih gila kot. wlupn aku kt cc, kuaq ayaq mata jgk aa. tp cover lah. hahaha. ampa kna tgk wei. kt youtube pn ada :P
Friday, April 8, 2011
weee besday boy
happy birthday to Lee ;)
sudah genap 81 tahun beliau hidup di dunia ini. sudah tua tetap masih lagi maintain muda. cewah.
wlupn besday aku tk disambut oleh sesiapa, aku brterima kasih la kt sapa2 yg wish tu. thanks naaa. tk smpai 10 org pn wish. haha. tragis btoi. klu aku tk deactivate fb aku, tobat bnyk besday wish yg aku dpt kn? lebih dari 100 paa. en en en? hahah.
aku lepak cc ja sepanjang mlm. lepak bagaikan tadak apa yg berlaku, bt muka comey smbey men HoN. haha. mau dak, takut mkn tepung + teloq. men HoN, 3 game ja mng. cipek btoi. sey trok. tp tkpa, psr maintain 17xx. haha. tktau taun bila nk nek 18xx.
Pakran ada tegoq aku kt cc, dia ckp "aii Lee, bersih elok ja". aku renyih smbil bt muka comey ja. haha. galak bunyi bnyk, lingkop. haha. Pakran tau besday aku pn sb Pon call dia. Pon plan nk prank aku. pui, tadak hari la de. haha
dgq kata tournament HoN ari ahad ni. duhh, klu ari ahad ni, mmg tk p klas plak la aku. dem. tp tkpa, duit pnya pasai. aku sapot pnya. haha HoN FTW!
sudah genap 81 tahun beliau hidup di dunia ini. sudah tua tetap masih lagi maintain muda. cewah.
wlupn besday aku tk disambut oleh sesiapa, aku brterima kasih la kt sapa2 yg wish tu. thanks naaa. tk smpai 10 org pn wish. haha. tragis btoi. klu aku tk deactivate fb aku, tobat bnyk besday wish yg aku dpt kn? lebih dari 100 paa. en en en? hahah.
aku lepak cc ja sepanjang mlm. lepak bagaikan tadak apa yg berlaku, bt muka comey smbey men HoN. haha. mau dak, takut mkn tepung + teloq. men HoN, 3 game ja mng. cipek btoi. sey trok. tp tkpa, psr maintain 17xx. haha. tktau taun bila nk nek 18xx.
Pakran ada tegoq aku kt cc, dia ckp "aii Lee, bersih elok ja". aku renyih smbil bt muka comey ja. haha. galak bunyi bnyk, lingkop. haha. Pakran tau besday aku pn sb Pon call dia. Pon plan nk prank aku. pui, tadak hari la de. haha
dgq kata tournament HoN ari ahad ni. duhh, klu ari ahad ni, mmg tk p klas plak la aku. dem. tp tkpa, duit pnya pasai. aku sapot pnya. haha HoN FTW!
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
you fight for justice
but you sit on devil's chair
you're the evil
where's the law?
you're no longer human
you act like a reaper, more than that
now you're murderer
you're serial killer
no mercy, no law
dead body on the floor
it was you
it was covered perfectly
you cleared all the evidences
you sacrificed everything
love? thrown away
life? wasted everyday
*tk abeh. hahaha
but you sit on devil's chair
you're the evil
where's the law?
you're no longer human
you act like a reaper, more than that
now you're murderer
you're serial killer
no mercy, no law
dead body on the floor
it was you
it was covered perfectly
you cleared all the evidences
you sacrificed everything
love? thrown away
life? wasted everyday
*tk abeh. hahaha
this heart,
this life is a battle but i will never give in
you try to bring me down
but i will stand strong, armed with hope
this mind free of your constraints
never to think like you
destroying all in your path
i can't live like that, i never will
this heart will never die
this mind you can't fuckin' buy
growing stronger, never give in
this life is a struggle
you try your best, never good enough
for them the faceless
dragging you down every fucking day
conform or pay the price
but i will never give in
not like that you won't, tear me down
this heart will never die.
you try to bring me down
but i will stand strong, armed with hope
this mind free of your constraints
never to think like you
destroying all in your path
i can't live like that, i never will
this heart will never die
this mind you can't fuckin' buy
growing stronger, never give in
this life is a struggle
you try your best, never good enough
for them the faceless
dragging you down every fucking day
conform or pay the price
but i will never give in
not like that you won't, tear me down
this heart will never die.
Wednesday, April 06, 2011
hari ini, 2 hari sebelum besday saya. seperti yang dirancang, saya akan meng-deactivate account facebook saya atas sebab-sebab tertentu :-
1. tekanan perasaan. *haha
2. mengelakkan diri daripada dibaling telur dan tepung.
3. nak tgk sapa yg igt besday saya tanpa reminder di facebook.
4. nak focus study. *maybe
5. bosan.
6. ingin mengelakkan pembaziran.
tktau lah sampai bila, tk brani nk komfom. haha. goodbye dear friends :)
1. tekanan perasaan. *haha
2. mengelakkan diri daripada dibaling telur dan tepung.
3. nak tgk sapa yg igt besday saya tanpa reminder di facebook.
4. nak focus study. *maybe
5. bosan.
6. ingin mengelakkan pembaziran.
tktau lah sampai bila, tk brani nk komfom. haha. goodbye dear friends :)
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
i met you at the mall
my heart melt when i saw u standing next to the wall
my heart beating faster when i see you smile
i feel like "wow, an angel at the mall"
no wings, but you're magic
it's not about you, it's yours
you're so good, everything
we won the game, the war
i used laser gun and you used heavy shield
we own the war
countless country-style
thats what we called love
we went through hard time together
*saya mengarut ja ni. wahahah
my heart melt when i saw u standing next to the wall
my heart beating faster when i see you smile
i feel like "wow, an angel at the mall"
no wings, but you're magic
it's not about you, it's yours
you're so good, everything
we won the game, the war
i used laser gun and you used heavy shield
we own the war
countless country-style
thats what we called love
we went through hard time together
*saya mengarut ja ni. wahahah
Monday, April 4, 2011
fell in love with Pattaya ♥
midnight party
everyday christmas
lets drink and dance
this night are so special
thats why we're here
drink and dance
let's dance till morning
wave your hand in the air
show me what you got
yeah, you're fuckin' hot
dance like crazy
drink like it's all for free
hell yeah, the girls jumping
boobs bouncing
fingers lickin'
ass kickin'
tonight is the night
getting drunk and dance with the light
*ah, tk abeh.
everyday christmas
lets drink and dance
this night are so special
thats why we're here
drink and dance
let's dance till morning
wave your hand in the air
show me what you got
yeah, you're fuckin' hot
dance like crazy
drink like it's all for free
hell yeah, the girls jumping
boobs bouncing
fingers lickin'
ass kickin'
tonight is the night
getting drunk and dance with the light
*ah, tk abeh.
Sunday, April 3, 2011
apabila ku terjaga, nyata ku kecewa..
fantasi.. hanya mimpi..
bagaikan aroma yang terbang menghilang..
bila ditiup angin laju..
*balaih lirik sikit noo H8. smoga berjaya di masa hadapan ;)
sweet ♥
you're umbrella that cover me from rains
you're the heat that makes my frozen heart melt
you're the sun that shine my day
you're sweetdream that appear in my sleep
now you're gone
your smile that makes my day, gone away
i'm wondering why, it tooks me for a while
i love you, i miss you
where are you?
do you think of me when you look at the stars?
*tadak idea :P
you're the heat that makes my frozen heart melt
you're the sun that shine my day
you're sweetdream that appear in my sleep
now you're gone
your smile that makes my day, gone away
i'm wondering why, it tooks me for a while
i love you, i miss you
where are you?
do you think of me when you look at the stars?
*tadak idea :P
stop lying to yourself
you'r hurting me again
can't you turn around and face m?
i'm here, gasping for air
don't walk away
i'm dying here
fuck you!
i'll drag you too
the blue sky is crying upon us
you break me
fuck you
i'll hurt you too
*ini mengarut saja. haha
you'r hurting me again
can't you turn around and face m?
i'm here, gasping for air
don't walk away
i'm dying here
fuck you!
i'll drag you too
the blue sky is crying upon us
you break me
fuck you
i'll hurt you too
*ini mengarut saja. haha
Saturday, April 2, 2011
this 6th of april, i'll deactivate my facebook account. mcm dh tadak motif ja aku online la ni. haha. goodbye dear friends ;)
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