Monday, February 28, 2011
oii meowwww. rindu hg lah cipek. lama tk nmpk. online pn tk. adoi. nnt klu hg ada trbaca blog aku n trbaca post ni, cntct aku eh? aku guna celcom :)
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
arini ada tournament DotA kt sp. kt cc Ntect kt Taman Petani Jaya kot klu tk salah aku. dkt2 gan CS, Sungai Petani. seperti biasa, saya dan rakan2 telah turut serta untuk memeriahkan tournament tersebut. haha.
ini kisah perjalanan kami dari Jitra - Sungai Petani.
pagi tu dlm pkui 7 lebih, suma balik umah. mandi n bersiap. then dlm pkui 8 cmtu depa mai amek aku kt umah. dari situ lah bermulanya perjalanan yg agak "semak pala". haha. mau tk semak pala. dhla tgh dok kalut. ada plak org dok lumba lari kt Aloq Staq. jalan tu spatutnya tk penah jem trok, tiba2 jd jem. lpas tu, smpai kt simpang 4 Hospital Besar Alor Setar, kami belok kiri. kononnya nk msuk highway trus aa. tp situ pn ada halangan jgk. "ada pekho race plakkk", bak kata pait. haha. lpas tu jmpk bas plak dok bt spoil. tp nsib bek pemandu bas tu bijak sb dok blah kanan n kami dok blah kiri. kebetulan plak kt traffic light sblum nk msuk tol tu rosak. kami tgk bas tu celapak, kami tunggu bapak g. haha. semasa dlm keta, kami dok sembang kes video gusti yg botak post pagi td tu. haha. lawak gila kot. dok plan mcm2. nk jampi mcm mat firaun tu buat la, apa la. tk larat gelak. lpas tu suma diam, tiba2 aku teringat ttg tournament DotA yg kami masuk sblum ni kt GGLeet Cafe, Jitra. yeah, game tu kami kalah dgn team "o2, Sungai Petani". kalah pn sebab Wong-hang-buat-BKB-dulu punya tactic. last2 kecundang jua. dpt no3. disebabkn tactic tu la aku gan botak gelak besaq dlm keta. sakit perut gila. sumpah tk tipu. haha. tp tkpa, bnda yg lepas jgn dikenang. sapot pnya sapot pnya.
dh smpai kt Ntech tu, kami pn ddk la kt luaq cc tu smbil menunggu arahan seterusnya. lpas tu Wong p amek borang n kami register. then kami lepak2 dpn tu smbil melawak diantara member2 kami lah kn. tgk2 pait bt semak. burung berak kt baju dia. hahaha. mmg "sey" trok. kes taik burung tu la kami gelak smpai rmai org dok tgk kami. haha. mmg rambo aa kami td. tktau malu pnya. haha. lpas tu wong p cabut undi. kami dpt no12. damn, lama kot nk kna tunggu. organizer bt keja lambat. sebijik mcm Yamadek. tp tkpa la, cmna pn kami tetap sapot. haha. dh tk larat melawak, kami suma dh ketagih Facebook. so kami bercadang untuk p cari cc kt area2 situ sb cc Ntech tu mcm agak tk sesuai ja nk online sb rmai sgt org n sibuk dgn tourney kn. so kami amek tindakan bijak, p online kt cc blakang tu. cc apa tatau la, tk igt nama. cc tu semak sikit, tadak headfon. suma pc guna speaker. paham2 la klu lagu rap bercampur dgn muzik Counter Strike n bercampur dgn lagu2 Super Dance Online. haha. tu takpa lagi. time kami bru masuk cc tu, kami dgq 1 lagu rap ni. awai2 aku tk kisah sgt la sb, yala. aku kn rappers. cewah. haha. setelah beberapa saat "merembang" lagu tu. rupanya lagu rap India. damn! bkn aku nk racist. tp aku tkleh terima. aku gan Man Boroi gelak lg. haha. sakit perut wei, keja gelak ja arini. kt cc tu kami main DotA kt garena. room 46 kot klu tk salah aku. main public paham2 la cmna. mati 2 kali, trus leave. aku dan main 2 game ja. lpas tu aku bt aktiviti biasa aku aa. memancing di Ameba Pigg. haha. syok wei.
ahh, straight to the point la sng. aku sbnrnya nk crita ttg opponent kami ja kt tournament tu. 1st team yg kami lwn, team "rain of the war". damn, time aku tgk nama team tu aku rasa mcm "err, wtf? nama ganas gila" n aku takut kot. wahaha. tk sangka plak nama team bleh mnyebabkn org hilang konsentrasi. tp tkpa, aku sapot pnya. time tu pkui bpa tah, tk igt. kami lwn gan team tu. 1st game aku main Vengeful Spirit. perghh, mmg aku brnasib baik lah. suma Sentry Ward aku mengenai sasaran. haha. ward depa tkleh nk idop lgsung. mmg pro aaa. 1st game kami main gelak2 ja. tobat geng tu bara. haha. 2nd game, awai2 tu kami kna tapao. damn, aku nk gb pn susah. aku dh down gila2 time tu. aku dok sblah pait, aku down, dia pn lg down la. sb aku ni berpengaruh besar dlm menghasut org. wahahah. lpas tu Wong farm diffusal blade, mmg depa kna tapao balik aa. awai2 game tu depa gelak. konon nk langsi kami balik aa sb game 1st tu kami langsi depa. tp nmpknya nasib tak menyebelahi mereka. sorry "rain of the war". HAHAHA.
lpas abeh game tu, kami lepak kt luaq smbil menghisap rokok Mild Seven yg dibeli oleh Botak. yeah, rokok kenduri beb. sapa tkmau. haha. time kami tgh isap rokok tu, kami p la belek jadual tournament tu. damn! kami lwn gan team ICE or BNC sb time tu ICE n BNC tu sedang berentap. ICE tu team no10 dunia kot wei. gila. haha. lpas tu kami p mkn. ops, lupa. time tu ah tat, adek n sorang lg memba ah tat tu aku tktau nama, depa bru smpai. kami ajak depa p lepak minum skali. smbil makan n minum tu, kami layan crita hindustan dlu. pergh, best kot. rmntik trok. haha. lpas abeh mkn, amoi cc tu call Man Boroi. amoi tu ckp kami dh nk kna main. kami pn bergegas la p cc tu. yah, seperti yg dijangkakan, kami lwn gan team ICE. haha. time tu apa yg aku set dlm pala otak aku ialah "kalah dlm tgn, mng itu nasib". HAHAHA. mmg sms ON TABAH la. time tgh draft tu aku agak ketaq la sb sblum2 ni dok main gan ICE tu kt garena ja. kali ni face-to-face kot. yah, seperti yg dijangkakan, kami kna tapao trok. HAHAHA. 1st game, kami kalah 27min. 2nd game, 2xmin, tk igt brapa minit. mmg trok gila. hahaha. oleh sebab itu, kami berhasrat untuk blatih brsungguh2 kerana kami ingin membalas dendam. yeah! wait for us ICE!
lpas ni, apa nk jd pn jd la. tp tiap2 mlm msti kna main DotA -cm mode wlupn 1 game n lepas ni ada tournament HoN plak kt Aloq Staq. kt cc baru Ah Mun. OMG! yeahh, Garena sponsor kot. haha. mmg kami pulun main HoN plak aa lpas ni. tp DotA tetap tak tinggai. DotA n org single mcm kami ni tkleh dipisahkan. haha. kami masih ada masa sebulan untuk practice HoN(banning pick). insyaallah, kami akan berjaya. doakan kami. kami perlukan duit untuk makan besar. haha
*sori, tadak gmbaq. muka kami buruk arini. muka mgantuk. sb tu tk tgkp gmbaq ;)
ini kisah perjalanan kami dari Jitra - Sungai Petani.
pagi tu dlm pkui 7 lebih, suma balik umah. mandi n bersiap. then dlm pkui 8 cmtu depa mai amek aku kt umah. dari situ lah bermulanya perjalanan yg agak "semak pala". haha. mau tk semak pala. dhla tgh dok kalut. ada plak org dok lumba lari kt Aloq Staq. jalan tu spatutnya tk penah jem trok, tiba2 jd jem. lpas tu, smpai kt simpang 4 Hospital Besar Alor Setar, kami belok kiri. kononnya nk msuk highway trus aa. tp situ pn ada halangan jgk. "ada pekho race plakkk", bak kata pait. haha. lpas tu jmpk bas plak dok bt spoil. tp nsib bek pemandu bas tu bijak sb dok blah kanan n kami dok blah kiri. kebetulan plak kt traffic light sblum nk msuk tol tu rosak. kami tgk bas tu celapak, kami tunggu bapak g. haha. semasa dlm keta, kami dok sembang kes video gusti yg botak post pagi td tu. haha. lawak gila kot. dok plan mcm2. nk jampi mcm mat firaun tu buat la, apa la. tk larat gelak. lpas tu suma diam, tiba2 aku teringat ttg tournament DotA yg kami masuk sblum ni kt GGLeet Cafe, Jitra. yeah, game tu kami kalah dgn team "o2, Sungai Petani". kalah pn sebab Wong-hang-buat-BKB-dulu punya tactic. last2 kecundang jua. dpt no3. disebabkn tactic tu la aku gan botak gelak besaq dlm keta. sakit perut gila. sumpah tk tipu. haha. tp tkpa, bnda yg lepas jgn dikenang. sapot pnya sapot pnya.
dh smpai kt Ntech tu, kami pn ddk la kt luaq cc tu smbil menunggu arahan seterusnya. lpas tu Wong p amek borang n kami register. then kami lepak2 dpn tu smbil melawak diantara member2 kami lah kn. tgk2 pait bt semak. burung berak kt baju dia. hahaha. mmg "sey" trok. kes taik burung tu la kami gelak smpai rmai org dok tgk kami. haha. mmg rambo aa kami td. tktau malu pnya. haha. lpas tu wong p cabut undi. kami dpt no12. damn, lama kot nk kna tunggu. organizer bt keja lambat. sebijik mcm Yamadek. tp tkpa la, cmna pn kami tetap sapot. haha. dh tk larat melawak, kami suma dh ketagih Facebook. so kami bercadang untuk p cari cc kt area2 situ sb cc Ntech tu mcm agak tk sesuai ja nk online sb rmai sgt org n sibuk dgn tourney kn. so kami amek tindakan bijak, p online kt cc blakang tu. cc apa tatau la, tk igt nama. cc tu semak sikit, tadak headfon. suma pc guna speaker. paham2 la klu lagu rap bercampur dgn muzik Counter Strike n bercampur dgn lagu2 Super Dance Online. haha. tu takpa lagi. time kami bru masuk cc tu, kami dgq 1 lagu rap ni. awai2 aku tk kisah sgt la sb, yala. aku kn rappers. cewah. haha. setelah beberapa saat "merembang" lagu tu. rupanya lagu rap India. damn! bkn aku nk racist. tp aku tkleh terima. aku gan Man Boroi gelak lg. haha. sakit perut wei, keja gelak ja arini. kt cc tu kami main DotA kt garena. room 46 kot klu tk salah aku. main public paham2 la cmna. mati 2 kali, trus leave. aku dan main 2 game ja. lpas tu aku bt aktiviti biasa aku aa. memancing di Ameba Pigg. haha. syok wei.
ahh, straight to the point la sng. aku sbnrnya nk crita ttg opponent kami ja kt tournament tu. 1st team yg kami lwn, team "rain of the war". damn, time aku tgk nama team tu aku rasa mcm "err, wtf? nama ganas gila" n aku takut kot. wahaha. tk sangka plak nama team bleh mnyebabkn org hilang konsentrasi. tp tkpa, aku sapot pnya. time tu pkui bpa tah, tk igt. kami lwn gan team tu. 1st game aku main Vengeful Spirit. perghh, mmg aku brnasib baik lah. suma Sentry Ward aku mengenai sasaran. haha. ward depa tkleh nk idop lgsung. mmg pro aaa. 1st game kami main gelak2 ja. tobat geng tu bara. haha. 2nd game, awai2 tu kami kna tapao. damn, aku nk gb pn susah. aku dh down gila2 time tu. aku dok sblah pait, aku down, dia pn lg down la. sb aku ni berpengaruh besar dlm menghasut org. wahahah. lpas tu Wong farm diffusal blade, mmg depa kna tapao balik aa. awai2 game tu depa gelak. konon nk langsi kami balik aa sb game 1st tu kami langsi depa. tp nmpknya nasib tak menyebelahi mereka. sorry "rain of the war". HAHAHA.
lpas abeh game tu, kami lepak kt luaq smbil menghisap rokok Mild Seven yg dibeli oleh Botak. yeah, rokok kenduri beb. sapa tkmau. haha. time kami tgh isap rokok tu, kami p la belek jadual tournament tu. damn! kami lwn gan team ICE or BNC sb time tu ICE n BNC tu sedang berentap. ICE tu team no10 dunia kot wei. gila. haha. lpas tu kami p mkn. ops, lupa. time tu ah tat, adek n sorang lg memba ah tat tu aku tktau nama, depa bru smpai. kami ajak depa p lepak minum skali. smbil makan n minum tu, kami layan crita hindustan dlu. pergh, best kot. rmntik trok. haha. lpas abeh mkn, amoi cc tu call Man Boroi. amoi tu ckp kami dh nk kna main. kami pn bergegas la p cc tu. yah, seperti yg dijangkakan, kami lwn gan team ICE. haha. time tu apa yg aku set dlm pala otak aku ialah "kalah dlm tgn, mng itu nasib". HAHAHA. mmg sms ON TABAH la. time tgh draft tu aku agak ketaq la sb sblum2 ni dok main gan ICE tu kt garena ja. kali ni face-to-face kot. yah, seperti yg dijangkakan, kami kna tapao trok. HAHAHA. 1st game, kami kalah 27min. 2nd game, 2xmin, tk igt brapa minit. mmg trok gila. hahaha. oleh sebab itu, kami berhasrat untuk blatih brsungguh2 kerana kami ingin membalas dendam. yeah! wait for us ICE!
lpas ni, apa nk jd pn jd la. tp tiap2 mlm msti kna main DotA -cm mode wlupn 1 game n lepas ni ada tournament HoN plak kt Aloq Staq. kt cc baru Ah Mun. OMG! yeahh, Garena sponsor kot. haha. mmg kami pulun main HoN plak aa lpas ni. tp DotA tetap tak tinggai. DotA n org single mcm kami ni tkleh dipisahkan. haha. kami masih ada masa sebulan untuk practice HoN(banning pick). insyaallah, kami akan berjaya. doakan kami. kami perlukan duit untuk makan besar. haha
*sori, tadak gmbaq. muka kami buruk arini. muka mgantuk. sb tu tk tgkp gmbaq ;)
when life gives you reasons to breathe,
move your ass, wake up wake up,
take your step, step by step,
it doesn't matter how fast or slow,
miracle will be there, waiting for you,
if yesterday your life are empty,
how bout today? what's your plan tomorrow?
organize it well and you won't live in hell.
shit won't live there if you won't treat yourself like a shit,
the devil will laugh,
when they see your crying eyes,
the devil will cry,
when they see your smile,
*tk abeh
move your ass, wake up wake up,
take your step, step by step,
it doesn't matter how fast or slow,
miracle will be there, waiting for you,
if yesterday your life are empty,
how bout today? what's your plan tomorrow?
organize it well and you won't live in hell.
shit won't live there if you won't treat yourself like a shit,
the devil will laugh,
when they see your crying eyes,
the devil will cry,
when they see your smile,
*tk abeh
Friday, February 25, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
The best way to cheer yourself up is to try to cheer somebody else up ♥
tiap2 hari kan aku buat camni? harap2 aku tk salah pilih org mcm sblum2 ni ;)
thank you. you made my day, everyday ♥
"i'ma be what i set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly" - Eminem
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Eminem ♥
"So its Shady Afterm-izzath back in that ass, You wizz-ass, come-izzon, what kinda fizz-uckin quzzition is that?"
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Monday, February 21, 2011
/onpu - music note
/moya - scribble
/hungry - fork and knife
/sad - tear drop
/suwaru - to sit down
/tatsu - to stand up
/min - to minimize yourself
/nem - put your pigg asleep
/onpu - music note
/moya - scribble
/hungry - fork and knife
/sad - tear drop
/suwaru - to sit down
/tatsu - to stand up
/min - to minimize yourself
/nem - put your pigg asleep
i lie on the ground,
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.
i see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that i like to see.
you say "close your eyes",
"tell me what you see",
i see only two people,
just you and me.
we're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.
oh i wish i could be,
in that one special place,
as i lie on the ground,
and i stare into space.
and stare into space,
the stars start to move,
into the shape of your face.
i see you there now,
looking down at me,
with that cute little smile,
that i like to see.
you say "close your eyes",
"tell me what you see",
i see only two people,
just you and me.
we're walking the shoreline,
with our feet getting wet,
the horizon turns pink,
as the sun starts to set.
oh i wish i could be,
in that one special place,
as i lie on the ground,
and i stare into space.
bgn tidoq dgn penuh smangat untuk membuat homework, saya keluar ke cc dgn agak gembira kerana ketika saya tidur, saya dapat mimpi best. haha. ketika saya sampai di cc, duduk di kerusi dan saya mula menyedari yang saya tertinggal pendrive di rumah. potong truihhh mood nk bt keja. mari main game smpai pagi. HAHAHAHA
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Eminem ♥
Eminem, thanks for this beautiful song. disebabkn lagu ni la aku dpt bnyk idea untuk menulis. haha ♥
hahaha td aku smayang kt surau kolej. rekod kot. tk pnh2 smayang kt situ. lg 1, dh bertahun aku tk smayang berjemaah(tktau eja btoi ka dak) kecuali smayang jumaat. aku rasa last aku p smayang jumaat, taun lpas. lama tu. mmg hina kn aku? :)
tp apa2 pn, aku cuba nk berubah ;)
tp apa2 pn, aku cuba nk berubah ;)
Friday, February 18, 2011
A rich millionaire decides to throw a massive party for his 50th birthday, so during this party he grabs the microphone and he announces to his guests that down in the garden of his mansion he has a swimming pool with two great white sharks in it. 'I will give anything they desire of mine, to the man who swims across that pool.'
So the party continues with no events in the pool, until suddenly, there is a great splash and all the guests of the
party run to the pool to see what has happened.
In the pool is a man and he is swimming as hard as he can, and the fins come out of the water and the jaws are snapping and this guy just keeps on going and the sharks are gaining on him and this guy reaches the end and he gets out of the pool, tired and soaked.
The millionaire grabs the microphone and says, 'I am a man of my word, anything of mine I will give, my Ferraris, my house, absolutely anything, for you are the bravest man I have ever seen. So sir what will it be?' the millionaire asks.
The guy grabs the microphone and says, 'Why don't we start with the name of the bastard that pushed me in!'
So the party continues with no events in the pool, until suddenly, there is a great splash and all the guests of the
party run to the pool to see what has happened.
In the pool is a man and he is swimming as hard as he can, and the fins come out of the water and the jaws are snapping and this guy just keeps on going and the sharks are gaining on him and this guy reaches the end and he gets out of the pool, tired and soaked.
The millionaire grabs the microphone and says, 'I am a man of my word, anything of mine I will give, my Ferraris, my house, absolutely anything, for you are the bravest man I have ever seen. So sir what will it be?' the millionaire asks.
The guy grabs the microphone and says, 'Why don't we start with the name of the bastard that pushed me in!'
A guy lookin for a work!!!
The manager asks: You drink?
The guy: No sir,
The manager: You smoke?
The guy: no no sir!
The manager: Any weak points u have , to share, before getting into ur job?
The guy: Lie sometimes!!
The manager asks: You drink?
The guy: No sir,
The manager: You smoke?
The guy: no no sir!
The manager: Any weak points u have , to share, before getting into ur job?
The guy: Lie sometimes!!
this one rockss!
One Early morning a mother went to her sleeping son and woke him up.
MOM: “Wake up, son. It’s time to go to school.”
SON: “But why, Mama? I don’t want to go to school.”
MOM: “Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go to school.”
SON: “One, all the children hate me.. Two, all the teachers hate me.”
MOM: “Oh! that’s not a reason. Come on, you have to go to school.”
SON: “Give me two good reasons WHY I *should* go to school?”
MOM: “One, you are FIFTY-TWO years old. Two, you are the PRINCIPAL of the school.”
MOM: “Wake up, son. It’s time to go to school.”
SON: “But why, Mama? I don’t want to go to school.”
MOM: “Give me two reasons why you don’t want to go to school.”
SON: “One, all the children hate me.. Two, all the teachers hate me.”
MOM: “Oh! that’s not a reason. Come on, you have to go to school.”
SON: “Give me two good reasons WHY I *should* go to school?”
MOM: “One, you are FIFTY-TWO years old. Two, you are the PRINCIPAL of the school.”
Letter from a customer to the bank.
Dear Sir,
In view of the current developments in the banking industry, if one of my cheques is returned marked ‘insufficient funds’, does that refer to me or to you?
Yours faithfully,
In view of the current developments in the banking industry, if one of my cheques is returned marked ‘insufficient funds’, does that refer to me or to you?
Yours faithfully,
Bob: My wife drives like lightning
Ted: She drives fast?
Bob: No, she hits trees!
Ted: She drives fast?
Bob: No, she hits trees!
Thursday, February 17, 2011
arsenal 2 - 1 barca
disebabkn Arsenal menang smlm, aku syok tk sangga smpai trtinggal beg kt GG. HAHAHA. dhla klas pagi. aku plak bgn tgh ari, mmg tk p aa klas. HAHAHA. tp tkpa, Arsenal pnya pasai, aku sapot pnya :P
So Hee ♥

bercerita ttg So Hee. smlm ada la sorang tu kn kn kn(nama dirahsiakn), kna tipu sikit gan aku. HAHAHAHA. apa macam? pndai dak aku atur ayat? mmg brbakat kn aku? haha.
tp hg ada perasan tk, aku ada selit sikit ayat2 "gentle" disitu? haha. thats the point okay n aku saja nk test hg. haha. nmpknya berjaya. lu kena beb :P
apa nk jd pn jd lah kn? i'm not in race so tk perlu nk kalut :)
people change, so do i,
i feel alive again,
there's a reason for that,
for me, the reason is you.
sometimes life is difficult,
but you cheer me up,
you make me feel better,
i feel like i want to live forever,
if stupidity can make you smile,
i'll be stupid forever,
*tk abeh lg ni. tp mls nk smbung. wakakka
i feel alive again,
there's a reason for that,
for me, the reason is you.
sometimes life is difficult,
but you cheer me up,
you make me feel better,
i feel like i want to live forever,
if stupidity can make you smile,
i'll be stupid forever,
*tk abeh lg ni. tp mls nk smbung. wakakka
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
hampir melanggar perjanjian
February 15, tk igt pkui bpa.
lan secara spontannya menyebut ayat " bleh jumpa "ab" " ketika kami sedang bercakap2 tentang negeri Terengganu dan selepas lan menyebut ayat itu, dia terdiam seketika. HAHAHHAHAHA. nasib hg baik lah lan weiii. klu tidak, mmg smpai tua la hg kna bahan.
smoga berhati2 di masa hadapah ya. HAHAHAHA ;)
lan secara spontannya menyebut ayat " bleh jumpa "ab" " ketika kami sedang bercakap2 tentang negeri Terengganu dan selepas lan menyebut ayat itu, dia terdiam seketika. HAHAHHAHAHA. nasib hg baik lah lan weiii. klu tidak, mmg smpai tua la hg kna bahan.
smoga berhati2 di masa hadapah ya. HAHAHAHA ;)
Monday, February 14, 2011
Hyuna ft. G.NA - Say you love me ♥
Say you love me, I just love you so
Say you want
You know, sometimes, it’s so hard for me..
But, I know that you’re the one for me
Let’s go
eonje buteo neon nan moreuge nae mame deureowa itneun geoni
haru haru keo ganeun maeumeul ijen jareul sudo eobtneun geol
chinguro man gyeote itge haedalla wonhago wonhaet jiman
nun muri go in nae gaseum sogeun neomaneul wonhago itneun geol
ije naege jib junghae boy boy
ije jom deo meotjin yeoja ga dwel georan geol geol
nae momgwa umjigin modu neoreul hyanghan geol
ni nunbit ni mom jit imi nareul hyanghan geol (ok stop)
baby work it out
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me I just wanna know
nae gaseumen neo anin nugudo sal su eobtdaneun geol neon algo itni
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae ane gamchwo dun sarangeul neodo algo itni geu neora neun geol
sori eobshi naege daga on geu mal
neomaneul saranghae
I wanna know, neowa hamkke utdeon nal
I gotta show, geu nare mamchwo utneun nal
ireon nan eotteohke haeya hae, I just wanna know (I just wanna know)
neoneun naege nuneul machwo chwo ma boy
ije mangseol ijima soljik hage dagawa jyo
imi neol hyanghan keojyeo beorin mam mam mam geureon naemam
yeshim haji marajyo nan imi neoye yejan geol (I just wanna know baby)
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me I just wanna know
nae gaseumen neo anin nugudo sal su eobtdaneun geol neon algo itni
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae ane gamchwo dun sarangeul neodo algo itni geu neora neun geol
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae modeun geol gajil su itneun geon baro neoppunin geol geu neoraneun geol
sori eobshi naege daga on geu mal
neo maneul saranghae
Say you want
You know, sometimes, it’s so hard for me..
But, I know that you’re the one for me
Let’s go
eonje buteo neon nan moreuge nae mame deureowa itneun geoni
haru haru keo ganeun maeumeul ijen jareul sudo eobtneun geol
chinguro man gyeote itge haedalla wonhago wonhaet jiman
nun muri go in nae gaseum sogeun neomaneul wonhago itneun geol
ije naege jib junghae boy boy
ije jom deo meotjin yeoja ga dwel georan geol geol
nae momgwa umjigin modu neoreul hyanghan geol
ni nunbit ni mom jit imi nareul hyanghan geol (ok stop)
baby work it out
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me I just wanna know
nae gaseumen neo anin nugudo sal su eobtdaneun geol neon algo itni
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae ane gamchwo dun sarangeul neodo algo itni geu neora neun geol
sori eobshi naege daga on geu mal
neomaneul saranghae
I wanna know, neowa hamkke utdeon nal
I gotta show, geu nare mamchwo utneun nal
ireon nan eotteohke haeya hae, I just wanna know (I just wanna know)
neoneun naege nuneul machwo chwo ma boy
ije mangseol ijima soljik hage dagawa jyo
imi neol hyanghan keojyeo beorin mam mam mam geureon naemam
yeshim haji marajyo nan imi neoye yejan geol (I just wanna know baby)
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me I just wanna know
nae gaseumen neo anin nugudo sal su eobtdaneun geol neon algo itni
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae ane gamchwo dun sarangeul neodo algo itni geu neora neun geol
Say you love me I just wanna know
Say you love me You just gotta show
nae modeun geol gajil su itneun geon baro neoppunin geol geu neoraneun geol
sori eobshi naege daga on geu mal
neo maneul saranghae
td dlm klas, cikgu ada ckp ttg anak luar nikah. bru td aku dpt tau yg anak luar nikah ni ic dia berbeza sikit dgn org yg mempunyai bapa. ic anak luar nikah ni ada tertulis "anak tidak sah taraf" kot klu tk salah aku. tktau kt bahagian depan or blakang.
patutkah setiap ic si anak luar nikah ni ditulis sebegitu? tau la depa anak luar nikah pn, tp layan la mcm org biasa. tk gitu? yalah, tk semua org mmpunyai fikiran yg sama. ada yg memandang serong, ada yg pikir positif. ada yg menghina, ada yg layan sama rata(seperti manusia lain).
kpada yg memandang serong/menghina tu, jika anda di situasi mereka(anak luar nikah) n anda di hina oleh masyarakat, apakah yg anda rasa?
wlupn aku ni suka kutuk org, aku ada jgk pikiaq ttg ni. baguih kn aku ni? wakakaka.
patutkah setiap ic si anak luar nikah ni ditulis sebegitu? tau la depa anak luar nikah pn, tp layan la mcm org biasa. tk gitu? yalah, tk semua org mmpunyai fikiran yg sama. ada yg memandang serong, ada yg pikir positif. ada yg menghina, ada yg layan sama rata(seperti manusia lain).
kpada yg memandang serong/menghina tu, jika anda di situasi mereka(anak luar nikah) n anda di hina oleh masyarakat, apakah yg anda rasa?
wlupn aku ni suka kutuk org, aku ada jgk pikiaq ttg ni. baguih kn aku ni? wakakaka.
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Saturday, February 12, 2011
pagi td aku balik umah dlm pkui 7pg cmtu aa. then aku mkn nasik sambil tgk crita "captain tsubasa" kt astro ceria. then lpas tu ada crita doraemon plak dari pkui 8 smpai pkui 10. aku tgk crita doraemon tu tk smpai stengah jam, aku trtidoq dpn tv. pstu terwujudnya 1 mimpi yg agak tk masuk akal time aku tidoq tu. aku ingat mmpi tu sb time aku bgn tidoq tu aku trus tulis apa yg aku mmpi kt dlm phone aku. wakakak. tkmau lupa pnya pasai :P
bru2 ni ada la mat saleh 2 org lepak kt gg. pakran kata depa dari ireland. depa mengembara. pakran kata depa kayuh gerek dari kemboja smpai la jitra. lpas ni depa nk p kl plak kayuh gerek. haha
aku mmpi aku bsembang gan mat saleh tu la. part yg paling rare, mat saleh tu tau ckp melayu. mat saleh tu ckp dia tk reti ckp english. dia paham 4 bahasa ja. bhasa melayu, jepun, cina n thai. LOL! lpas tu tah cmna aku bleh berada dlm dunia pico. then aku jmpak Ding. aku abaq la kt dia yg aku ckp gan mat saleh. ckp dlm bhasa melayu tp Ding tk pcaya. then aku tersedar. -end-
bru2 ni ada la mat saleh 2 org lepak kt gg. pakran kata depa dari ireland. depa mengembara. pakran kata depa kayuh gerek dari kemboja smpai la jitra. lpas ni depa nk p kl plak kayuh gerek. haha
aku mmpi aku bsembang gan mat saleh tu la. part yg paling rare, mat saleh tu tau ckp melayu. mat saleh tu ckp dia tk reti ckp english. dia paham 4 bahasa ja. bhasa melayu, jepun, cina n thai. LOL! lpas tu tah cmna aku bleh berada dlm dunia pico. then aku jmpak Ding. aku abaq la kt dia yg aku ckp gan mat saleh. ckp dlm bhasa melayu tp Ding tk pcaya. then aku tersedar. -end-
*refer to "Shocking news" post
kes awek Zam Koma tu telah selesai. rupanya bukan dirompak tetapi telah dibawa lari oleh seorang mamat "psycho". haha. mamat itu telah ditinggalkan oleh kekasih hatinya. oleh sebab itu, mamat itu bertindak tanpa menggunakan otak yang diberi oleh tuhan. apa yang saya dengar dari Ayie(teman rapat Zam Koma), mamat "psycho" itu berhenti untuk sembahyang subuh di KL(lokasi tidak dapat dikenalpasti). oleh itu, awek Zam Koma pun mengambil kesempatan itu untuk beredar dari situ. mamat tu pn bodo, tinggai kunci keta. haha. nasib baik lah awek Zam Koma tu boleh drive.
oh, ada lagi satu. semasa perjalanan mereka dari Kedah ke Kuala Lumpur, mamat "psycho" itu telah meluahkan perasaannya kepada awek Zam Koma. LOL, jenih tu pn ada. -.-"
kes awek Zam Koma tu telah selesai. rupanya bukan dirompak tetapi telah dibawa lari oleh seorang mamat "psycho". haha. mamat itu telah ditinggalkan oleh kekasih hatinya. oleh sebab itu, mamat itu bertindak tanpa menggunakan otak yang diberi oleh tuhan. apa yang saya dengar dari Ayie(teman rapat Zam Koma), mamat "psycho" itu berhenti untuk sembahyang subuh di KL(lokasi tidak dapat dikenalpasti). oleh itu, awek Zam Koma pun mengambil kesempatan itu untuk beredar dari situ. mamat tu pn bodo, tinggai kunci keta. haha. nasib baik lah awek Zam Koma tu boleh drive.
oh, ada lagi satu. semasa perjalanan mereka dari Kedah ke Kuala Lumpur, mamat "psycho" itu telah meluahkan perasaannya kepada awek Zam Koma. LOL, jenih tu pn ada. -.-"
Friday, February 11, 2011
bangun pagi. gosok gigi. mkn nasik. kuaq p cc. cuci kapai. main judi. main dota, smpai pagi :D
kn best klu cmni tiap2 ari. hahahaha. esok dh tkyah cuci kapai. syok gila. esok on pico, trus main judi. misi membeli skuter masih lagi berjalan :D
kn best klu cmni tiap2 ari. hahahaha. esok dh tkyah cuci kapai. syok gila. esok on pico, trus main judi. misi membeli skuter masih lagi berjalan :D
Thursday, February 10, 2011
shocking news
aku tgh lepak kt infinity. dok tgh syok main judi kt pico world + dgq lagu eminem ft. lil wayne - no love + baca komik one piece, aku dgq pen, amin n ayie dok beletiaq kt aku. depa kata aku klu layan lagu smbil baca komik mmg tk dgq apa dh. lpas tu depa suh aku bkk headfon. aku pn bkk la. then depa ckp awek Zam Koma kena culik. time tu aku mcm "err, nk menipu pn agak2 la. aku bkn bdk drjah 1". lpas tu depa ckp ni bkn tipu. depa ckp penyamun tu kebas keta Zam Koma. awek Zam Koma plak dok dlm keta time tu. mmg skali gan awek dia la kena kebas. lpas tu geng2 tu suma kalut p cari.
haih. tk sangka plak bnda cmtu bleh jd. igtkn dlm tv ja. gila btoi zaman la ni. -.-"
haih. tk sangka plak bnda cmtu bleh jd. igtkn dlm tv ja. gila btoi zaman la ni. -.-"
Wednesday, February 9, 2011
wahhh. mng jackpot 57k. bleh beli ferari ni. wahahahahahah. dhla mng jackpot 57k, igtkn bleh renyih smpai esok pagi. tk smpai 3min syok, ada lah berita sedih. tp mls nk crita. haha.
ada lg 1 kejadian yg agak lawak. time tu aku gan long jgk. kt pudu. time tu kami bru turun bas. time kami dok tgu ajay mai amek kami, kami dok la kt tangga maybank(klu tk salah aku la). lpas tu ada la pemandu teksi ni dlm 23 org dok dpn kami. kami dgq la depa sembang.
A ; eh, hg ada tgk parlimen tk baru2 ni(klu tk salah aku la pkcik tu ckp cmtu)
B ; tak pn. awat?
A ; depa ada ckp ttg driver teksi. la ni pn hg bleh tgk bnyk taxi pelekat sticker "no haggling please". aku rasa depa ckp ttg tu la kot.
B ; "no haggling please" tu apa?
A ; "no haggling please" tu mcm org tua yg hodoh. yala, kita sbagai pemandu teksi, kena jgk memilih penumpang kita kan? takkan kita nk bg penumpang yg berbau, buruk rupa naik teksi kita kan?
time tu aku dh nk tgelak gila. tp nsib bek depa dok dpn aku, aku tahan jgk. haha
dlm seminit lpas tu, ada bas bru smpai.
A ; haa, tu bas dh smpai. jom kita p "no haggling please".
B : jom jom
time tu aku dh tkleh tahan gelak. aku gelak kuat gila. hahaha. lawak gila pakcik tu.
A ; eh, hg ada tgk parlimen tk baru2 ni(klu tk salah aku la pkcik tu ckp cmtu)
B ; tak pn. awat?
A ; depa ada ckp ttg driver teksi. la ni pn hg bleh tgk bnyk taxi pelekat sticker "no haggling please". aku rasa depa ckp ttg tu la kot.
B ; "no haggling please" tu apa?
A ; "no haggling please" tu mcm org tua yg hodoh. yala, kita sbagai pemandu teksi, kena jgk memilih penumpang kita kan? takkan kita nk bg penumpang yg berbau, buruk rupa naik teksi kita kan?
time tu aku dh nk tgelak gila. tp nsib bek depa dok dpn aku, aku tahan jgk. haha
dlm seminit lpas tu, ada bas bru smpai.
A ; haa, tu bas dh smpai. jom kita p "no haggling please".
B : jom jom
time tu aku dh tkleh tahan gelak. aku gelak kuat gila. hahaha. lawak gila pakcik tu.
td lepak kt yasmeen. tiba2 teringat peristiwa di klcc. time tu aku gan long nk p NZ. time tu la kejadian yg agak kelakar(bg aku) brlaku.
time tu traffic light merah. kami pn benti la. lpas tu kami tgk keliling kami, suma keta hebat2. kami nek wira ja, pintu kanan kemek dh. saya pasti anda suma tadak camtu. hahaha. lpas tu dh lampu isyarat bertukar kepada hijau, kami heran la awat keta hebat2 ni tk jalan. kami pn dok jenguk la kt depan. rupa2nya ada 1 moto honda cup(tk igt la honda petak la honda bulat) sedang memblok kereta2 hebat disitu. pakcik tu rilek ja bwk slow. dlm 30km/j cmtu la kot. dhla dok tgh jalan. hahaha. rare trok. aku gan long gelak smpai sakit perut mlm tu. hahaha
time tu traffic light merah. kami pn benti la. lpas tu kami tgk keliling kami, suma keta hebat2. kami nek wira ja, pintu kanan kemek dh. saya pasti anda suma tadak camtu. hahaha. lpas tu dh lampu isyarat bertukar kepada hijau, kami heran la awat keta hebat2 ni tk jalan. kami pn dok jenguk la kt depan. rupa2nya ada 1 moto honda cup(tk igt la honda petak la honda bulat) sedang memblok kereta2 hebat disitu. pakcik tu rilek ja bwk slow. dlm 30km/j cmtu la kot. dhla dok tgh jalan. hahaha. rare trok. aku gan long gelak smpai sakit perut mlm tu. hahaha
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
love is like magic,
and it always will be.
for love still remains,
fife's sweet mystery.
love works in ways,
that are wondrous and strange,
and there's nothing in life,
that love cannot change.
love can transform,
the most commonplace,
into beauty and splendor,
and sweetness and grace.
love is unselfish,
understanding and kind,
for it sees with its heart,
and not with its mind.
love is the answer,
that everyone seeks,
love is the language,
that every heart speaks.
love can't be bought,
it is priceless and free,
love, like pure magic,
is life's sweet mystery.
and it always will be.
for love still remains,
fife's sweet mystery.
love works in ways,
that are wondrous and strange,
and there's nothing in life,
that love cannot change.
love can transform,
the most commonplace,
into beauty and splendor,
and sweetness and grace.
love is unselfish,
understanding and kind,
for it sees with its heart,
and not with its mind.
love is the answer,
that everyone seeks,
love is the language,
that every heart speaks.
love can't be bought,
it is priceless and free,
love, like pure magic,
is life's sweet mystery.
Monday, February 7, 2011
London. The greatest comeback in the history of the English Premier League also was its greatest choke, as Arsenal threw themselves out of the title race and snatched an unwanted place in the record books, all in the space of 19 minutes of madness.
Having led 4-0 after just 26 minutes of their visit to Newcastle on Saturday, Arsene Wenger’s side somehow managed collapsing enough to allow the hosts to recover for a 4-4 draw. It marked the first time that an EPL team has ever surrendered a four-goal advantage.
The lead disappeared in the space of 19 crazy second-half minutes, and with it any sense that this Arsenal team could make a serious attempt at hunting down league leader Manchester United during the closing weeks of the campaign.
Newcastle took advantage of the mindless actions of Arsenal defender Abou Diaby, who earned himself a red card by throwing opponent Joey Barton to the ground. Yet even short-handed, there is no way Arsenal should have even come close to surrendering the lead built on the strength of goals from Theo Walcott, Johan Djourou, and two from Robin Van Persie.
However, there is a weakness of mind about Arsenal that creeps in from time to time, and it likely stems from a lack of overall experience. Wenger has pieced together a team capable of playing an open, entertaining, and generally effective style, but there was not a single soul prepared to stand tall when things got rough on Saturday.
Newcastle is limited, even more so since the $53 million departure of striker Andy Carroll to Liverpool at the end of the transfer window, but it knows the smell of blood. Once Barton drove in one goal from the penalty spot and Leon Best added a second with 15 minutes left, Arsenal was a sitting duck.
Heads dropped, any semblance of rhythm evaporated, and Wenger’s exasperated rants from the sideline fell on deaf and dispirited ears. Barton’s second penalty set up a dramatic finale, and Cheik Tiote sealed the extraordinary fightback with a superb volley with three minutes to go.
Arsenal’s stumble eased any lingering pressure on Manchester United, despite its shock defeat at Wolverhampton Wanderers, which ended Arsenal’s dream of going through the season undefeated. Even with that 2-1 loss Arsenal retains a four-point cushion at the top, instead of what should have been two. In a season when United has been rock-solid rather than spectacular, United once again could chuckle at the generosity of one of its closest rivals, even amid its own Saturday disappointment.
No one was laughing in the Arsenal camp, though. While criticism of referee Phil Dowd was somewhat just, with both penalties being questionable, there still was no excuse for a meltdown of this proportion.
Wenger, never the most gracious acceptor of failure, tried to deflect attention by focusing on the poor decisions, but no one was buying it.
The real reason why his team fell apart was because of the precise shortcomings that have been pointed out for so long.
There’s no strong, influential and experienced leader. No world-class central defender. No proven top-level goalkeeper.
With Chelsea and others spending heavily around him Wenger has stuck steadfastly to his developmental approach of building from within.
The principle is admirable, but his refusal to sanction a handful of key acquisitions in critical areas has damaged his team and its prospects.
There are deficits in the squad and a shortage of character.
Just a day earlier, defender Gael Clichy told the Daily Telegraph: “We are not soft anymore. We are not young anymore. We can play hard.”
But they are soft, remarkably so for a team that has, or had, real ambitions at claiming silverware.
1st comment
Arsenal’s stumble eased any lingering pressure on Manchester United, despite its shock defeat at Wolverhampton Wanderers, which ended Arsenal’s dream of going through the season undefeated?
i think you need to stop writing soccer articles.
2nd comment
I'm not even an Arsenal fan and i just think to myself, what a load of bollox this article is!! There is no way in hell that Arsenal are out of the title race as you say, how many people on match of the day were saying the title race is wide open now is unbelievable.. I'm sure people like Gary Lineker know their stuff.. What a SHIT article!!
3rd comment
Terrible writer gtfo our of writing and work in a factory since you can't come up with anything original and are mindless. Please gtfo and work in a factory in china you scrub writer.
4th comment
Being 4 point behind with 13 games remaining doesn't mean you are out of the race. Especially when ManU have a mine field of a schedule.
Dowd refereeing was a disgrace and he wasn't protecting Arsenal players at all, it is one to say that but then look at the double standard when the goalie was man handled after the first penalty to get the ball.
This article is terrible especially coming from a paper who's tag line is "it's the content that counts."
5th comment
At the beginning of the day Arsenal were 5 points off top of table and, apparently, in the title race. At the end of the day they were 4 points off and yet had "thrown themselves out of the title race."
My god, any unemployed person can certainly become employed by simply claiming the job of the comprehensively stupid person who wrote this piece. And why does he keep this job as a writer when I'm sure he can make more money and get more satisfaction from his work by giving Fergie a daily BJ?
6th comment
I agree the article is very badly written the made that come back possible i wonder if he made all those wrong decisions purposely.Awarding the 2nd penalty was shocking
7th comment
Dear-ohh-dear.This article is so rubbish. Is Diaby a defender.Forget the way arsenal lost the lead and realise they, of all the real contenders, have gained apoint to the rest apart from City, whom i am not sure are real contnders
8th comment
This is the worst article in the history of football this writer is a Manchester United fan this writer is stupid, he is better off writing myths.
9th comment
I think you mean
That is where i stopped reading. You moron.
Having led 4-0 after just 26 minutes of their visit to Newcastle on Saturday, Arsene Wenger’s side somehow managed collapsing enough to allow the hosts to recover for a 4-4 draw. It marked the first time that an EPL team has ever surrendered a four-goal advantage.
The lead disappeared in the space of 19 crazy second-half minutes, and with it any sense that this Arsenal team could make a serious attempt at hunting down league leader Manchester United during the closing weeks of the campaign.
Newcastle took advantage of the mindless actions of Arsenal defender Abou Diaby, who earned himself a red card by throwing opponent Joey Barton to the ground. Yet even short-handed, there is no way Arsenal should have even come close to surrendering the lead built on the strength of goals from Theo Walcott, Johan Djourou, and two from Robin Van Persie.
However, there is a weakness of mind about Arsenal that creeps in from time to time, and it likely stems from a lack of overall experience. Wenger has pieced together a team capable of playing an open, entertaining, and generally effective style, but there was not a single soul prepared to stand tall when things got rough on Saturday.
Newcastle is limited, even more so since the $53 million departure of striker Andy Carroll to Liverpool at the end of the transfer window, but it knows the smell of blood. Once Barton drove in one goal from the penalty spot and Leon Best added a second with 15 minutes left, Arsenal was a sitting duck.
Heads dropped, any semblance of rhythm evaporated, and Wenger’s exasperated rants from the sideline fell on deaf and dispirited ears. Barton’s second penalty set up a dramatic finale, and Cheik Tiote sealed the extraordinary fightback with a superb volley with three minutes to go.
Arsenal’s stumble eased any lingering pressure on Manchester United, despite its shock defeat at Wolverhampton Wanderers, which ended Arsenal’s dream of going through the season undefeated. Even with that 2-1 loss Arsenal retains a four-point cushion at the top, instead of what should have been two. In a season when United has been rock-solid rather than spectacular, United once again could chuckle at the generosity of one of its closest rivals, even amid its own Saturday disappointment.
No one was laughing in the Arsenal camp, though. While criticism of referee Phil Dowd was somewhat just, with both penalties being questionable, there still was no excuse for a meltdown of this proportion.
Wenger, never the most gracious acceptor of failure, tried to deflect attention by focusing on the poor decisions, but no one was buying it.
The real reason why his team fell apart was because of the precise shortcomings that have been pointed out for so long.
There’s no strong, influential and experienced leader. No world-class central defender. No proven top-level goalkeeper.
With Chelsea and others spending heavily around him Wenger has stuck steadfastly to his developmental approach of building from within.
The principle is admirable, but his refusal to sanction a handful of key acquisitions in critical areas has damaged his team and its prospects.
There are deficits in the squad and a shortage of character.
Just a day earlier, defender Gael Clichy told the Daily Telegraph: “We are not soft anymore. We are not young anymore. We can play hard.”
But they are soft, remarkably so for a team that has, or had, real ambitions at claiming silverware.
1st comment
Arsenal’s stumble eased any lingering pressure on Manchester United, despite its shock defeat at Wolverhampton Wanderers, which ended Arsenal’s dream of going through the season undefeated?
i think you need to stop writing soccer articles.
2nd comment
I'm not even an Arsenal fan and i just think to myself, what a load of bollox this article is!! There is no way in hell that Arsenal are out of the title race as you say, how many people on match of the day were saying the title race is wide open now is unbelievable.. I'm sure people like Gary Lineker know their stuff.. What a SHIT article!!
3rd comment
Terrible writer gtfo our of writing and work in a factory since you can't come up with anything original and are mindless. Please gtfo and work in a factory in china you scrub writer.
4th comment
Being 4 point behind with 13 games remaining doesn't mean you are out of the race. Especially when ManU have a mine field of a schedule.
Dowd refereeing was a disgrace and he wasn't protecting Arsenal players at all, it is one to say that but then look at the double standard when the goalie was man handled after the first penalty to get the ball.
This article is terrible especially coming from a paper who's tag line is "it's the content that counts."
5th comment
At the beginning of the day Arsenal were 5 points off top of table and, apparently, in the title race. At the end of the day they were 4 points off and yet had "thrown themselves out of the title race."
My god, any unemployed person can certainly become employed by simply claiming the job of the comprehensively stupid person who wrote this piece. And why does he keep this job as a writer when I'm sure he can make more money and get more satisfaction from his work by giving Fergie a daily BJ?
6th comment
I agree the article is very badly written the made that come back possible i wonder if he made all those wrong decisions purposely.Awarding the 2nd penalty was shocking
7th comment
Dear-ohh-dear.This article is so rubbish. Is Diaby a defender.Forget the way arsenal lost the lead and realise they, of all the real contenders, have gained apoint to the rest apart from City, whom i am not sure are real contnders
8th comment
This is the worst article in the history of football this writer is a Manchester United fan this writer is stupid, he is better off writing myths.
9th comment
I think you mean
That is where i stopped reading. You moron.
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