td tgk bola kt yasmeen. Malaysia vs Indonesia. mkn cemey selapih. syok btoi. haha. apas(bdk pelaq) dpt bnyk kupon. deje btoi. tp bguih jgk la. dia open ayaq tin. jenoh minum. haha. yg syoknya, time game "sedang beraksi", geng baun bwk mnatang tiup2 bunyi bising tu(tktau nk abaq). brader table dpn kami pn bwk jgk mnatang tu. tp yg geng baun pnya lg stai. haha. lwk gila kot tgk brader tu dok tiup. ketaq pala2 woo. dgn adam dok prangat suruh tiup lg kuat, semak. ahahaha. smpai la ni aku tkleh lupa kot. :P
btw, tahniah Malaysia. seperti yg apas(bdk pelaq) kata, "kalah kutuk, menang sorak". ;)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Thursday. December 30, 2010 2.57a.m
td dh bt prjanjian gan lan. tgkla nnt sapa yg mungkir janji. hahaha. :P
Monday, December 27, 2010
27dec2010 3:26aa.m
harap2 next year Gemmie dpt datang Malaysia. so, boleh la lepak skali gan dia. boleh lepak skali gan Nikko. teringin nk lepak sama2. knal lama dh kot, tp aram tk pnh jmpk. hahaha :P
harap2 next year Gemmie dpt datang Malaysia. so, boleh la lepak skali gan dia. boleh lepak skali gan Nikko. teringin nk lepak sama2. knal lama dh kot, tp aram tk pnh jmpk. hahaha :P
Sunday, October 24, 2010
dh lama kot aku tk update blog. bkn tadak idea, tp suma idea aku dok dlm phone aku yg rosak tu. haha. klu phone tu tk rosak, bleh la aku update blog ni dlm 10 post. suma ala-ala lirik. haha. betri cap ayam, nk on tkleh. babi btoi. nk beli betri baru, mkn modai. haha
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Little Johnny.
Little Johnny said to his aunt Tess, "My God, you're ugly, aren't you!"
His mother overheard this and pulled Johnny into the kitchen. "You naughty boy!" she screamed, "How can you say to your aunt that she's ugly! You go right in and apologize to her! Tell her you're sorry!" Little Johnny entered the living room, walked over to his aunt and said, "Aunt Tess, I am sorry you're so ugly."
His mother overheard this and pulled Johnny into the kitchen. "You naughty boy!" she screamed, "How can you say to your aunt that she's ugly! You go right in and apologize to her! Tell her you're sorry!" Little Johnny entered the living room, walked over to his aunt and said, "Aunt Tess, I am sorry you're so ugly."
Thursday, September 30, 2010
if i had a girlfriend.
A : syg, i ada 1 good news n 1 bad news. u nk dgr yg mna dlu?
B : good news dlu lah.
A : i dh quit DotA.
B : sukanya. tkla i kna tunggu u abes main DotA dlu bru bleh msg kn?
A : yes yes. hehe(gelak jahat)
B : bad news plak?
A : i main HoN plak skng.
B : wtf? tkda perubahan lgsung!
B : good news dlu lah.
A : i dh quit DotA.
B : sukanya. tkla i kna tunggu u abes main DotA dlu bru bleh msg kn?
A : yes yes. hehe(gelak jahat)
B : bad news plak?
A : i main HoN plak skng.
B : wtf? tkda perubahan lgsung!
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Letter from Pendragon - DotA
A letter from Pendragon, creator of Visitor,
Some of you may know me; many of you probably won’t these days. This website was born on October 14th, 2004. It was a mere 2 months after I turned 18, and it was the first website I’d ever made. Guinsoo was the lead developer (before Icefrog), DotA had no competitive scene and maybe 5% of the players that it does today.
In the years that followed, the site turned from a small forum with only 30,000 users to a massive community with over a million visitors every month, a million page views every day, and a staff of over 100 volunteers. It’s been incredible discovering the generosity of individuals who selflessly donate their time to create a positive experience for others.
In the summer of 2008, I met Guinsoo in real life for the first time. He and his boss were in town and they wanted to meet up and go out for a steak, (how could I say no!?). I soon learned that they were working on a game based on DotA, free from all of the limitations of the Warcraft III engine and Several months after meeting them and after several trips to their offices to learn more about the project, I joined the Riot Games team working on League of Legends.
When I first joined the team in September of 2008, my original intent was to work on League of Legends full time and continue to build into an awesome thriving DotA community after Icefrog’s departure.
While I originally intended to leave this out of this letter, in light of the fact that this information is now out in the open, I think it’s important to set the record straight. Many believe that Icefrog left because I wanted to commercialize, and he did not. In reality – I had learned that Icefrog had been secretly working for S2Games after conducting a series of meetings where he was attempting to sell a full DotA game concept to a number of companies (including Riot). The differences of opinion that we had were merely that I chose to be transparent and honest about the project that I was working on, and the direction my career was going.
After working on and launching LoL, I began to realize that – in addition to having no free time anymore – with LoL available to play I no longer possessed the passion for DotA which once drove me.
The traffic on the website slowly began to decline, settling where it’s at now (about 50% of where it was a year ago), and I recently realized that I had a decision to make. I could either continue to say that I would rebuild the website as a strong DotA community, knowing that my heart wasn’t really in it, or I could archive the site, ending an almost 6 year chapter of my life that I’ve invested thousands of hours into. Ultimately I believe that the right decision here is to not trick myself into thinking that this site will be rebuilt into what it once was, and to shift my full focus and time to my new project, with an eye towards the future.
This website and the DotA community will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s been an amazing experience working with so many wonderful people and gaining so much insight about communities, people, and ultimately myself. There are more people deserving of thanks than I could possibly remember – so rather than leaving anyone out, I’ll simply thank everyone who has volunteered or contributed to this site over the last few years, and everyone who helped make it one of the premier DotA websites in the world.
The website will be offline for the next week or so while the database is moved to its new permanent home where its contents will remain archived and available to the public for the sake of historical preservation.
In the meantime, I hope some of you will join me and over 3 million other players for a game of League of Legends (it’s free!)
Should you wish to contact me, you can reach me at:
AIM: Gippis
Pendragon Visitor,
Some of you may know me; many of you probably won’t these days. This website was born on October 14th, 2004. It was a mere 2 months after I turned 18, and it was the first website I’d ever made. Guinsoo was the lead developer (before Icefrog), DotA had no competitive scene and maybe 5% of the players that it does today.
In the years that followed, the site turned from a small forum with only 30,000 users to a massive community with over a million visitors every month, a million page views every day, and a staff of over 100 volunteers. It’s been incredible discovering the generosity of individuals who selflessly donate their time to create a positive experience for others.
In the summer of 2008, I met Guinsoo in real life for the first time. He and his boss were in town and they wanted to meet up and go out for a steak, (how could I say no!?). I soon learned that they were working on a game based on DotA, free from all of the limitations of the Warcraft III engine and Several months after meeting them and after several trips to their offices to learn more about the project, I joined the Riot Games team working on League of Legends.
When I first joined the team in September of 2008, my original intent was to work on League of Legends full time and continue to build into an awesome thriving DotA community after Icefrog’s departure.
While I originally intended to leave this out of this letter, in light of the fact that this information is now out in the open, I think it’s important to set the record straight. Many believe that Icefrog left because I wanted to commercialize, and he did not. In reality – I had learned that Icefrog had been secretly working for S2Games after conducting a series of meetings where he was attempting to sell a full DotA game concept to a number of companies (including Riot). The differences of opinion that we had were merely that I chose to be transparent and honest about the project that I was working on, and the direction my career was going.
After working on and launching LoL, I began to realize that – in addition to having no free time anymore – with LoL available to play I no longer possessed the passion for DotA which once drove me.
The traffic on the website slowly began to decline, settling where it’s at now (about 50% of where it was a year ago), and I recently realized that I had a decision to make. I could either continue to say that I would rebuild the website as a strong DotA community, knowing that my heart wasn’t really in it, or I could archive the site, ending an almost 6 year chapter of my life that I’ve invested thousands of hours into. Ultimately I believe that the right decision here is to not trick myself into thinking that this site will be rebuilt into what it once was, and to shift my full focus and time to my new project, with an eye towards the future.
This website and the DotA community will always hold a special place in my heart. It’s been an amazing experience working with so many wonderful people and gaining so much insight about communities, people, and ultimately myself. There are more people deserving of thanks than I could possibly remember – so rather than leaving anyone out, I’ll simply thank everyone who has volunteered or contributed to this site over the last few years, and everyone who helped make it one of the premier DotA websites in the world.
The website will be offline for the next week or so while the database is moved to its new permanent home where its contents will remain archived and available to the public for the sake of historical preservation.
In the meantime, I hope some of you will join me and over 3 million other players for a game of League of Legends (it’s free!)
Should you wish to contact me, you can reach me at:
AIM: Gippis
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Raya ketiga.
ari raya ketiga tu aku bgn tidoq, lpas tu tktau nk p mna. btw, bia ajak aku p umah dia kt jitra. aku mcm malas nk p oh aritu sb mmber2 suma tkmau p. last2 pon ajak aku p lepak yasmeen, nk boh gmbaq raya. so, aku pn bwk la laptop p yasmeen(kdai baun). haha. tgh online tu, aku tgk toped online so aku ajak dia mai yasmeen n time tu plak dia ckp dia lapaq n mmg nk p yasmeen pn. lpas tu aku ckp la kt pon. alang2 nk p mkn, bek p umah bia. bleh mkn cemey. so, kami brcadang utk p amek toped. lpas amek toped, kami trus bergerak ke rumah bia. smpai2 kt umah bia tu, kami mkn nasik ayam. wowoow sedap kot. bia mangkuk, ajak p umah dia tp bkn dia sembang gan kami pn. mak dia ja yg layan kami. haha. malu taik kucing :P
lpas balik dari umah bia, kami singgah umah lan. p amek lan then p umah awek pon. wowowo p umah kaklong. hahaha. smpai kt umah nadya, kami bergegas amek bnda mkn. mkn spagheti(btoi dak aku eja?). aku mkn sikit ja sb kt umah bia aku mkn bnyk dh. haha.

tgk, kaklong gan pak uda nmpk secocok ja kn? harap2 tadak "taik" yg trjadi la dlm prhubungan depa. cewah. haha. lpas selesai mkn, kami brgambar pula. tgkap gmbaq lpas mkn ni diibaratkn mcm isap rokok la. org kata lpas mkn klu isap rokok, perghhh sedap! tgkp gmbaq pn sama ja. haha(wtf apa aku mgarut ni?)

beruk 2 ekoq kt atas aku tu lah my bestbestbestbestbestbestbestfren aku. wlupn kdg2 aku agak sakit ati gan depa, tp saya sayang mereka sangat sangat. merekalah yg menceriakn hidup saya. haha.
mlm tu dlm pkui bpa tah, tk igt. kami p umah mumia. ada BBQ. wowowowo, excited gila time nk p tu. haha. time smpai sana tu, tk rmai lg mmba2 yg ada sb geng2 adam, bagan pa suma tu tk mai lg. so, bosan la tkleh bahan membahan org ni. lpas lepak2 dlm 15min cmtu kot, bru depa smpai. bermulalah acara bahan membahan org. mangsa yg kami bahan mlm tu ialah adam si tua. haha. kesian dia. smua paku dia kot. yg paling lwk, time aku kutuk adam, msti bagan backup aku. dia ckp "isk, ayat hg kualiti sguh mlm ni". hahah. bodo btoi. tk abeh2 gan kualiti.
em, lpas lama kutuk org, perut pn lapaq. kami pn mkn. aku tibai ayam suma besaq2. aku tibai 5 ketui. 4 ketui awai tu ok lg la, bnyk isi yg syok dimakan. ayam ke-5 tu mcm errr, isi smua kot. tk rancak bila di makan begitu saja. haha. lpas knyg mkn, lepak2 isap rokok. then suma pakat balik.
yg len ja la balik. aku, lan, reh n mumia lepak yasmeen(kdai baun) dlu. aku lepak sat ja sb nk kna p GG. main dota. haha. sapot pnya ;)
ari raya ketiga tu aku bgn tidoq, lpas tu tktau nk p mna. btw, bia ajak aku p umah dia kt jitra. aku mcm malas nk p oh aritu sb mmber2 suma tkmau p. last2 pon ajak aku p lepak yasmeen, nk boh gmbaq raya. so, aku pn bwk la laptop p yasmeen(kdai baun). haha. tgh online tu, aku tgk toped online so aku ajak dia mai yasmeen n time tu plak dia ckp dia lapaq n mmg nk p yasmeen pn. lpas tu aku ckp la kt pon. alang2 nk p mkn, bek p umah bia. bleh mkn cemey. so, kami brcadang utk p amek toped. lpas amek toped, kami trus bergerak ke rumah bia. smpai2 kt umah bia tu, kami mkn nasik ayam. wowoow sedap kot. bia mangkuk, ajak p umah dia tp bkn dia sembang gan kami pn. mak dia ja yg layan kami. haha. malu taik kucing :P
lpas balik dari umah bia, kami singgah umah lan. p amek lan then p umah awek pon. wowowo p umah kaklong. hahaha. smpai kt umah nadya, kami bergegas amek bnda mkn. mkn spagheti(btoi dak aku eja?). aku mkn sikit ja sb kt umah bia aku mkn bnyk dh. haha.
tgk, kaklong gan pak uda nmpk secocok ja kn? harap2 tadak "taik" yg trjadi la dlm prhubungan depa. cewah. haha. lpas selesai mkn, kami brgambar pula. tgkap gmbaq lpas mkn ni diibaratkn mcm isap rokok la. org kata lpas mkn klu isap rokok, perghhh sedap! tgkp gmbaq pn sama ja. haha(wtf apa aku mgarut ni?)
beruk 2 ekoq kt atas aku tu lah my bestbestbestbestbestbestbestfren aku. wlupn kdg2 aku agak sakit ati gan depa, tp saya sayang mereka sangat sangat. merekalah yg menceriakn hidup saya. haha.
mlm tu dlm pkui bpa tah, tk igt. kami p umah mumia. ada BBQ. wowowowo, excited gila time nk p tu. haha. time smpai sana tu, tk rmai lg mmba2 yg ada sb geng2 adam, bagan pa suma tu tk mai lg. so, bosan la tkleh bahan membahan org ni. lpas lepak2 dlm 15min cmtu kot, bru depa smpai. bermulalah acara bahan membahan org. mangsa yg kami bahan mlm tu ialah adam si tua. haha. kesian dia. smua paku dia kot. yg paling lwk, time aku kutuk adam, msti bagan backup aku. dia ckp "isk, ayat hg kualiti sguh mlm ni". hahah. bodo btoi. tk abeh2 gan kualiti.
em, lpas lama kutuk org, perut pn lapaq. kami pn mkn. aku tibai ayam suma besaq2. aku tibai 5 ketui. 4 ketui awai tu ok lg la, bnyk isi yg syok dimakan. ayam ke-5 tu mcm errr, isi smua kot. tk rancak bila di makan begitu saja. haha. lpas knyg mkn, lepak2 isap rokok. then suma pakat balik.
yg len ja la balik. aku, lan, reh n mumia lepak yasmeen(kdai baun) dlu. aku lepak sat ja sb nk kna p GG. main dota. haha. sapot pnya ;)
Raya kedua!
best kot raya kali ni. keja bjalan gan kwn2 ja. haha. aku bgn tidoq tgh ari tu(actually dh ptg, trus p umah own. time aku smpai kt umah own tu, lan, jat asun n yap dh ada kt situ. depa plan nk p umah jat malek. excited jgk aa time tu. lpas minum n mkn kuih sikit kt umah own, kami brtolak ke umah jat malek. otw p umah jat, mumia roger jat asun. so, kami tunggu mumia dlu kt shell taman mahsuri tu then bru kami gerak skali p umah jat malek. time pon n toped tk smpai lg. depa otw balik dari umah jah kot klu tk salah aku. bjalan sguh depa. haha. time kami tgh mkn kt umah jat malek, bru pon n toped smpai. then time kami abeh mkn, bru turn depa mkn. kami dok lepak2 isap rokok pa kt luaq dlu. time tu aku plg otai, aku paku keliling. hahaha :P

gmbaq kt atas ni time kami suma dh selesai mkn n isap rokok. muka kenyang ja tu suma. hahaha.
lpas lepak2 kt luaq umah jat malek, kami suma p umah adam plak. p mkn lagi. haha. tp yap gan jat asun tk ikut, depa kna balik. mumia nk kna p mna plak tatau, tk igt. haha. dok kt umah adam, kami keja kutuk adam ja. best kot kutuk dia. mcm nek gerek turun gon. hahaha.

tgkkk, kami pkai baju suma brpasang pasangan kn? secara kebetulan ja haha. adam ja dak, dia org tua. besa la. hahaha.
best kot raya kali ni. keja bjalan gan kwn2 ja. haha. aku bgn tidoq tgh ari tu(actually dh ptg, trus p umah own. time aku smpai kt umah own tu, lan, jat asun n yap dh ada kt situ. depa plan nk p umah jat malek. excited jgk aa time tu. lpas minum n mkn kuih sikit kt umah own, kami brtolak ke umah jat malek. otw p umah jat, mumia roger jat asun. so, kami tunggu mumia dlu kt shell taman mahsuri tu then bru kami gerak skali p umah jat malek. time pon n toped tk smpai lg. depa otw balik dari umah jah kot klu tk salah aku. bjalan sguh depa. haha. time kami tgh mkn kt umah jat malek, bru pon n toped smpai. then time kami abeh mkn, bru turn depa mkn. kami dok lepak2 isap rokok pa kt luaq dlu. time tu aku plg otai, aku paku keliling. hahaha :P
gmbaq kt atas ni time kami suma dh selesai mkn n isap rokok. muka kenyang ja tu suma. hahaha.
lpas lepak2 kt luaq umah jat malek, kami suma p umah adam plak. p mkn lagi. haha. tp yap gan jat asun tk ikut, depa kna balik. mumia nk kna p mna plak tatau, tk igt. haha. dok kt umah adam, kami keja kutuk adam ja. best kot kutuk dia. mcm nek gerek turun gon. hahaha.
tgkkk, kami pkai baju suma brpasang pasangan kn? secara kebetulan ja haha. adam ja dak, dia org tua. besa la. hahaha.
raya prtama!
raya kali ni aku tk beli baju bru pn. mak aku tkda duit. so, aku pkai baju lama jala. hehe. tp tk semestinya tak berbaju baru, tkleh enjoy raya mcm orglen. kn? :)

pagi raya prtama tu aku, pon, paan, faisal n wan p smpai bukit kayu hitam nuuu. p beraya umah awek mna tatau. ahah. aku gan pon tutuh ikut ja, boring pnya pasai. yala, klu tk ikut, tkkan nk p cc plak kot. raya prtama memba2 yg len suma bz. haha. lpas balik dari bukit kayu hitam tu, kami p umah own. p lepak2 sat. lpas tu p umah jat asun. tkdan panaih pungkoq ddk kt umah jat asun, kak pon tepon plak ajak p tgkp gmbaq family. so, aku gan own jala kt umah jat asun.
lpas balik dari umah jat asun, aku dok umah sat. lpas tu aku kuaq p yasmeen. haha. org kalut p beraya, aku kalut nk online. haha. tp best la lepak mlm tu, rmai kot lepak skali. besttttttttttttt :)
pagi raya prtama tu aku, pon, paan, faisal n wan p smpai bukit kayu hitam nuuu. p beraya umah awek mna tatau. ahah. aku gan pon tutuh ikut ja, boring pnya pasai. yala, klu tk ikut, tkkan nk p cc plak kot. raya prtama memba2 yg len suma bz. haha. lpas balik dari bukit kayu hitam tu, kami p umah own. p lepak2 sat. lpas tu p umah jat asun. tkdan panaih pungkoq ddk kt umah jat asun, kak pon tepon plak ajak p tgkp gmbaq family. so, aku gan own jala kt umah jat asun.
lpas balik dari umah jat asun, aku dok umah sat. lpas tu aku kuaq p yasmeen. haha. org kalut p beraya, aku kalut nk online. haha. tp best la lepak mlm tu, rmai kot lepak skali. besttttttttttttt :)
01.50pm Sun 5.Sep 2010
time ni kami otw nk p penang. kami nk p cc ftz kt raja uda sb ada tournament DotA(MSI). suma excited. tp nk bt cmna, nasib tk menyebelahi kami. kami eksiden kt dpn yawata. bru gerak 3km ja, dh eksiden. haha. sedih btoi.

beginilah keadaan keta man boroi. haha. dhla nk dkt raya dh time tu. kesian dia, trpksa nek "moto GP" dia tu. wahahah
lpas eksiden tu, man boroi gan adek p balai, bt repot. aku, wong n botak p lepak lanparty sat smentara tgu olen mai amek kami. lpas tu kami p gg. dh tk jd p penang, kami plan nk p perlis plak aa sb geng2 olen pa suma tu p bkk posa kt kuala perlis.
setelah selesai berfikir, kami pn p la perlis. aku nek keta kie brsama2 gan botak, chet n yusman. smpai2 sana, ujan rintik2. ckup tk suka la bila ujan ni. dhla sliper aku tu tapak dh tak mcm tapak sliper dh. haha. sedih btoi.
kami mkn bnyk gila mlm tu. tp mcm tk berbaloi ja. bayaq 20 ringgit, tp mkn tk puaih. tomyam cret! geram aku. tp sronok la, bleh bkk posa rmai2 gan kwn2. best! haha. lpas bkk posa tu, kami jln2 kot tepi kuala perlis tu. lpas tu yusman dok crita kes illuminati kt kami, agak trkejut jgk la sb dia knowledge dlm bab2 tu. interesting one!
lpas tu kami pn balik. letih gila kot. dgn kpala aku bengkak sb eksiden tu, p perlis plak, mkn bnyk. perghhh. haha
*tadak gmbaq kt perlis tu. dok dlm album facebook aiman. dia tk approve aku jd fren. puki btoi. haha
beginilah keadaan keta man boroi. haha. dhla nk dkt raya dh time tu. kesian dia, trpksa nek "moto GP" dia tu. wahahah
lpas eksiden tu, man boroi gan adek p balai, bt repot. aku, wong n botak p lepak lanparty sat smentara tgu olen mai amek kami. lpas tu kami p gg. dh tk jd p penang, kami plan nk p perlis plak aa sb geng2 olen pa suma tu p bkk posa kt kuala perlis.
setelah selesai berfikir, kami pn p la perlis. aku nek keta kie brsama2 gan botak, chet n yusman. smpai2 sana, ujan rintik2. ckup tk suka la bila ujan ni. dhla sliper aku tu tapak dh tak mcm tapak sliper dh. haha. sedih btoi.
kami mkn bnyk gila mlm tu. tp mcm tk berbaloi ja. bayaq 20 ringgit, tp mkn tk puaih. tomyam cret! geram aku. tp sronok la, bleh bkk posa rmai2 gan kwn2. best! haha. lpas bkk posa tu, kami jln2 kot tepi kuala perlis tu. lpas tu yusman dok crita kes illuminati kt kami, agak trkejut jgk la sb dia knowledge dlm bab2 tu. interesting one!
lpas tu kami pn balik. letih gila kot. dgn kpala aku bengkak sb eksiden tu, p perlis plak, mkn bnyk. perghhh. haha
*tadak gmbaq kt perlis tu. dok dlm album facebook aiman. dia tk approve aku jd fren. puki btoi. haha
Thursday, September 16, 2010
fuck you.
this isn't about us,
this is about my heart,
a broken heart,
i try, no regrets,
in the end, my heart just rotting dead,
don't you ever forget,
the letters that you get,
go fuck yourself with that, asshole!
things never change, i mean us,
you're good-for-nothing bastard,
selfishness owns you,
you shouldn't be here,
fuck you!
everything's gonna be alright, not us,
open your eyes, look at the sky,
the stars are shining bright,
i was fool by that, it's you,
for all the nightmare that i went through, it's all true.
jgn gelak klu salah tulis. aku antam tulis ja ni. hahahha
this is about my heart,
a broken heart,
i try, no regrets,
in the end, my heart just rotting dead,
don't you ever forget,
the letters that you get,
go fuck yourself with that, asshole!
things never change, i mean us,
you're good-for-nothing bastard,
selfishness owns you,
you shouldn't be here,
fuck you!
everything's gonna be alright, not us,
open your eyes, look at the sky,
the stars are shining bright,
i was fool by that, it's you,
for all the nightmare that i went through, it's all true.
jgn gelak klu salah tulis. aku antam tulis ja ni. hahahha
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
10.22pm Wed 1.Sep.2010
yah. time ni kt dlm keta. otw balik umah.
ptg td aku, man, botak, wong n adek p penang. p amek borang tournament dota kt FTZ. nk isi borang tournament tu pn bnyk dugaan. hahaha. awai2 msuk cc tu, ada sorang bangla ni yg jaga counter. mcm puki, tnya sepatah pn tk paham. lpas tu ada awek segak plak mai jaga counter. tukaq shif la kot. bru umoq 16. segak gila. suma kira nk ejaih ja. hahahaha. awek tu pn sama naik ja gan bangla tu. aram tk tau apa. tp dia ada jgk la membantu sehinggalah bleh isi borang. lpas isi borang tu, kami tnya awek tu tournament tu lwn kt cc mna. dia ckp kt penang. lpas tu kami tnya lg "kt mna? ada 3 cawangan kot kt penang". lpas tu dia ckp "mna ada. FTZ ada 2 cawangan ja. kt KL 1, kt penang 1". aku time tu mcm, errr wtf minah ni. kt flyers tournament tu tulis ada 3 cc FTZ kt penang kot. haha. lpas tu aku tnjuk la flyers tu kt awek tu. then bru dia ckp dia tktau. dia suh tggu tokey tepon esok. hahaha. kelaku btoi.
selesai mengisi borang, kami berlima bergeraklah ke Queensbay. time kami bru smpai Queensbay tu, aku trlihat seorang pmpn yg didalam bas tu muka mcm Cik Bia. dressing pn sama. so, aku trus msg Cik Bia la. kot2 btoi. tp dia tk reply pn. haha. kt Queensbay tu, kami jln merata. beli aram dak pn. hahaha. suma pakat duit tadak. adek sorang ja ada duit. dia ckp ada 2 ribu dlm bank. dia nk bg kami guna dlu, nnt bayaq balik. botak gan man excited sgt la. tp aku tkmau beli apa2 pn. dok tau dh mmg aku tk mmpu nk bayaq balik. pakaian kt situ suma mahai2, tk sesuai gan wang perbelanjaan keluarga aku. haha. err, klu tk salah aku. time pkul 6.20ptg tu kami tgh cari kdai F.O.S. sekoq pn tktau kt mna. dok cari smpai lenguh kaki. perut dok bunyi mcm2 dh. haha. dok kt F.O.S tu smpai pkui 7. tk dpt jgk beli baju. botak nk beli, tp tadak saiz. tula hg botak, kering sgt. hahaha. man boroi plak dh nk beli 1 baju, tp kecik plak. tula hg man, boroi sgt. hahahah.
lpas penat brjalan, kami berlima kuaq la dari Queensbay tu. nk p bkk posa. pusing pnya pusing, nk cari kdai mkn. pkui 8 lebih jgk la bru bleh turun mkn. btw, time kami kuaq dari Queensbay tu kami singgah beli ayaq dlu. kami bajet mmg tk smpat dh nk p kdai mkn. haha bijak btl kami.
lpas mkn, kenyang trok kot smpai aku mkn tk abeh. dh tk abeh tu, man sapu ayam aku. ahaha. dasar perut jin cmtu la, mkn bnyk pn tkpa. lpas tu kami meneruskn perjalanan ke gurney plak. kt situ bru man boroi n botak beli baju. haha. aku btoi2 tk larat dh time tu. dgn perut dok knyg, mgantuk plak selapih, tk larat jln, suma ada la. haha. lpas selesai jln2 kt situ, kami berangkat pulang. dok dlm keta, kami dok sembang kes plkn. hahaha. lpas sembang2 tu, aku tidoq. sedaq2 smpai kt tol aloq staq dh. hee
stakat itu sajalah. end
ptg td aku, man, botak, wong n adek p penang. p amek borang tournament dota kt FTZ. nk isi borang tournament tu pn bnyk dugaan. hahaha. awai2 msuk cc tu, ada sorang bangla ni yg jaga counter. mcm puki, tnya sepatah pn tk paham. lpas tu ada awek segak plak mai jaga counter. tukaq shif la kot. bru umoq 16. segak gila. suma kira nk ejaih ja. hahahaha. awek tu pn sama naik ja gan bangla tu. aram tk tau apa. tp dia ada jgk la membantu sehinggalah bleh isi borang. lpas isi borang tu, kami tnya awek tu tournament tu lwn kt cc mna. dia ckp kt penang. lpas tu kami tnya lg "kt mna? ada 3 cawangan kot kt penang". lpas tu dia ckp "mna ada. FTZ ada 2 cawangan ja. kt KL 1, kt penang 1". aku time tu mcm, errr wtf minah ni. kt flyers tournament tu tulis ada 3 cc FTZ kt penang kot. haha. lpas tu aku tnjuk la flyers tu kt awek tu. then bru dia ckp dia tktau. dia suh tggu tokey tepon esok. hahaha. kelaku btoi.
selesai mengisi borang, kami berlima bergeraklah ke Queensbay. time kami bru smpai Queensbay tu, aku trlihat seorang pmpn yg didalam bas tu muka mcm Cik Bia. dressing pn sama. so, aku trus msg Cik Bia la. kot2 btoi. tp dia tk reply pn. haha. kt Queensbay tu, kami jln merata. beli aram dak pn. hahaha. suma pakat duit tadak. adek sorang ja ada duit. dia ckp ada 2 ribu dlm bank. dia nk bg kami guna dlu, nnt bayaq balik. botak gan man excited sgt la. tp aku tkmau beli apa2 pn. dok tau dh mmg aku tk mmpu nk bayaq balik. pakaian kt situ suma mahai2, tk sesuai gan wang perbelanjaan keluarga aku. haha. err, klu tk salah aku. time pkul 6.20ptg tu kami tgh cari kdai F.O.S. sekoq pn tktau kt mna. dok cari smpai lenguh kaki. perut dok bunyi mcm2 dh. haha. dok kt F.O.S tu smpai pkui 7. tk dpt jgk beli baju. botak nk beli, tp tadak saiz. tula hg botak, kering sgt. hahaha. man boroi plak dh nk beli 1 baju, tp kecik plak. tula hg man, boroi sgt. hahahah.
lpas penat brjalan, kami berlima kuaq la dari Queensbay tu. nk p bkk posa. pusing pnya pusing, nk cari kdai mkn. pkui 8 lebih jgk la bru bleh turun mkn. btw, time kami kuaq dari Queensbay tu kami singgah beli ayaq dlu. kami bajet mmg tk smpat dh nk p kdai mkn. haha bijak btl kami.
lpas mkn, kenyang trok kot smpai aku mkn tk abeh. dh tk abeh tu, man sapu ayam aku. ahaha. dasar perut jin cmtu la, mkn bnyk pn tkpa. lpas tu kami meneruskn perjalanan ke gurney plak. kt situ bru man boroi n botak beli baju. haha. aku btoi2 tk larat dh time tu. dgn perut dok knyg, mgantuk plak selapih, tk larat jln, suma ada la. haha. lpas selesai jln2 kt situ, kami berangkat pulang. dok dlm keta, kami dok sembang kes plkn. hahaha. lpas sembang2 tu, aku tidoq. sedaq2 smpai kt tol aloq staq dh. hee
stakat itu sajalah. end
Sunday, August 29, 2010
08:32am Sat 28.Aug.2010
bru lpas main dota kt gg. main garena. lwn team AEON.VinX.MuFc. 1st game depa kna tapau trok2. wong pnya ursa mengganas. qop pn bleh jd bodo gan ursa wong. ahaha. lawak btoi. 2nd game kami kalah. tp yg tk puaih ati, si AEON.VinX.MuFc ni ckp kami MH sb time tu dia main puck. dia buat manta style + amek illusion kt longkang so ada 5 ekor puck kt situ. wong secara tk sengaja ter-attack puck yg btoi pnya. dh wong ckp tu hero btl, aku trus hex la. then kami kna maki trus. wtf? "nasib" org yg tkda nama, suma ckp MH. "nasib" org yg ada nama, org ckp pro. FUCK OFF! la ni botak dh kna cap MH kt room cw2. ahahaha padan muka hg. btw, kami sedang praktis utk tournament yg akan datang kt penang. wahh, excited nih. tournamaent yg kedua bagi aku. ahaha
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
09:43pm Wed 25.Aug.2010
time ni aku bru abeh smayang terawih kt umah anak2 yatim. btw, td aku bkk posa kt situ. hm, kesian gila aku tgk bdk2 tu. kecik2 dh kna ddk umah anak yatim. dhla nk dekat raya, aku tktau la cmna depa nk enjoy hari raya depa tu tnpa mak n ayah. time aku kt sana, bnyk kali kot aku nk nangeh tp aku tahan jgk. haha, tk macho btoi kn? tp nk bt cmna, dh aku jenih sensitif. =P
tgh ari td aku balik umah nk amek baju melayu. yala, nk p bkk posa kt umah anak yatim kn? memba2 suma pkai baju melayu, tkkan aku nk pkai t-shirt plak kot. hm, time aku balik tu, aku tgk mak aku tgh tidoq so aku tkda la nk risau sgt. mybe letih dok melayan budak. then tok aku panggey aku. tok aku ckp mak aku sakit. time tu aku jd susah ati gila. aku tnya mak aku ok ka dak, mak aku ckp demam ja. hm, mak aku slalu cmni. bila sakit apa2, asyik2 ckp demam. hm, aku tnya la mak aku dh amek ubat ka dak lg. mak aku ckp dh amek, p gan kak aku kmarin. mak aku ckp, sb mkn ubat la mak aku tk larat nk bgn. tp tahla. aku 50-50 ja nk pcaya ka dak sb sblum ni mak aku tk penah jd cmtu kot.
aku takut jd apa2 kt mak aku. aku nk enjoy ari raya gan mak aku. aku nk tnjuk kt mak aku yg aku akan brjaya 1 ari nnt. aku nk balas jasa mak aku. aku bnyk trhutang budi gan mak aku. aku syg mak aku sgt2 :(
yaaaaaa, aku dh besar. tp aku tkleh brdikari lg. nk brdikari cmna, duit pn mntk kt mak lg n bila ada masalah sikit ja aku nangeh. hm. tk jantan btoi kn? hm, dlm post yg lepas2, aku ada ckp yg aku bnyk berfikir mcm2 bnda kn? tp serious ckp, aku tk pnah terpikir ttg ni n la ni bila aku bnyk berfikir ttg masalah ni, aku tktau nk btpa. blur gila kot. hm, skng aku dh tkda sebab lagi nk senyum mcm dlu. mybe klu aku senyum tu, it's just a fake smile.
hm, tktau lah apa masalah aku ni. bnyk sgt masalah. aku dh btl2 serabut la ni. -end-
*tktau nk tulis apa dh. blur.
tgh ari td aku balik umah nk amek baju melayu. yala, nk p bkk posa kt umah anak yatim kn? memba2 suma pkai baju melayu, tkkan aku nk pkai t-shirt plak kot. hm, time aku balik tu, aku tgk mak aku tgh tidoq so aku tkda la nk risau sgt. mybe letih dok melayan budak. then tok aku panggey aku. tok aku ckp mak aku sakit. time tu aku jd susah ati gila. aku tnya mak aku ok ka dak, mak aku ckp demam ja. hm, mak aku slalu cmni. bila sakit apa2, asyik2 ckp demam. hm, aku tnya la mak aku dh amek ubat ka dak lg. mak aku ckp dh amek, p gan kak aku kmarin. mak aku ckp, sb mkn ubat la mak aku tk larat nk bgn. tp tahla. aku 50-50 ja nk pcaya ka dak sb sblum ni mak aku tk penah jd cmtu kot.
aku takut jd apa2 kt mak aku. aku nk enjoy ari raya gan mak aku. aku nk tnjuk kt mak aku yg aku akan brjaya 1 ari nnt. aku nk balas jasa mak aku. aku bnyk trhutang budi gan mak aku. aku syg mak aku sgt2 :(
yaaaaaa, aku dh besar. tp aku tkleh brdikari lg. nk brdikari cmna, duit pn mntk kt mak lg n bila ada masalah sikit ja aku nangeh. hm. tk jantan btoi kn? hm, dlm post yg lepas2, aku ada ckp yg aku bnyk berfikir mcm2 bnda kn? tp serious ckp, aku tk pnah terpikir ttg ni n la ni bila aku bnyk berfikir ttg masalah ni, aku tktau nk btpa. blur gila kot. hm, skng aku dh tkda sebab lagi nk senyum mcm dlu. mybe klu aku senyum tu, it's just a fake smile.
hm, tktau lah apa masalah aku ni. bnyk sgt masalah. aku dh btl2 serabut la ni. -end-
*tktau nk tulis apa dh. blur.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
i will create a history,
not a glory,
bcos my shoulders are heavy,
what i can say is sorry,
if i a lie can make things change,
i won't use all my strength,
just tears and pain,
it happened again,
this is fate,
that God create,
i'm sure you'll be happy with it,
you always make me sick,
once again i failed,
i can't go anu further,
too much pain awaits,
i must let you go,
everything keep coming my way,
i guess that i'm in the wrong lane.
ahaha inilah salah satu idea mgarut saya bila saya bosang :P
not a glory,
bcos my shoulders are heavy,
what i can say is sorry,
if i a lie can make things change,
i won't use all my strength,
just tears and pain,
it happened again,
this is fate,
that God create,
i'm sure you'll be happy with it,
you always make me sick,
once again i failed,
i can't go anu further,
too much pain awaits,
i must let you go,
everything keep coming my way,
i guess that i'm in the wrong lane.
ahaha inilah salah satu idea mgarut saya bila saya bosang :P
Sunday, August 22, 2010
again and again
the smile that you take,
the promise that you break,
you filled this heart with hates,
isn't great?
no tears for today cry,
i wiped them all dry,
you know that i already try,
i still failed, but why?
i still don't get it,
i try to understand,
but i failed,
yeah, i believe it's a fairy tale,
dream will never come true,
so i have to say this to you,
goodbye for what we've been through,
this is for you,
ini sajalah yg boleh saya merapu. klu ada salah ejaan harap maaf, saya tk educated. haha
the promise that you break,
you filled this heart with hates,
isn't great?
no tears for today cry,
i wiped them all dry,
you know that i already try,
i still failed, but why?
i still don't get it,
i try to understand,
but i failed,
yeah, i believe it's a fairy tale,
dream will never come true,
so i have to say this to you,
goodbye for what we've been through,
this is for you,
ini sajalah yg boleh saya merapu. klu ada salah ejaan harap maaf, saya tk educated. haha
Thursday, August 19, 2010
td aku turun bwh, isap rokok. time aku turun tu aku ada nmpk la sorang apek ni. dia dok tgh kutip kotak(sorry, saya tk racist ok?). hm, aku ni jenis bnyk berfikir, tk kira la pikir yg logik or tk logik. tu mmg hobi aku. time aku tgk dia tu, aku rasa sedih n simpati. serious ckp la, aku ni sensitif sket dlm bab2 ni. hm, time aku tgk apek tu, aku tringat kt mak aku. mak aku penat cari duit wlupn dh tua(ayah dh tkda). yaaaaa, dulu mmg aku suka bazirkan duit. tp skarang tak dh. setelah seselai berfikir bnyk bnda, aku sedar ttg kesusahan mak aku. Alhamdulillah, skarang aku dh tk mcm dlu. aku dh bleh berfikir secara matang wlupn tiap2 ari aku dok bt prangai terhegeh2 kt facebook. kn kwn2 kn? haha. skarang aku dh start smayang balik setelah beberapa tahun aku tk smayang, hina kn aku? dulu aku tk prnh pikir ttg arwah ayah aku kt dlm kubur tu, aku ni anak yg tk mgenang jasa kn? bnyk tahun kot aku tk p melawat kubur ayah aku. hmmm. i'm sorry abah =[
mybe klu ayah aku ada lg skng, aku tk mcm ni. mybe aku tk sebodoh ni. dulu aku tk hiraukn ckp mak aku, aku tk takut kt sapa2 pn kt dlm family aku. aku buat bnda ikut kpala aku sendiri ja. dulu aku tk pnh pikir ttg kesusahan yg orglain tanggung. aku asyik pikir nk enjoy n abiskn duit ja. hmmmm, aku ni anak yg tk brguna kn? tk bt jasa pn kt family.
aritu mak aku nangeh2 dpn aku sb duit tadak nk beli makanan. mak aku ckp, nenek aku bg kt mak aku 2ribu. duit 2ribu tu utk duit blanja klu2 nenek aku meninggal nnt, mak aku la ckp cmtu. tp mak aku dh guna duit tu smpai abeh. suma sb aku gan abg aku. sblum2 ni kami mewah sgt gan duit. time mak aku ckp ttg tu kt aku, aku nangeh. aku rasa mcm aku ni tk brguna n tersangatlah pentingkn diri.
skarang aku dh tk mcm dulu, aku dh pndai berjimat(actually skng duit blanja aku dh berkurang so aku tk boleh mewah mcm dulu). tkpa lah, itu suma dugaan yg Allah bg. aku terima dgn seadanya. skng ni bulan puasa n mak aku tk berduit. aku tkmau mntk apa2 pn raya ni. wlupn aku trpksa "cemburu" dgn kwn2 aku yg bnyk beli baju/seluar baru, aku mmpu tumpang gembira jala. mybe nnt klu ada org nk beli gitar aku, aku blehla beli baju baru. seluar? bundle sudahhhhhh :)
ada bnyk lg aku nk tulis, tp tahla. mcm malas ja. haha
mybe klu ayah aku ada lg skng, aku tk mcm ni. mybe aku tk sebodoh ni. dulu aku tk hiraukn ckp mak aku, aku tk takut kt sapa2 pn kt dlm family aku. aku buat bnda ikut kpala aku sendiri ja. dulu aku tk pnh pikir ttg kesusahan yg orglain tanggung. aku asyik pikir nk enjoy n abiskn duit ja. hmmmm, aku ni anak yg tk brguna kn? tk bt jasa pn kt family.
aritu mak aku nangeh2 dpn aku sb duit tadak nk beli makanan. mak aku ckp, nenek aku bg kt mak aku 2ribu. duit 2ribu tu utk duit blanja klu2 nenek aku meninggal nnt, mak aku la ckp cmtu. tp mak aku dh guna duit tu smpai abeh. suma sb aku gan abg aku. sblum2 ni kami mewah sgt gan duit. time mak aku ckp ttg tu kt aku, aku nangeh. aku rasa mcm aku ni tk brguna n tersangatlah pentingkn diri.
skarang aku dh tk mcm dulu, aku dh pndai berjimat(actually skng duit blanja aku dh berkurang so aku tk boleh mewah mcm dulu). tkpa lah, itu suma dugaan yg Allah bg. aku terima dgn seadanya. skng ni bulan puasa n mak aku tk berduit. aku tkmau mntk apa2 pn raya ni. wlupn aku trpksa "cemburu" dgn kwn2 aku yg bnyk beli baju/seluar baru, aku mmpu tumpang gembira jala. mybe nnt klu ada org nk beli gitar aku, aku blehla beli baju baru. seluar? bundle sudahhhhhh :)
ada bnyk lg aku nk tulis, tp tahla. mcm malas ja. haha
Monday, August 16, 2010
td aku saja ja bukak blog bella, adik mastura. lpas tu pic yg plg besar kt blog dia tu pic dia dgn Lamb Of God. wtf? aku mcm tk pecaya ja. so, aku pn selidiklah blog dia. smua ini bkn mimpi, ini satu kenyataan. jeles gila gan bella n nan. meluat aku. dhla dpt VIP pass. grrrr lg brtmbah jeles. haha =P
Sunday, August 15, 2010
09:02pm Sat 14.Aug.2010
bru lpas antaq mira kt uitm. td aku, olen, baun n lan p bkk posa gan mira. haha. tengkiu mira sb blanja kami mkn. awak sgt2lah baik. hahaha wei mira, dlu hg dok kata aku pendek, hg tu besaq aku ja wei. hikk hikk hikkk(gelak kuda). hahaha. kesian kt botak, tkleh ikut. sori ye botak. awak pujuk la cik mira kot dlm msg dhla k? hahaha :P
td lepak, nk kata best tu agak best la. tp nk kata tk best tu bleh la jgk sb tk lama pn kami lepak. smpai merbok, amek lan, amek mira, lpas tu p bkk posa trus. lpas bkk posa, trus antaq mira. tkleh nk melepak lama, tkleh nk tgk mira gelak mcm kuda. hahahaha.
lpas antaq mira, p lepak umah sewa lan n "makbul". "makbul" dok bt pala bz plak, p amek org nu p amek org ni. tkdan nk kata kt dia trok2. haha. lpas lepak kt umah sewa depa, kami trus balik. tk igt la pkui bpa. tp dlm pkui 10:30 cmtu aa.
ada bnyk lg yg aku nk tulis. tp mls. haha. tata
td lepak, nk kata best tu agak best la. tp nk kata tk best tu bleh la jgk sb tk lama pn kami lepak. smpai merbok, amek lan, amek mira, lpas tu p bkk posa trus. lpas bkk posa, trus antaq mira. tkleh nk melepak lama, tkleh nk tgk mira gelak mcm kuda. hahahaha.
lpas antaq mira, p lepak umah sewa lan n "makbul". "makbul" dok bt pala bz plak, p amek org nu p amek org ni. tkdan nk kata kt dia trok2. haha. lpas lepak kt umah sewa depa, kami trus balik. tk igt la pkui bpa. tp dlm pkui 10:30 cmtu aa.
ada bnyk lg yg aku nk tulis. tp mls. haha. tata
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Rylai quotes.
Crystal Maiden:
"I can help."
"Thats curious."
"Shh, I'm trying to think here.
"What's the plan?"
"I'm no warrior."
"All I ever wanted was to study."
"The currents of magic are in upheaval."
"I pray my father is safe."
"Things are starting to get a little weird."
"Sounds good."
"I'll check it out."
"Sounds interesting."
"I'll take care of it."
"I hate resorting to violence."
"You asked for it."
"For Dalaran!"
"I can help."
"Thats curious."
"Shh, I'm trying to think here.
"What's the plan?"
"I'm no warrior."
"All I ever wanted was to study."
"The currents of magic are in upheaval."
"I pray my father is safe."
"Things are starting to get a little weird."
"Sounds good."
"I'll check it out."
"Sounds interesting."
"I'll take care of it."
"I hate resorting to violence."
"You asked for it."
"For Dalaran!"
Monday, August 9, 2010
every time i look up to the sky after the rain,
i think back to when i was a crybaby,
i was chasing somebodys back blindly,
thinking "i want to be stronger",
the word "thank you" has faded into the wind now,
am i getting stronger?
i don't know the answer yet,
thats why ill keep walking ahead,
so let`s go,
without stopping,
without giving up to the flow of time,
i`ll keep getting back up,
because i don`t want to lose something precious,
the voice inside of me,
keep sustaining me,
wicked rain will get in my way,
but i won`t walk away,
to the future i believe in..
i think back to when i was a crybaby,
i was chasing somebodys back blindly,
thinking "i want to be stronger",
the word "thank you" has faded into the wind now,
am i getting stronger?
i don't know the answer yet,
thats why ill keep walking ahead,
so let`s go,
without stopping,
without giving up to the flow of time,
i`ll keep getting back up,
because i don`t want to lose something precious,
the voice inside of me,
keep sustaining me,
wicked rain will get in my way,
but i won`t walk away,
to the future i believe in..
Little Johnny 2.
You must be surprised that I'm writing you today, the 26th of December. Well, I would very much like to clear up certain things that have occurred since the beginning of the month! While filled with illusion I wrote you a letter and I asked for a bicycle, an electric train set, a pair of rollerblades, and a football uniform. I destroyed my brain studying the whole year! Not only was I the first in my class, but I had the best grades in the whole school. I'm not going to lie to you, Santa, there was no one in my entire neighborhood that behaved better than me. With my parents, my brothers, my friends and with my neighbors, I would go on errands and even help the elderly cross the street. There was virtually nothing I wouldn't do for humanity! WHAT BALLS YOU HAVE LEAVING ME A FUCKING YO-YO, A STUPID ASS WHISTLE, AND A PAIR OF SOCKS! WHAT THE FUCK WERE YOU THINKING, YOU FAT SON OF A BITCH? YOU'VE TAKEN ME FOR A SUCKER THE WHOLE FUCKING YEAR, TO COME OUT WITH SOME SHIT LIKE THIS UNDER THE DAMN TREE. AS IF YOU HADN'T FUCKED ME ENOUGH, YOU GAVE THAT LITTLE SHITHEAD ACROSS THE STREET SO MANY FUCKING TOYS, THAT HE CAN'T EVEN WALK INTO HIS DAMN HOUSE! PLEASE DON'T LET ME SEE YOU TRYING TO FIT YOUR BIG FAT ASS DOWN MY CHIMNEY NEXT YEAR! I'LL FUCK YOU UP! I'LL THROW ROCKS AT THOSE STUPID ASS REINDEERS OF YOURS, AND SCARE THEM THE FUCK AWAY, SO YOU'LL HAVE TO WALK YOUR BIG FAT ASS BACK TO THE NORTHPOLE, JUST LIKE I HAVE TO DO SINCE YOU DIDN'T GET ME THAT FUCKING BIKE, YOU PUNK BITCH!! YOU KNOW WHAT SANTA, FUCK YOU!! NEXT YEAR YOU'LL FIND OUT HOW BAD I CAN REALLY FUCKING BE…YOU'VE BEEN SLEEPING ON A MOTHERFUCKER FAR TOO LONG! SO WATCH YOUR BACK NEXT YEAR, YOU FAT BITCH!
Sincerely, Johnny
Sincerely, Johnny
Little Johnny 1.
Little Johnny went to his mother demanding a new bicycle. His mother decided that he should take a look at himself and the way he acts.
She said, "Well Johnny, it isn't Christmas and we don't have the money to just go out and buy you anything you want. So why don't you write a letter to Jesus and pray for one instead." After his temper tantrum his mother sent him to his room. He finally sat down to write a letter to Jesus. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've been a good boy this year and would appreciate a new bicycle. Your Friend,
Little Johnny
****************** Now Little Johnny knew that Jesus really knew what kind of boy he was (Brat). So, he ripped up the letter and decided to give it another try. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've been an OK boy this year and I want a new bicycle. Yours Truly,
Little Johnny
****************** Well, Little Johnny knew this wasn't totally honest so he tore it up and tried again. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've thought about being a good boy this year and can I have a new bicycle? Signed,
Little Johnny
****************** Well, Little Johnny looked deep down in his heart, which by the way was what his mother was really wanting. He crumpled up the letter and threw it in the trash can and went running outside. He aimlessly wandered about; depressed because of the way he treated his parents and really considering his actions. He finally found himself in front of a Catholic Church. Little Johnny went inside and knelt down, looking around not knowing what he should really do. Little Johnny finally got up and began to walk out the door and was looking at all the statues. All of a sudden he grabbed a small one and ran out the door. He went home hid it under his bed and wrote this letter. ******************
Jesus, I've broken most of the Ten Commandments; shot spit wads in school, tore up my sister's Barbie doll and lots more. I'm desperate. I've got your mama. If you ever want to see her again, give me a bike. Signed,
You know who
She said, "Well Johnny, it isn't Christmas and we don't have the money to just go out and buy you anything you want. So why don't you write a letter to Jesus and pray for one instead." After his temper tantrum his mother sent him to his room. He finally sat down to write a letter to Jesus. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've been a good boy this year and would appreciate a new bicycle. Your Friend,
Little Johnny
****************** Now Little Johnny knew that Jesus really knew what kind of boy he was (Brat). So, he ripped up the letter and decided to give it another try. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've been an OK boy this year and I want a new bicycle. Yours Truly,
Little Johnny
****************** Well, Little Johnny knew this wasn't totally honest so he tore it up and tried again. ******************
Dear Jesus, I've thought about being a good boy this year and can I have a new bicycle? Signed,
Little Johnny
****************** Well, Little Johnny looked deep down in his heart, which by the way was what his mother was really wanting. He crumpled up the letter and threw it in the trash can and went running outside. He aimlessly wandered about; depressed because of the way he treated his parents and really considering his actions. He finally found himself in front of a Catholic Church. Little Johnny went inside and knelt down, looking around not knowing what he should really do. Little Johnny finally got up and began to walk out the door and was looking at all the statues. All of a sudden he grabbed a small one and ran out the door. He went home hid it under his bed and wrote this letter. ******************
Jesus, I've broken most of the Ten Commandments; shot spit wads in school, tore up my sister's Barbie doll and lots more. I'm desperate. I've got your mama. If you ever want to see her again, give me a bike. Signed,
You know who
Sunday, August 8, 2010
you said that you can live for thousand years,
but now you're dying,
how does it feel?
do you need sunlight to warm you up?
it wont make any change,
you still dying,
wipe away your tears,
you should be proud of your past,
you're well known hero,
*tadak idea. haha
but now you're dying,
how does it feel?
do you need sunlight to warm you up?
it wont make any change,
you still dying,
wipe away your tears,
you should be proud of your past,
you're well known hero,
*tadak idea. haha
06:20pm Tue 2.Aug.2010
like i said, i'll make it "three" and my mission accomplished. so my mtfking fate is not a curse. haha :P
it's my new record. actually i made 2 new records on that day. 1st, i make it "three" and 2nd it's my 1st time i said what i feel inside face to face. sepet, i'm strong isn't it. no tears but agak trsekat2 jgk aa time aku ckp tu kn. hahaha :P
like i said, i'll wait. so whatever happened, i'll keep waiting. it's a promise. don't you ever forget about me ok? i'll wait for you until you're "ready". u understand what i mean right? :)
it's my new record. actually i made 2 new records on that day. 1st, i make it "three" and 2nd it's my 1st time i said what i feel inside face to face. sepet, i'm strong isn't it. no tears but agak trsekat2 jgk aa time aku ckp tu kn. hahaha :P
like i said, i'll wait. so whatever happened, i'll keep waiting. it's a promise. don't you ever forget about me ok? i'll wait for you until you're "ready". u understand what i mean right? :)
Saturday, August 7, 2010
i try to get close to you,
even we're just a friend,
you make me happy,
eventhough you cheated on me,
baby, get close to me,
so i can hear you,
baby, i can't lose you,
i'm fucking miss your smile,
is it possible if i say that i want you back?
i'll take anything(everything),
even my life are flying,
thats what my hearts told me,
take a deep breath,
count the minutes down,
waiting for you,
i'm waiting for you..
even we're just a friend,
you make me happy,
eventhough you cheated on me,
baby, get close to me,
so i can hear you,
baby, i can't lose you,
i'm fucking miss your smile,
is it possible if i say that i want you back?
i'll take anything(everything),
even my life are flying,
thats what my hearts told me,
take a deep breath,
count the minutes down,
waiting for you,
i'm waiting for you..
Thursday, July 29, 2010
hey! listen,
can you hear me?
do you feel me like i feel you?
when i pray,
do you feel the power of love that i send to you?
when i cry,
do you feel my pain?
every time you turn me away,
do you know how i hurt?
do you even care?
i am at war myself everyday,
you know nothing about this pain,
i try to make myself strong,
*tadak idea. mls nk smbung. hahaha
can you hear me?
do you feel me like i feel you?
when i pray,
do you feel the power of love that i send to you?
when i cry,
do you feel my pain?
every time you turn me away,
do you know how i hurt?
do you even care?
i am at war myself everyday,
you know nothing about this pain,
i try to make myself strong,
*tadak idea. mls nk smbung. hahaha
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
29 July 2010 1.55a.m
bru balik dari jamming, tgk pait(adik boss) jamming. pergh, dia main gitar hebat trok2 kot. main lagu jimi hendrix. haha. trus ilang smangat aku nk main gitar. :P
bru balik dari jamming, tgk pait(adik boss) jamming. pergh, dia main gitar hebat trok2 kot. main lagu jimi hendrix. haha. trus ilang smangat aku nk main gitar. :P
Marie Digby - Stupid for you (original version)
aku lg suka version ni. btw, marie digby pnah reply komen aku kot kt myspace dlu. tp time tu profile view dia bru 10k lebih. hahaha =P
Monday, July 26, 2010
im just a part of your game,
i tried my best to win,
but i failed,
i dont understand why,
mybe i failed from the start,
who know,
mybe i break the rules,
who know,
im so dumb,
i never think about cheating,
if i did, ill surely win,
but if i win that way,
will my heart be satisfied?
who know.
i tried my best to win,
but i failed,
i dont understand why,
mybe i failed from the start,
who know,
mybe i break the rules,
who know,
im so dumb,
i never think about cheating,
if i did, ill surely win,
but if i win that way,
will my heart be satisfied?
who know.
thanks alot, u make me smile, u make me laugh, i trust you and everyday i think about you. even today, i still cant forget you eventhough my heart is broken into pieces. *wah ayat! haha.
im trying to forget you(now) BUT i'll meet you in 2 weeks. its impossible to do it now(to forget you). i want to make it "three". i dont care whats in my way, i'll go through it *woah, sweetnya aku. haha.
MAYBE 1 day, we will be friends again. =P
im trying to forget you(now) BUT i'll meet you in 2 weeks. its impossible to do it now(to forget you). i want to make it "three". i dont care whats in my way, i'll go through it *woah, sweetnya aku. haha.
MAYBE 1 day, we will be friends again. =P
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Angra - Carry On lyrics
Simple minded brain,
for now you succumb
Nothing changes your way
This worlds insists to be the same
based on our mistakes
The flowers fade along the road
Don't blindfold your eyes,
so loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
Now we have to face another day
You won't be alone
This life is forcing us to stay
- For how long?
Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy night
But can't you see, I'm by your side
We are marching on!
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past...
for now you succumb
Nothing changes your way
This worlds insists to be the same
based on our mistakes
The flowers fade along the road
Don't blindfold your eyes,
so loneliness becomes the law of a senseless life
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
Now we have to face another day
You won't be alone
This life is forcing us to stay
- For how long?
Cold is the wind and thunder struck on a stormy night
But can't you see, I'm by your side
We are marching on!
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
Follow your steps and you will find
The unknown ways are on your mind
Need nothing else than just your pride to get there...
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past
So, carry on,
There's a meaning to life
Which someday we may find...
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past
Carry on, it's time to forget
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past, to carry on
The remains from the past...
Tuesday, July 6, 2010
From left ; azu(wong), me, man, din, botak.
this is the prove that we won 3rd place in DotA tournament at GG LEET INTERNET CAFE last June(2010). proud of my teamate.
i miss you
i like the way you smile,
i like the way you laugh,
we're seperates from different world,
but my love still "tough".
i miss you,
i really do,
but everytime i look at the past,
i realize that i really need you,
nobody cant replace you
i like the way you laugh,
we're seperates from different world,
but my love still "tough".
i miss you,
i really do,
but everytime i look at the past,
i realize that i really need you,
nobody cant replace you
Friday, May 21, 2010
DotA tournament rules.
1.Bug using may result in a Default loss.
2.Creep skipping/backdooring is
forbidden. This means you are not allowed to attack towers or other
buildings without creep support.
3."Creep support" means that the tower is
in range of attacking creeps - even if the creeps do not choose to
attack the tower or vice versa.
4.You are allowed to attack any building
in enemy base if there are friendly creeps in the base when you
entered. You do not have to leave/stop attacking if all creeps are
dead. E.g - creeps enter the top entrance of base and start attacking
the tower/barracks. You [color=green]can enter the base by any entrance
and attack any building as long as you entered while creeps were in the
base. You may stay as long as you want.
5.Only two Mekansms per team.
6.Only one Necronomicon per team.
7.Maximum of two euls/guinsoos per team.
8.A team is not allowed to buy items for
...other players, but sharing healing/clarity potions, tangos, ring of
health/regeneration, gem of truesight, wards, voidstone, sobimask,
Bottle, Perserverance and a courier is allowed. Be careful during
sharing because you can accidently build recipe items.
9.You can use other heros to buy your items as long as you use your money and they are not used by this hero.
10.Completely closing the entrance to either base using earthshakers fissure is forbidden.
2.Creep skipping/backdooring is
forbidden. This means you are not allowed to attack towers or other
buildings without creep support.
3."Creep support" means that the tower is
in range of attacking creeps - even if the creeps do not choose to
attack the tower or vice versa.
4.You are allowed to attack any building
in enemy base if there are friendly creeps in the base when you
entered. You do not have to leave/stop attacking if all creeps are
dead. E.g - creeps enter the top entrance of base and start attacking
the tower/barracks. You [color=green]can enter the base by any entrance
and attack any building as long as you entered while creeps were in the
base. You may stay as long as you want.
5.Only two Mekansms per team.
6.Only one Necronomicon per team.
7.Maximum of two euls/guinsoos per team.
8.A team is not allowed to buy items for
...other players, but sharing healing/clarity potions, tangos, ring of
health/regeneration, gem of truesight, wards, voidstone, sobimask,
Bottle, Perserverance and a courier is allowed. Be careful during
sharing because you can accidently build recipe items.
9.You can use other heros to buy your items as long as you use your money and they are not used by this hero.
10.Completely closing the entrance to either base using earthshakers fissure is forbidden.
Monday, May 3, 2010
kmarin aku tgk replays geng [R]Digi lwn geng mna tatau. mcm puki. game tk smpai 10minit dh mng. ahahaha. sblum ni plg laju aku tgk, 15min bru bleh mng(geng yg kalah tu geng2 yg baru main dota). tp ni agak trkejut ah. main -cm mode. slalunya klu yg main -cm mode ni msti yg dh agak brpgalaman main dota. hahaha. geng [R]Digi amek hero necrolyte, ezalor, pugna, furion, witch doctor. yg geng scourge punya la amek hero combo. ursa, enigma, potm, lion, n sekoq lg aku lupa. ahahah. seingat aku, geng [R]Digi tu beli ring of bassilus gan mnatang yg nk buat "mekan"(lupa mnatang tu nama apa). alah, yg kna guna kayu bodo 1, pstu ring of regeneration 1. otw push, witch doctor beli periuk nasik(urn). lpas tu sekoq lg beli arcane ring. ahaha, komfom tk balik regen dh aa, suma dh ada tgh jln =P
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
I copy this post from someone.
Losing a child is every parents nightmare.
Never across in my mind that one day my child will die before me.
And it happens to me, in split second, he left me forever. Without any warning, without saying goodbye and never in my mind, it would be this way.
I love him so much.
I miss him so much.
Only ALLAH knows how I feel now, but I must be redha. Ini ketentuan Allah. No one can stop it. NO ONE. Sudah tertulis, ajal Dzafri sudah tiba pada 20hb Mac 2010, pukul 8.50pm. Semuanya sudah tertulis.
My second son, DZAFRI HISYAM BIN KHAIRULANWAR, passed away peacefully on 20 March 2010 at 8.50pm, at ICU/NICU Ampang Puteri and he was 15 months old (born on 22 September 2008).
He was first diagnosed with dengue (the diagnosed and confirmation of the dengue was made by our regular pediatrician at Wangsa Maju) and later transferred to Ampang Puteri on 20 March 2010 (Saturday) because Dzafri had trouble breathing and the first hospital doesnt have the proper equipment.
The minute we arrived at Ampang Puteri by ambulance, the consultant pediatrician at the ICU/NICU ward have said this to me, “Your baby is too sick. What happened? I cannot promise you anything….”
What?????? Said that again????
But still in my head, I thought to myself that this doctor is wrong. Ya, me, without any medical background, wants to tell to this experience doctor that he is wrong. And he continue, “I think this is not dengue, this is something else. He is too pale. Do he have talasemia?” I quickly replied to him, “No. What do you mean by something else. The doctor (referring to the earlier pediatrician) told me it was dengue.” “Never mind. I will do the test first.” He replied.
I kept quiet to myself, not saying anything and just let the doctor and his nurses doing their job. I was with Dzafri in that ICU room, waiting for my husband and Dzarif as I arrived earlier with the ambulance. Still in shock of what the doctor told me, but I still remaining calm. Tapi dalam hati, Ya Allah, Tuhan saja tahu. I just want to scream, yell, cry … and all I want to do at that time is Dzafri to be ok and we can all go home.
Dzafri was put on oxygen, drip, wayar sana sini-at his chest, hand, his little feet …. He starts to merengek, maybe because tak selesa dgn wayar-wayar yang banyak tu. He didnt cried, but he wants me to hold him tight. Tapi macam mana nak dukung him with all the wayar, dari hidung, lengan, tgn, kaki semuanya ada. I tried to make him comfortable as I could, but I know, he’s scared. Me too.
After 1/2 hour in the ward, Dzafri tertidur and I quickly make my way to the registration counter as hubby is stuck in the traffic jammed. habis urusan di kaunter tu, I quickly ran back to the ward and there, the doctor is waiting for me to show Dzafri chest Xray.
“Its pneumonia. Its getting worst. What actually the doctor told you?”
I explained to him the whole thing, from the first day Dzafri had his demam which is on Monday night, we went to see his pediatrician on Wednesday and was admitted on Friday because the doctor suspected dengue or viral fever, and which the blood test done on Friday and Saturday with the platlet count drop to 28, the pediatrician confirmed it was dengue but, Dzafri had trouble breathing since Wednesday and the pediatrician told me its only phlegm and something to do with Croup bacteria/virus.
“No. This is nothing to do with dengue or viral fever. Its pneumonia and his chest Xray shows that his right lung is filled with pus ? (nanah) and he need to be operate immediately”.
I was nearly fainted.
My hubby was outside at the visitor lounge, waiting with Dzarif, because kid under 12 are not allowed to be in the ICU ward and we had nobody to look after him. I agreed with the operation thing and quickly ran to my husband, asked him to see the doctor and explained to him once more. Just before that, another doctor came into the room. The nurse introduced him as the Pakar Bedah Paru-paru. He was holding the chest xray and was saying something to the first doctor. Then, he explained to me. This time, his words really make me want to cry.
“Its pneumonia but I ternampak satu benda asing dalam paru-paru dia ni. I rasa ada ketumbuhan. Growth.”
At that time, I am really confused. Sad. The reason the whole transfer thing from the previous hospital to Ampang Puteri is because he has trouble breathing and the doctor there confirmed that it was dengue.
How can from dengue be a tumor?
He never sick before. Only demam, selsema like the rest of other kids. Bagi ubat, dia baik. Tidak pernah pun dia terbaring lama, kesakitan. Never. He never get sick before. I really dont understand.
“Your doctor tak pernah instruct for Xray?” Asked the surgeon again.
“No. And I pun tak pernah terfikir nak hantar dia for Xray coz dia tak pernah sakit”.
“Its not your fault. The doctor should advise you. We need to sent him for scan. Then baru I betul-betul boleh confirm whether its tumor or something else. But from my experience, its tumor and maybe dah lama kat sini, maybe since birth. Pneumonia is because of the tumor. I cuma boleh tahu the size, berapa lama and what kind of tumor after the scan. Then baru I boleh buat surgery.”
Again, I just kept quiet, trying very hard to understand all this. Dzafri starts merengek balik, and this time, I started to cry. I asked the doctor to discuss it with my husband. I went to get him, again, I have to wait with Dzarif at the visitor lounge. Only few minutes inside the ward, he came to get me, saying that Dzafri is crying and looking for me.
I quickly ran to get him, seeing that the nurses try to pujuk him but he’s still crying and mengamuk rimas because of the wayar. The nurses prepared him to sleep, as before can get into the scan, he must sleep.
With the help of the nurses, I tried to give him the ubat tidur. Its a sweet syrup, but my poor boy refused to take it. Its not like normal Dzafri who loved to eat, drink, even ubat. Since Wednesday, his selera makan kurang and starts on Friday, he refused to drink, eat and even takes his milk. Its so sad bila mengenangkan, yang dia memang suka makan, but dia akhir hayat dia, he cant eat…. maybe because sakit yang ditanggung …. I dont know. I really dont. Sampai sekarang, everytime I ate, I must remember him, because he is my partner when makan time. He will walk towards me or starts mumbling when he saw his plate or my plate or any foods in my hand…….
Even though the portion of the ubat given to him suitable for his age and weight, he still cant sleep. He start merengek again, pulling all the wayar, tried to sit on the bed and he looked at me with his sad eyes, asking me to hold him. The nurses help me with the wayar, and I hold him tight, tried to put him to sleep. Because if he cant sleep, they cant put him into the scan machine. Still, he cant sleep after holding him for almost 15 minutes. The nurse put him to IV, with hope that he will sleep, but no …. He merengek lagi kuat, pulling all the wayar, pusing sana sini, wants me to hold him ….. I tried to calm him down, pujuk dia, berzikir, and looks like he wants to sleep …. but I was wrong.
It was 8.35pm.
He starts to tersentak-sentak, like kena fit. I thought its fit because dia pernah kena fit on 4 November 2009 and 1 February 2010. I yelled to the nurse, saying that dia kena fit, but the nurse reply to me ….
“Ni bukan fit kak”
Before she could finish her sentence, she quickly called out all of the nurses in the ICU/NICU ward and the doctors. Just a split second, there is about 7, 8 nurses in the room and one of them had asked me to leave the room. That minute I know something terrible happened.
I was crying , more into menjerit, meraung, asking the nurses what’s going on. 2 of them tried to calm me down, asked me to sit on the chair as I nearly collapsed. I tak sedar, my husband were there with Dzarif. I couldnt say anthing, only sat there and cried. Dzarif come to me and hug me, saying to me not to cry. I even cry loud, saying that I am sad because adik sick.
My husband were asking me what had happened as he spent most of the time at the visitor lounge because he cant be with Dzafri in the ward because need to take care Dzarif. I told him what had happened. Dia terkejut, quickly berdoa for Dzafri and asked me to do the same.
Then, the doctor came and see my husband.
“I cannot promise you anything. I think there’s no hope, but I will try my best.”
My husband can only said, Ya Allah.
I cried.
And only after 2 minutes, the doctor came to us again.
I cant barely hear what he’s saying but my husband came to me.
Hug me and kiss me.
“Dzafri dah tak ada, yang. Ya Allah.”
And it was 8.50pm.
I still sit on the chair, crying like I never cried before.
My husband went into the room. I was still outside, this time I was sitting on the floor, making calls to my family and friends.
I cant walked to the room. I have no strength to do that. I just cant. I couldnt face this. My son is gone.
I am so sad. I could not explained more. No words can described it.
It felt like my chest just being stabbed.
Ya Allah. Beratnya dugaan yang Kau berikan kali ini.
After I have called my friends, Maria and Zul, called my aunties, my brother. Then I called my mom. The minute I told her that Dzafri had passed away, my dad pengsan. Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Berilah aku kekuatan. Then I called my mom again to make sure that she and my dad are ok. Luckily, my aunty just stayed near there and a cousin had offered to drive my parent from Kluang, Johor to KL that night.
Then, I slowly walked to Dzafri room.
There he was, lying on the bed.
I cant hear his voice again.
No ‘mama’ to greet me.
No chicky smile to welcome me.
No bye bye hand from him.
He just lying there.
He’s gone. Forever.
I held him tight. Crying, screaming his name. Saying No. I dont why, but I said “No, Dzafri. No.”
I dont know how long i cried, screaming his name.
Then, I sat. I was tired.
I asked the nurses, “Betul ke dik dia dah tak ada”.
The nurse looked at me, “Betul kak. Dia dah tak ada.”
I repeatedly asked her the same question. And she reply me with the same answer.
My Dzafri is no longer with me.
I miss him. Today (1 April 2010) is the 12th day since he passed away.
But I can still hear his voice.
I can still hear his cries.
I can still remember his laughter.
I can still smells him.
And I still remember his smile.
Ya Allah, aku redha dgn ketentuanMu. Berilah aku semangat dan kekuatan dalam menempuh dugaan Mu yang besar dan berat ini, Ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, Kau Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun. Segala-gala yang terjadi adalah kehendak mu Ya Allah dan aku sebagai hambaMu, redha dengan segalanya. Tempatkanlah Dzafri di sisi M,u di kalangan orang beriman, di syurga Mu. Kau temukanlah kami bersamanya di syurga Mu, Ya Allah. – Amin.
Mummy love you so much. I am going to miss you forever. Not only me, ayah, abang, totok, grandma, uncle adik, auntie mek, and all of us will missing you dearly. I love you dear. No words can described how much I miss you right now. I love you dear. I have to let you go. But I’m going to miss you forever and my love will never fade. You are my only DZAFRI.
Never across in my mind that one day my child will die before me.
And it happens to me, in split second, he left me forever. Without any warning, without saying goodbye and never in my mind, it would be this way.
I love him so much.
I miss him so much.
Only ALLAH knows how I feel now, but I must be redha. Ini ketentuan Allah. No one can stop it. NO ONE. Sudah tertulis, ajal Dzafri sudah tiba pada 20hb Mac 2010, pukul 8.50pm. Semuanya sudah tertulis.
My second son, DZAFRI HISYAM BIN KHAIRULANWAR, passed away peacefully on 20 March 2010 at 8.50pm, at ICU/NICU Ampang Puteri and he was 15 months old (born on 22 September 2008).
He was first diagnosed with dengue (the diagnosed and confirmation of the dengue was made by our regular pediatrician at Wangsa Maju) and later transferred to Ampang Puteri on 20 March 2010 (Saturday) because Dzafri had trouble breathing and the first hospital doesnt have the proper equipment.
The minute we arrived at Ampang Puteri by ambulance, the consultant pediatrician at the ICU/NICU ward have said this to me, “Your baby is too sick. What happened? I cannot promise you anything….”
What?????? Said that again????
But still in my head, I thought to myself that this doctor is wrong. Ya, me, without any medical background, wants to tell to this experience doctor that he is wrong. And he continue, “I think this is not dengue, this is something else. He is too pale. Do he have talasemia?” I quickly replied to him, “No. What do you mean by something else. The doctor (referring to the earlier pediatrician) told me it was dengue.” “Never mind. I will do the test first.” He replied.
I kept quiet to myself, not saying anything and just let the doctor and his nurses doing their job. I was with Dzafri in that ICU room, waiting for my husband and Dzarif as I arrived earlier with the ambulance. Still in shock of what the doctor told me, but I still remaining calm. Tapi dalam hati, Ya Allah, Tuhan saja tahu. I just want to scream, yell, cry … and all I want to do at that time is Dzafri to be ok and we can all go home.
Dzafri was put on oxygen, drip, wayar sana sini-at his chest, hand, his little feet …. He starts to merengek, maybe because tak selesa dgn wayar-wayar yang banyak tu. He didnt cried, but he wants me to hold him tight. Tapi macam mana nak dukung him with all the wayar, dari hidung, lengan, tgn, kaki semuanya ada. I tried to make him comfortable as I could, but I know, he’s scared. Me too.
After 1/2 hour in the ward, Dzafri tertidur and I quickly make my way to the registration counter as hubby is stuck in the traffic jammed. habis urusan di kaunter tu, I quickly ran back to the ward and there, the doctor is waiting for me to show Dzafri chest Xray.
“Its pneumonia. Its getting worst. What actually the doctor told you?”
I explained to him the whole thing, from the first day Dzafri had his demam which is on Monday night, we went to see his pediatrician on Wednesday and was admitted on Friday because the doctor suspected dengue or viral fever, and which the blood test done on Friday and Saturday with the platlet count drop to 28, the pediatrician confirmed it was dengue but, Dzafri had trouble breathing since Wednesday and the pediatrician told me its only phlegm and something to do with Croup bacteria/virus.
“No. This is nothing to do with dengue or viral fever. Its pneumonia and his chest Xray shows that his right lung is filled with pus ? (nanah) and he need to be operate immediately”.
I was nearly fainted.
My hubby was outside at the visitor lounge, waiting with Dzarif, because kid under 12 are not allowed to be in the ICU ward and we had nobody to look after him. I agreed with the operation thing and quickly ran to my husband, asked him to see the doctor and explained to him once more. Just before that, another doctor came into the room. The nurse introduced him as the Pakar Bedah Paru-paru. He was holding the chest xray and was saying something to the first doctor. Then, he explained to me. This time, his words really make me want to cry.
“Its pneumonia but I ternampak satu benda asing dalam paru-paru dia ni. I rasa ada ketumbuhan. Growth.”
At that time, I am really confused. Sad. The reason the whole transfer thing from the previous hospital to Ampang Puteri is because he has trouble breathing and the doctor there confirmed that it was dengue.
How can from dengue be a tumor?
He never sick before. Only demam, selsema like the rest of other kids. Bagi ubat, dia baik. Tidak pernah pun dia terbaring lama, kesakitan. Never. He never get sick before. I really dont understand.
“Your doctor tak pernah instruct for Xray?” Asked the surgeon again.
“No. And I pun tak pernah terfikir nak hantar dia for Xray coz dia tak pernah sakit”.
“Its not your fault. The doctor should advise you. We need to sent him for scan. Then baru I betul-betul boleh confirm whether its tumor or something else. But from my experience, its tumor and maybe dah lama kat sini, maybe since birth. Pneumonia is because of the tumor. I cuma boleh tahu the size, berapa lama and what kind of tumor after the scan. Then baru I boleh buat surgery.”
Again, I just kept quiet, trying very hard to understand all this. Dzafri starts merengek balik, and this time, I started to cry. I asked the doctor to discuss it with my husband. I went to get him, again, I have to wait with Dzarif at the visitor lounge. Only few minutes inside the ward, he came to get me, saying that Dzafri is crying and looking for me.
I quickly ran to get him, seeing that the nurses try to pujuk him but he’s still crying and mengamuk rimas because of the wayar. The nurses prepared him to sleep, as before can get into the scan, he must sleep.
With the help of the nurses, I tried to give him the ubat tidur. Its a sweet syrup, but my poor boy refused to take it. Its not like normal Dzafri who loved to eat, drink, even ubat. Since Wednesday, his selera makan kurang and starts on Friday, he refused to drink, eat and even takes his milk. Its so sad bila mengenangkan, yang dia memang suka makan, but dia akhir hayat dia, he cant eat…. maybe because sakit yang ditanggung …. I dont know. I really dont. Sampai sekarang, everytime I ate, I must remember him, because he is my partner when makan time. He will walk towards me or starts mumbling when he saw his plate or my plate or any foods in my hand…….
Even though the portion of the ubat given to him suitable for his age and weight, he still cant sleep. He start merengek again, pulling all the wayar, tried to sit on the bed and he looked at me with his sad eyes, asking me to hold him. The nurses help me with the wayar, and I hold him tight, tried to put him to sleep. Because if he cant sleep, they cant put him into the scan machine. Still, he cant sleep after holding him for almost 15 minutes. The nurse put him to IV, with hope that he will sleep, but no …. He merengek lagi kuat, pulling all the wayar, pusing sana sini, wants me to hold him ….. I tried to calm him down, pujuk dia, berzikir, and looks like he wants to sleep …. but I was wrong.
It was 8.35pm.
He starts to tersentak-sentak, like kena fit. I thought its fit because dia pernah kena fit on 4 November 2009 and 1 February 2010. I yelled to the nurse, saying that dia kena fit, but the nurse reply to me ….
“Ni bukan fit kak”
Before she could finish her sentence, she quickly called out all of the nurses in the ICU/NICU ward and the doctors. Just a split second, there is about 7, 8 nurses in the room and one of them had asked me to leave the room. That minute I know something terrible happened.
I was crying , more into menjerit, meraung, asking the nurses what’s going on. 2 of them tried to calm me down, asked me to sit on the chair as I nearly collapsed. I tak sedar, my husband were there with Dzarif. I couldnt say anthing, only sat there and cried. Dzarif come to me and hug me, saying to me not to cry. I even cry loud, saying that I am sad because adik sick.
My husband were asking me what had happened as he spent most of the time at the visitor lounge because he cant be with Dzafri in the ward because need to take care Dzarif. I told him what had happened. Dia terkejut, quickly berdoa for Dzafri and asked me to do the same.
Then, the doctor came and see my husband.
“I cannot promise you anything. I think there’s no hope, but I will try my best.”
My husband can only said, Ya Allah.
I cried.
And only after 2 minutes, the doctor came to us again.
I cant barely hear what he’s saying but my husband came to me.
Hug me and kiss me.
“Dzafri dah tak ada, yang. Ya Allah.”
And it was 8.50pm.
I still sit on the chair, crying like I never cried before.
My husband went into the room. I was still outside, this time I was sitting on the floor, making calls to my family and friends.
I cant walked to the room. I have no strength to do that. I just cant. I couldnt face this. My son is gone.
I am so sad. I could not explained more. No words can described it.
It felt like my chest just being stabbed.
Ya Allah. Beratnya dugaan yang Kau berikan kali ini.
After I have called my friends, Maria and Zul, called my aunties, my brother. Then I called my mom. The minute I told her that Dzafri had passed away, my dad pengsan. Ya Allah, Ya Tuhanku. Berilah aku kekuatan. Then I called my mom again to make sure that she and my dad are ok. Luckily, my aunty just stayed near there and a cousin had offered to drive my parent from Kluang, Johor to KL that night.
Then, I slowly walked to Dzafri room.
There he was, lying on the bed.
I cant hear his voice again.
No ‘mama’ to greet me.
No chicky smile to welcome me.
No bye bye hand from him.
He just lying there.
He’s gone. Forever.
I held him tight. Crying, screaming his name. Saying No. I dont why, but I said “No, Dzafri. No.”
I dont know how long i cried, screaming his name.
Then, I sat. I was tired.
I asked the nurses, “Betul ke dik dia dah tak ada”.
The nurse looked at me, “Betul kak. Dia dah tak ada.”
I repeatedly asked her the same question. And she reply me with the same answer.
My Dzafri is no longer with me.
I miss him. Today (1 April 2010) is the 12th day since he passed away.
But I can still hear his voice.
I can still hear his cries.
I can still remember his laughter.
I can still smells him.
And I still remember his smile.
Ya Allah, aku redha dgn ketentuanMu. Berilah aku semangat dan kekuatan dalam menempuh dugaan Mu yang besar dan berat ini, Ya Allah. Sesungguhnya, Kau Maha Pengasih, Maha Pengampun. Segala-gala yang terjadi adalah kehendak mu Ya Allah dan aku sebagai hambaMu, redha dengan segalanya. Tempatkanlah Dzafri di sisi M,u di kalangan orang beriman, di syurga Mu. Kau temukanlah kami bersamanya di syurga Mu, Ya Allah. – Amin.
Mummy love you so much. I am going to miss you forever. Not only me, ayah, abang, totok, grandma, uncle adik, auntie mek, and all of us will missing you dearly. I love you dear. No words can described how much I miss you right now. I love you dear. I have to let you go. But I’m going to miss you forever and my love will never fade. You are my only DZAFRI.
Monday, April 26, 2010
i've become a man,
for you,
i dare to step foward,
change from catterpillar into butterfly,
beautiful butterfly that fly free through the air,
its all because of you,
i dare,
sometimes i cry,
'cause we can't share our moment together,
but i know that you're watching me from above,
thats why i always keep my heart strong,
the melody i create never gone wrong,
'cause i know you will sing along,
trust me, you always on the top of my heart.
for you,
i dare to step foward,
change from catterpillar into butterfly,
beautiful butterfly that fly free through the air,
its all because of you,
i dare,
sometimes i cry,
'cause we can't share our moment together,
but i know that you're watching me from above,
thats why i always keep my heart strong,
the melody i create never gone wrong,
'cause i know you will sing along,
trust me, you always on the top of my heart.
Monday, April 19, 2010
19 april 2010
hari yg malang? duit tadak, demam, kalah dota, tayar moto pecah. GG. hahahahahhaha babi gilaaaaaaaaaaa. tension trok kot. haihhh
Friday, April 16, 2010
yay, lan dh balik. hahahaha. gila babi btoi. setelah beberapa taun brlalu, akhirnya aku brjaya lepak gan lan n long. sblum2 ni susah kot nk lepak gan depa dua tu serentak. slalunya klu aku p kl, lepak gan long ja n klu lan balik kdh, long tadak. hahahaha. trcapai jgk cita2 aku. wohhhhhhhhh :o
Saturday, April 10, 2010
em, kes hp wan tu aku mls nk amek port dh. tp aku rasa aku tau sapa amek. tkpa la, tuhan maha adil. nt pncuri tu akn dpt balasan. may god bless you, mtfking thief.
btw, dh 2 mlm aku lepak gg. main dota gan geng2 gg. pergh, terbaik kot. support pnya. hahahah. mlm smlm kalah 2 mng 2. mlm ni mng dua2 game. bahaha.
ada 1 berita mengejutkan. tp aku malaih nk abaq. wekk. =P
btw, dh 2 mlm aku lepak gg. main dota gan geng2 gg. pergh, terbaik kot. support pnya. hahahah. mlm smlm kalah 2 mng 2. mlm ni mng dua2 game. bahaha.
ada 1 berita mengejutkan. tp aku malaih nk abaq. wekk. =P
Sunday, April 4, 2010
birthday wish.
wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. saya dh dapat 1st besday wish. thanks alot gemma. i love you. wlupn besday aku lg 4 ari, aku tk kisah ah sb aku tau mmg tk rmai org nk wish besday aku nt. hahahaha.
yeahhhhhhhhhhhh both of them are the real hero now. hahaha. i love you guys. well, actually i miss V.Persie. can't wait to see him play for arsenal again. ramsey, i miss you too. get well soon.
Saturday, April 3, 2010
2nd day of April 2010
seperti biasa, lepak umah wan smpai cerah. pstu balik. time aku smpai umah tu, zam tepon aku. dia kata phone wan ilang. ok, mmg tadak sapa dh kami nk syak sb phone wan ilang dlm bilik dia. aku, zam, wan, men gan latip ja lepak dlm bilik tu smlm. nk tuduh? mmba2. kwn bnyk taun dh kot. haihhh.
mlm tu aku, zam gan wan p tgk wayang. cita how to train your dragon. perghhhh, best kot. mmg tk rugi duit ah klu p tgk cita tu. hahaha. dlm 10min sblum abeh crita tu, ada org tepon wan. org yg tepon wan tu suruh wan p balai polis. wth! dhla brmasalah gan phone yg ilang tu, tmbah lg 1 masalah. tp lpas tgk wayang tu, kami lepak pakcan sat. lpas tu org yg tepon wan tu antaq msg. dia kata "ok, kes dh selesai. terima kasih atas kerjasama anda". hahaha. bodo gila. kami rasa ayie yg dok kacau wan. hahahah. lpas lepak pakcan, dlm pkui 1 lebih, aku balik umah sb 1 ari tk tidoq kot. letih gila. heh.
mlm tu aku, zam gan wan p tgk wayang. cita how to train your dragon. perghhhh, best kot. mmg tk rugi duit ah klu p tgk cita tu. hahaha. dlm 10min sblum abeh crita tu, ada org tepon wan. org yg tepon wan tu suruh wan p balai polis. wth! dhla brmasalah gan phone yg ilang tu, tmbah lg 1 masalah. tp lpas tgk wayang tu, kami lepak pakcan sat. lpas tu org yg tepon wan tu antaq msg. dia kata "ok, kes dh selesai. terima kasih atas kerjasama anda". hahaha. bodo gila. kami rasa ayie yg dok kacau wan. hahahah. lpas lepak pakcan, dlm pkui 1 lebih, aku balik umah sb 1 ari tk tidoq kot. letih gila. heh.
Thursday, April 1, 2010
long live gunners! smlm arsenal seri gan barca(uefa quater final 1st leg). hahaha. wallcott mmg terbaik, capello tobat amek dia main england. hahaha baru masuk ja dh score. =P
sblum start lg aku dh ketaq. hahaha time 1st half, mmg bdn aku lembik gila babi. mmg aku dok igt GG dh game tu sb barca bnyk control bola. tp last2, fuhhh amin. hahaha. tp next game mcm puki sket aa sb fabregas tadak. haihhhhhhh. van persie pn lambat lg nk bleh main. tp apapn, arsenal terbaik. i love arsenal!
*kemarin aku dh lega demam, time tgh tgk game arsenal vs barca, aku demam balik. ahahhaha
sblum start lg aku dh ketaq. hahaha time 1st half, mmg bdn aku lembik gila babi. mmg aku dok igt GG dh game tu sb barca bnyk control bola. tp last2, fuhhh amin. hahaha. tp next game mcm puki sket aa sb fabregas tadak. haihhhhhhh. van persie pn lambat lg nk bleh main. tp apapn, arsenal terbaik. i love arsenal!
*kemarin aku dh lega demam, time tgh tgk game arsenal vs barca, aku demam balik. ahahhaha
Saturday, March 27, 2010
08:43am Fri 25.Mar.2010
1st time aku kena saman. hahahaha. MAU bayaq. aku prabih duit kt cc lg bgs cari bayaq saman. hahaha. suma ni salah latip, tk pkai helmet. aram btoi. malu kt org, kna benti tepi jln. haha
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
yeh, dh balik kedah. hahah suka btoi aku. rindu kt mak aku. haha. first2 aku smpai, merang amek aku. p cc. men dota dlu seround. pstu p breakfast. pstu baru balik umah. hahaha. pstu ptg tu wan mai umah aku, ajak aku p tasik. p la sat. pstu p aneka, beli mouse sb yala, nk men dota cmna tk guna mouse. haha. lpas tu p jamming gan padog. fuh, sangap kot. 2 bulan tk jamming. tp tu aa, 2 bulan tk main gitar, jd tk tight dh. babi sguh. lpas jamming trus lepak umah wan. heh
Sunday, March 21, 2010
arghhhhhhhh, tension gila. 1st time guna warkey. jd noob trus. nk kata tk hafal key kt keyboard, hafal smua dh, tk susah plak bila set warkey ni. puki btoi. skali blink(dagger), trus jd lost control. hahahaha. pala otak dok hafal huruf warkey tu, smpai skill pn lupa dh urup apa. tension aihhh. sapa2 tau huruf yg plg sesuai utk set warkey mai abaq kt aku wehhh. la ni aku set num1(m) num2(,) num4(k) num5(l) num7(o) num8(p). susah kot nk guna sb key M tu ada dh kegunaan. lpas tu key P pn ada kegunaan. slalunya aku set phaze boot(klu aku beli la) kt key P. time tekan key tu ja, ada naik bulat, mcm tekan key A. haihhh, semak semak.
Friday, March 19, 2010
08:18am Thu 18.Mar.2010
time ni aku kt putrajaya. ada event hot air balloon. agak letih jgk la pg tu. yala, lpas balik bniaga kt danau, trus p putrajaya. ddk sana smpai tgh mlm plak tu. haha. pagi dlm pkui 8 lebih tu, ada perasmian belon panas tu. belon yg terbaik aku tgk, belon bentuk kpala darth vader. lawa gila kot. tp ada 1 belon ni, mat saleh naik. lawak gila aku tgk, belon lain suma naik elok ja, belon depa ja tk naik2. hahahahha. pstu sesat lalu belah org dok bniaga, pstu nk cover malu, depa dok lambai2 tgn kt geng2 bniaga. hahahaha
dlm tgh ari cmtu, pokbe beli henfon muhong. rm150. hahaha kesian gila kt dia. tp nsib bek baju2 dia laku. haha
dlm tgh ari cmtu, pokbe beli henfon muhong. rm150. hahaha kesian gila kt dia. tp nsib bek baju2 dia laku. haha
Monday, March 15, 2010
arini tk bniaga, ujan. haihh. potong btoi. haha. tp tkpa, arini aku main dota, suma mng. aku antam random ja, nsib bek dpt hero yg aku reti main. hahaha. tp kbnykkan game yg aku main arini, aku dapat hero killer. haha.
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Go! warriors,
surrender yourself to the order,
the order from the emperor,
rise your swords, axes and spears,
show them whats the meaning of fear,
make sure the path is clear,
show them who are the monster,
stab their heart with spear,
let them die in tears,
this called no mercy war,
hail the mighty swords,
that cut their head and stab their throat,
leave them dying on the road,
hail the mighty god,
that give me strength to stand on this land of blood,
*nnt aku sambung, tu pn klu aku rajin. english saya teruk, jgn gelak.
surrender yourself to the order,
the order from the emperor,
rise your swords, axes and spears,
show them whats the meaning of fear,
make sure the path is clear,
show them who are the monster,
stab their heart with spear,
let them die in tears,
this called no mercy war,
hail the mighty swords,
that cut their head and stab their throat,
leave them dying on the road,
hail the mighty god,
that give me strength to stand on this land of blood,
*nnt aku sambung, tu pn klu aku rajin. english saya teruk, jgn gelak.
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
yeah, arsenal mng champion league smlm. porto kna blasah 5-0. hahaha suka btoi aku. pdn muka, dhla ritu time 1st leg, porto main tk gentle lgsung. bodo mkn kacang pnya porto. haha. congrats to Bendtner. 1st hattrick of his career. haha. tp congrats to Nasri with a fuckin' nice goal. u're my hero Nasri. i love you. muah. i love arsenal. gooooooo gunners! win UEFA Champion League for Ramsey. win EPL toooo!
Monday, March 8, 2010
suka btoi aku. abc pn aku pgg rekod no1 dlm fren kt fb. typing maniac pn sama. AHHAHAHAHAHAH hebat btoi aku. brsusah payah aku potong rekod din, haihhhhhhhhh akhirnya brjaya jgk. aku pgg rekod no1 dlm frenlist aku jala. tktau la dlm frenlist orglen ada yg lg hebat. haha. aku tk mmpu nk ligan geng2 top10 world record typing maniac la sb record depa tu gila babi tinggi. lvl1xx kot. aku lvl19 pn merangkak, nk smpai 1xx, 4 taun lg pn blum tentu bleh. hahahaha
Saturday, March 6, 2010
01:51pm Sat.6.Mar.2010
woah. tarikh keramat ni. setelah hampir 2 bulan aku tk main dota. arini aku main jgk dota. baru lpas donlod. hahaha. sonok btoi. tp tula, lama tk men, jd noob dh. kote sguh. 1st game aku main kalah. hahaha. dhla guna laptop, susah nk men. haihh. tp tkpala, sangap pnya pasai, main p la. heh
Friday, March 5, 2010
haha tadak idea dh
i knew that you'll never accept this,
but this is fate,
i'll blow you a kiss,
for you to stay calm,
dead is a part of living,
don't cry, say something,
this called goodbye,
this goodbye is for a good try,
make a new start,
live well with your new "heart",
try to live with art,
smile as always but....
but this is fate,
i'll blow you a kiss,
for you to stay calm,
dead is a part of living,
don't cry, say something,
this called goodbye,
this goodbye is for a good try,
make a new start,
live well with your new "heart",
try to live with art,
smile as always but....
this is?
As the world rushes by
We’ll be sitting here
Immune to change
We hide in our own world
Away from everything
The burning touch
Of reality won’t reach us here
It can’t hurt us
The screams of agony
Can’t be heard
Not here
Dirty hands
Trying to spoil you
I won’t let them reach you
Your sweet kisses
Only belong to me
No one will take you away
The joyous light
That surrounds us always
Will erase the pain
Never again
Will I let them steal you
And hurt you
You’ll be mine for all of time
My sweet lily
With white skin
P/S ; i don't write this. just copy from a poem site. every poem that i copy from others, i'll inform. i got my own brain to create a poem but not this good. okay?
We’ll be sitting here
Immune to change
We hide in our own world
Away from everything
The burning touch
Of reality won’t reach us here
It can’t hurt us
The screams of agony
Can’t be heard
Not here
Dirty hands
Trying to spoil you
I won’t let them reach you
Your sweet kisses
Only belong to me
No one will take you away
The joyous light
That surrounds us always
Will erase the pain
Never again
Will I let them steal you
And hurt you
You’ll be mine for all of time
My sweet lily
With white skin
P/S ; i don't write this. just copy from a poem site. every poem that i copy from others, i'll inform. i got my own brain to create a poem but not this good. okay?
that i could see you everyday,
that i could steal your heart,
of the times i could hold you tight,
that the time,
would come tonight,
i'd been hoping all along,
that things would turn out right,
if i could find the wishing star,
then i would spend the night,
that i could see you everyday,
that i could steal your heart,
that i could see you everyday,
that i could steal your heart,
of the times i could hold you tight,
that the time,
would come tonight,
i'd been hoping all along,
that things would turn out right,
if i could find the wishing star,
then i would spend the night,
that i could see you everyday,
that i could steal your heart,
every time i try to make it happen,
i just fake it,
and i blink,
its over,
every time i screw up,
i never let up,
and i keep forgetting it over,
cuz i blink, its over,
every time i closed my eyes,
i sit there, hoping,
you go holding my hand in yours,
so stay, yeah stay forever,
every day is getting colder,
and i find i'm getting older,
need warmer climes now,
need a land with warming sun,
and a heart whose every beat is one,
that keeps your time,
keep your time somehow.
i just fake it,
and i blink,
its over,
every time i screw up,
i never let up,
and i keep forgetting it over,
cuz i blink, its over,
every time i closed my eyes,
i sit there, hoping,
you go holding my hand in yours,
so stay, yeah stay forever,
every day is getting colder,
and i find i'm getting older,
need warmer climes now,
need a land with warming sun,
and a heart whose every beat is one,
that keeps your time,
keep your time somehow.
ahh, kpala otak aku kosong bagai rumah yg tidak berpenghuni. sapa2 tadak keja tu bleh la mai main bola kt dlm otak aku ni, lapang ja. HAHAHA. babi btoi. sb tu aku tkda nk update ayat2 jiwang la ni. HAHAHAH. aku kna dgq bnyk lagu ah. tp aku dh ada 1 poem jiwang versi omputih, tk siap lg. tu pn aku dpt idea dari lagu evenged sevenfold. heh. tengkiu la noo a7x. muah. heheh. psni nk kna dgq bnyk lagu lg. aku nk buat crita ttg perang plak. baru metal sikit. tak gitu? hahaha
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
agak tension
pukimak pnya betri phone. aku cas 1 ari suntuk tk cabut charger, 4 msg masuk dh abes betri. padam trus plak tu *mmg padam la dh betri abeh. hahaha. nsib bek ada spare part. henfon 1 lg*henfon nokia torch light yg agak pekak(tktau model) yg aku guna utk sim celcom. haha. henfon utk sim maxis aku tu gila2 buruk. housing lekang(blakang). klu aku tk pegang, mmg komfom jatuh. hahaha. pstu betri menggelembung(btoi dak aku eja? HAHA). ramai dh tegoq aku suruh tukaq betri gan housing. tp aku malas sb suma tu mkn modai. haha. lagi bleh guna, guna p la.
ehem ehem, utk makluman smua, aku ni kdekut orgnya. tp aku kdekut sb ada "sebab" la. hahaha. aku dh tk jd pemurah seperti dulu. lgpn la ni aku miskin, mmg aku kdekut la. hahaha. klu aku ada duit, breakfast pn p mcd(klu kt kl la). heh. klu kt kdh, tunggu meteor jatuh kt bumi pn belum tentu aku nk p mcd klu ada duit. baik p kfc, bleh mkn ayam, bleh jilat jari dengan bagus*slogan kfc dlm bahasa melayu. hahaha. isk, tatau nk tulis pa dh aih. babai fckrs <-- apa ni? haha
ehem ehem, utk makluman smua, aku ni kdekut orgnya. tp aku kdekut sb ada "sebab" la. hahaha. aku dh tk jd pemurah seperti dulu. lgpn la ni aku miskin, mmg aku kdekut la. hahaha. klu aku ada duit, breakfast pn p mcd(klu kt kl la). heh. klu kt kdh, tunggu meteor jatuh kt bumi pn belum tentu aku nk p mcd klu ada duit. baik p kfc, bleh mkn ayam, bleh jilat jari dengan bagus*slogan kfc dlm bahasa melayu. hahaha. isk, tatau nk tulis pa dh aih. babai fckrs <-- apa ni? haha
03 March 2010
seperti biasa, main poker, main game ikan kt facebook pstu tidoq. haha
dlm pkul 10mlm cmtu aku bgn sb bunyi henfon. ecah antaq msg. agak lawak jgk msg dia "CEWAH LEE, SKARANG DH MAJU, DH PAKAI MERCS" hahaha. actually dia dh lalu depan umah long. babi ja. dhla sblum mai tk msg. klu tdak, bleh gak jmpk kejap*selit kl sket ahaha. haihhhhh
dlm pkul 10mlm cmtu aku bgn sb bunyi henfon. ecah antaq msg. agak lawak jgk msg dia "CEWAH LEE, SKARANG DH MAJU, DH PAKAI MERCS" hahaha. actually dia dh lalu depan umah long. babi ja. dhla sblum mai tk msg. klu tdak, bleh gak jmpk kejap*selit kl sket ahaha. haihhhhh
rough tackle?
well, klu ampa tgk bola(epl) baru2 ni ada game arsenal vs stoke. actually aku ni fans arsenal. aku agak brpuas ati dgn game tu sb arsenal mng. agak mgejutkn, mng last menet plak tu. fabregas score 2nd gol minit ke-90 kot. pstu vermaelen plak score 3rd. minit ke-93 kot klu tk salah aku. heh.
tp game tu mmbuatkn aku sedih + tk puas ati sikit ah sb ramsey patah kaki. kesian kot kt dia. tktau taun bila dia bleh main bola balik. dhla tgh dok "up" la ni, patah kaki plak. nnt klu dia dh elok, tktau la bleh main ok ka dak. tp tkleh nk salahkn shawcross tu jgk sb dua2 tgh laju. tp bnyk org mcm bt tktau ja ttg ni sb ramsey tu tk la femes sgt. tp aku rasa klu rooney, gerard, lampart n etc kena, baru org nk hingaq 1 dunia la kot nooo?
apa2pn, gooooooooo gunners! i love you. muah
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
sblum2 ni aku ada dgq lagu ni, tp tktau tajuk. tp pg td aku trbgn tidoq dlm pkui 8 lebih, aku dgq lagu ni kt radio(hitz), aku tunggu smpai abeh lagu then jj or rudy(tk cam suara) ckp tajuk lagu ni. lpaih tu trus aku bukak youtube, search lagu ni. hahaha. btw, lagu ni mengingatkn aku kt someone. heh, i miss u badly. willing to meet you again. skali pn jd la
Monday, February 22, 2010
02.19am Thu 18.Feb.2010
ada sorang budak mai buat tgn cmni kt aku. time tu aku dok dpn laptop and sblum tu long bukak lagu band Iron Maiden, tk igt lagu apa. haha. comey gila kot bdk tu. aku bajet bdk tu umoq dlm 6 taun kot klu tk salah aku la. klu bdk laki tkpa, ni bdk pompuan. hahaha serious comey time dia buat cmtu. hahaha
Saturday, February 20, 2010
X Japan - Kurenai lyrics
I could not look back,
you'd gone away from me
I felt my heart ache
I was afraid of following you
When I had looked at
the shadows on the wall
I started running into the night
to find the truth in me
arashi fuku kono machi ga omae wo daku
fukinukeru kaze ni sae me wo tojiru
omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you
ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
hitonami ni kiete yuku kioku no toiki
ai no nai hitori butai mou taekirenai
All of you in my memory is
still shining in my heart
sure chigau kokoro wa afureru namida nure
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
mou nido to todokanai kono omoi
tozasareta ai ni mukai
sakebi tsuzukeru
omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you
ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
mou nido to todokanai kono omoi
tozasareta ai ni mukai
sakebi tsuzukeru
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
you'd gone away from me
I felt my heart ache
I was afraid of following you
When I had looked at
the shadows on the wall
I started running into the night
to find the truth in me
arashi fuku kono machi ga omae wo daku
fukinukeru kaze ni sae me wo tojiru
omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you
ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
hitonami ni kiete yuku kioku no toiki
ai no nai hitori butai mou taekirenai
All of you in my memory is
still shining in my heart
sure chigau kokoro wa afureru namida nure
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
mou nido to todokanai kono omoi
tozasareta ai ni mukai
sakebi tsuzukeru
omae wa hashiridasu nanika ni owareru you
ore ga mienai no ka sugu soba ni iru no ni
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
mou nido to todokanai kono omoi
tozasareta ai ni mukai
sakebi tsuzukeru
kurenai ni somatta kono ore wo
nagusameru yatsu wa mou inai
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
rindu kedah a. bkn rindu sb apa, sb duit tadak ja kt sini. wahahaha. aku rindu masakan mak aku. asyik mkn masakan mak orglen ja, cemuih dh. hahaha. aku dh tkda makanan kegemaran dh la ni. deje btoi. la ni aku nk try suma jenis makanan, actually aku tgh mencari makanan kegemaran aku. haha
Disarmonia Mundi
give a listen to this "2 man" band. especially thier "Mind tricks" album. sedap wei, serious sedap. klu ampa dgq lagu dlm album Mind tricks, ampa akn dgq suara Bjorn Strid. Bjorn ada nyanyi dlm album ni kot klu tk salah aku la, aku malas nk kaji sgt, aku dgq lagu ja. heh. tryla dgq, tk rugi weh
Monday, February 8, 2010
i'm suck?
"kau suck dohhhhh". lobo asyik ckp kt aku ayat ni. hahaha. dia ckp ayat tu sb aku tk reti nk beli brg2 dapur(rempah2). ada ka patut suruh aku beli kunyit? seumur idop aku, sekali ja aku pnah beli kunyit klu tk salah aku. tu pn time lobo suruh beli *record ni. haha. dia ckp klu aku adik dia, mmg aku dh kna tendang sb aku tktau apa2. haha. pstu dia ckp aku ni anak manja. asyik2 dok ulang ayat ni "kau anak manje sialll. haha, suck dohhh". meluat aku. dh tau aku jenis pekak cmni, dok suruh aku. haha. pstu kemarin, aku turun p beli telur. aku tnya odie, nk beli telur brapa bijik. aku dgr dia ckp 2 bijik. aku heran la, tkkan 2 bijik ja. pstu aku turun bwh, aku beli 3 bijik telur, extra sikit ah. haha. pstu dia gelak, dia ckp dia suruh aku beli 10 bijik. deje btoi. depa dh stone, ckp tah apa2, nk salahkn aku. hahaha.
i miss them.
sblum tidoq, aku pikir mcm2 bnda trmasuk bnda yg tk masuk akal. haha. tp kbnyakkan bnda yg aku pikir ialah kwn2. i miss them all. aku rindu zaman dlu, bleh lepak ramai2. haihhh, klu nk lepak ramai2 pn kna tgu cuti sem. tp aku rindu padog, sangap jamming maa. hahahaha. lan, besfren aku, dia mgaji, tkleh jmpk dia. paihtu dia tukaq number fon, guna digi. time dia pakai celcom pn payah nk reply msg(kt maxis/celcom), la ni pkai digi, lg la payah. haha. kwn2 myspace pn aku rindu jgk, especially gemma. aku dh tk berkesempatan nk komen2 gan dia. haihh. lg 1, ecah. nk dkt sebulan aku dok sini, tk berkesempatan pn jmpk dia. sibuk skolah. adoiii. lg 1, si keding. dia bz skng ni, jrg online. pstu acc myspace dia pn dia share gan bf dia, so aku susah nk cntct dia. aram btoi. rindu nk komen2 gan dia, nk kutuk2 dia. nk msg malas, awek org. hahaha.
Friday, February 5, 2010
dh 4 ari aku tgk movie kt dlm bilik long. bkn tgk kt pc/tv, tp tgk guna projector. haha. mcm tgk wayang kot. tp yg special, bleh isap rokok. hahaha tp yg tk best, tadak dvd menarik. deret crita yg tk brjenih. kote btoi
Friday, January 29, 2010
bodo haram jadah babi anak haram puki anjin
awatlaaaaaaaaaaa aku tk mampu mainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. smpai bila aku nk dok tara niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. penatttttttttttttttttttt oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. orglen dh hebatttttttttttttttttttt, akuuuuuuuuu ja dokkk mcm niiiiiii. koteeeee btoiiiiiiiiii. aku usahaaaaaaa dhhhh kotttttttttttttttt. haihhhhhhhhhhh
awatlaaaaaaaaaaa aku tk mampu mainnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn. smpai bila aku nk dok tara niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. penatttttttttttttttttttt oiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. orglen dh hebatttttttttttttttttttt, akuuuuuuuuu ja dokkk mcm niiiiiii. koteeeee btoiiiiiiiiii. aku usahaaaaaaa dhhhh kotttttttttttttttt. haihhhhhhhhhhh
29 January 2010,
Happy birthday Happy Birthday Happy Birthday
Happy birthday to my bestfriend "paklong" and my lost friend "jana". may god bless you.
actually i post this blog bcos i couldn't send sms to "jana" bcos she already changed her phone number. haha. i hope she'll read this. heh
btw, arini aku demam kot. deje btoi long, pembawa penyakit. kmarin dia demam, paihtu arini aku plak kena. nsib bek hg besday boy ja, HAHA
Happy birthday to my bestfriend "paklong" and my lost friend "jana". may god bless you.
actually i post this blog bcos i couldn't send sms to "jana" bcos she already changed her phone number. haha. i hope she'll read this. heh
btw, arini aku demam kot. deje btoi long, pembawa penyakit. kmarin dia demam, paihtu arini aku plak kena. nsib bek hg besday boy ja, HAHA
aku tanam rumput, bkn pokok rambutan,
bila aku susah, ADA bantuan,
keluar mcm2 alasan,
bila aku kt atas, suma bersorak sakan, tumpang aku punya kejayaan,
bila aku kt bwh, suma lepas tangan,
rumput2 ni patut di campak kt dlm utan,
aku kasi makan, blagak mcm tuhan,
dorang tk sedar yg perangai dorang mcm setan,
mcm mana aku tk bosan?
jgn layan aku mcm haiwan,
aku ada perasaan,
aku rasa dorang tk paham apa erti kawan,
mungkin aku hanya permainan,
ni bukan luahan perasaan tp sebagai bahan bacaan,
bila aku susah, ADA bantuan,
keluar mcm2 alasan,
bila aku kt atas, suma bersorak sakan, tumpang aku punya kejayaan,
bila aku kt bwh, suma lepas tangan,
rumput2 ni patut di campak kt dlm utan,
aku kasi makan, blagak mcm tuhan,
dorang tk sedar yg perangai dorang mcm setan,
mcm mana aku tk bosan?
jgn layan aku mcm haiwan,
aku ada perasaan,
aku rasa dorang tk paham apa erti kawan,
mungkin aku hanya permainan,
ni bukan luahan perasaan tp sebagai bahan bacaan,
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
smlm aku buang tebiat apa pn tatau, aku search band metal cina. tgk2 aku jmpk 1 lagu ni, gila terbaik. klu ada masa tu dgq2 la noo, bkn duit ilang pn. haha
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
this is the season?
la ni aku dh benti main dota. *tktau la nk benti smpai bila* la ni aku gila main gitar. semangat berkobar2 ni. hahaha. tiap2 ari jamming kot. lagu thirty and seven tu dh bleh main 90% tight. meddler? errr, part breakdown aku tkleh lgsung. hahaha. tumpang aku dok tgh bersemangat waja utk main gitar, aku plan nk blajaq main btoi2. tkmau blajaq skill dh, mgarut. blajaq main lagu cover pn jadi la. bleh gak bwk p jamming. haha. lgpn tiap2 lagu ada jgk part yg susah, bleh gak improve permainan aku. *ayat tkleh blah*
la ni aku dh benti main dota. *tktau la nk benti smpai bila* la ni aku gila main gitar. semangat berkobar2 ni. hahaha. tiap2 ari jamming kot. lagu thirty and seven tu dh bleh main 90% tight. meddler? errr, part breakdown aku tkleh lgsung. hahaha. tumpang aku dok tgh bersemangat waja utk main gitar, aku plan nk blajaq main btoi2. tkmau blajaq skill dh, mgarut. blajaq main lagu cover pn jadi la. bleh gak bwk p jamming. haha. lgpn tiap2 lagu ada jgk part yg susah, bleh gak improve permainan aku. *ayat tkleh blah*
Monday, January 18, 2010
Saturday, January 16, 2010
new mission.
heh, ritu aku bajet nk cari lagu Ocean of apathy tp susah sgt. la ni aku dh set dlm pala otak aku nk cari lagu Marianas trench. lagu tu best. heh. meddler gan thirty and seven bleh dh. aku nk try main 1 album tgk. kot2 bleh. haha. tp lagu marianas trench tu aku cari 2nd gitar dh a sb anuad bleh main 1st gitar.
lagu indonesia best, tp aku tk mampu main lg. aku rasa dlm album constellations ni lagu indonesia la yg paling last aku cari. susah. haha
lagu indonesia best, tp aku tk mampu main lg. aku rasa dlm album constellations ni lagu indonesia la yg paling last aku cari. susah. haha
aku baru lpas kna ceramah gan Cira(awek k.a) hahahah. deje btoi, aku dok tgh syok melayan lagu, dia ceramah aku. TAK potong pnnnn. ADA mood nk buat apa2 mlm ni. haha
Wednesday, January 13, 2010
12 and 13 January 2010.
dlm 2 ari ni, aku dh buat benda paling bodoh dlm idop aku. hahahaha. seumur idop aku, aku tk pnah buat benda sebodoh ni. tp tkpa, aku dpt untung. tp knnnnnnnnnn, rambut aku dh pendekkkkkkkkk. babi btoi. i cut my hair for nooooooooothing. fuck
Sunday, January 3, 2010
our love is like a song,
you won't sing along,
thats why we can't keep it long,
and everything i do is wrong,
i don't know what i've done,
but you told me that i'm failed to be a son,
that's because i always having fun?
don't judge me, don't be a "sun",
my shoes won't fit your feet,
don't force me to sit,
you just make my heart bleed,
just go away, that's all i need.
*ada agak bnyk kesalahan, aku mls nk pebetoi. haha
you won't sing along,
thats why we can't keep it long,
and everything i do is wrong,
i don't know what i've done,
but you told me that i'm failed to be a son,
that's because i always having fun?
don't judge me, don't be a "sun",
my shoes won't fit your feet,
don't force me to sit,
you just make my heart bleed,
just go away, that's all i need.
*ada agak bnyk kesalahan, aku mls nk pebetoi. haha
Goodbye strawberry baby,
i'll leave you hanging on the tree,
i'll leave the honey and the bee,
to stay with you when i'm gone to the sea,
don't cry pretty baby,
that's not what you promised me,
i'll be back on the other day,
just wait for me at the bay,
i can't see you cry,
my heart will be dry,
but i promised you,
tears will never touch your face,
*tktau nk merapu apa dh ni. haha
i'll leave you hanging on the tree,
i'll leave the honey and the bee,
to stay with you when i'm gone to the sea,
don't cry pretty baby,
that's not what you promised me,
i'll be back on the other day,
just wait for me at the bay,
i can't see you cry,
my heart will be dry,
but i promised you,
tears will never touch your face,
*tktau nk merapu apa dh ni. haha
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